at the Ulster American Folk Park
A3R WRIGHT, Angela & Ireland: Tourism and Marketing.
LINEHAN, Margaret Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Blackhall Publishing: 2004
A4P1 ALLAN, Rosemary E. Beamish: The North of England Open Air Museum. The Experience of a Lifetime. Jarrold Publishing and Beamish: 2003
B3 Landscape, Memory and History: Anthropological Perspectives. Edited by Pamela J. Stewart and Andrew Strathern. London: Pluto Press: 2003
D1 BALL, Rick & Study Guide 4: The Shape of the World.
MEEGAN, Jenny Explorations in Human Geography. The Open University: 1995
D1 MEEGAN, Jenny Study Guide 3: The Shape of the World. Explorations in Human Geography. The Open University: 1995
D1P1 DRAKE, Michael (Ed) Population Studies From Parish Registers: A Selection of Readings from Local Population Studies. Matlock, Derbyshire: Local Population Studies: 1982
D4M/6 SHERMAN, Augustus F. Augustus F. Sherman: Ellis Island Portraits 1905-1920. Historical Essay by Peter Mesenhőller. New York, NY: aperturefoundation: c2005
D4M/6 STAVE, Bruce M. & From the Old Country: An Oral History of
SUTHERLAND, John F. European Migration to America. Hanover,
with SALERNO, Aldo NH & London: University Press of New England: 1994
D5/5 TENNANT, Lorraine Milne Ulster Emigration 1851-1914. Thesis Submitted for the Degree of M. Phil: 1988
D6M WITTKE, Carl The Irish in America: A Students’ Guide to Localized History. New York, NY: Teachers College Press (Columbia University): 1968
D6M1 CONNOLLY, Michael C. (Ed) They Change Their Sky: The Irish in Maine. Orno, Maine: University of Maine Press: 2004
D7 RAINE, Carolyn A Woodland Feast: Native American Foodways of the 17th & 18th Centuries. Penobscot Press: 1997
D8 Norwegian-American Essays 2004. Edited by Orm Øverland. NAHA-Norway & The Norwegian Emigrant Museum: 2005
D8P1 WILLIAMS, Peter N. From Wales to Pennsylvania: The David Thomas Story. Bro Morgannwg, Wales: Wales Books (Glyndŵr Publishing): 2002
D8P2 REID, W. Stanford (Ed) The Scottish Tradition in Canada. Toronto, Ontario: McClelland and Stewart: 1976
E6 Catalogue of Clocks. Selected by M. L. Prickett. Acocks Green, Birmingham: Maxwell’s: 1982
E7 MURRAY, Helen What Lies Beneath: Women and their underwear. Douglas Village, Cork: Mercier Press: 2005
E7M WILSON, Kathryn J. & Feminine Fur Trade Fashions. Crawford,
HANSON, James Austin NB: The Fur Press: 1976
E11R RYAN, Nicholas Stone Upon Stone: The Use of Stone in Irish Building. Wilton, Cork: The Collins Press: 2005
F1R14 Ní MHIONACHÁIN, Mháiréad Beara Woman Talking: The Lore of Peig Minihane. Douglas Village, Cork: Mercier Press: 2003
F2R O’FARRELL, Padraic Superstitions of the Irish Country People. Douglas Village, Cork: Mercier Press: 2004
F9M/5 QUAY, Sara E. Westward Expansion. American Popular Culture Through History. Westport, CT & London: Greenwood Press: 2002
F9M/6 RODGERS, Daniel T. Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age. Cambridge, MA & London: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press: 1998
G2M14 BROWN, Katharine L. & Virginia’s Cattle Story: The First Four
SORRELLS, Nancy T. Centuries. Staunton, VA: Lot’s Wife Publishing: 2004
HM The Fascinating World of Early Tools and Trades: Selections From the Chronicle. Edited by Emil Pollak and Martyl Pollak. Mendham, NJ: The Astragal Press: 1991
I1M4 Cotton Was King: A History of Lowell, Massachusetts. Edited by Arthur L. Eno, Jr. New Hampshire Publishing Company in collaboration with the Lowell Historical Society: 1976
J4P1 HERDMAN, William Gawin Herdman’s Liverpool. South Wirral: The Gallery Press: 1968
J4P1 Port Panorama: An Exhibition of Marine Paintings Merseyside Maritime Museum, 1986. National Museums and Galleries on Merseyside: 1986
K6R SWEENEY, Frank (Ed) Hanging Crimes: When Ireland Used the Gallows. Cork: Mercier Press: 2005
K7P1/5 BRETT, Edward M. The British Auxiliary Legion in the First Carlist War in Spain, 1835-1838: A forgotten army. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2005
K7R/3 McKENNY, Kevin The Laggan Army in Ireland, 1640-1685: The landed interests, political ideologies and military campaigns of the north-west Ulster settlers. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2005
K7R/6 DUNGAN, Myles Irish Voices from the Great War. Blackrock, Co. Dublin: Irish Academic Press: 1995
K10P6/5 O’MALLEY, Thomas Tales Without Reason: Forgotten Heroes of the Apostolate In 1840s Australia. Blackrock, Co. Dublin: The Columba Press: 2001
K10R FITZPATRICK, Elizabeth & The Parish in Medieval and Early Modern
GILLESPIE, Raymond (Eds) Ireland: Community, Territory and Building. Dublin: Four Courts Press for the Group for the Study of Irish Historic Settlement: 2006
K10R10 CHAPMAN, George R. (Compiler) An Historical Sketch of Grange Meeting. First issued in Tercentenary Year 1960. Grange Preparative Meeting: 1960. (This edition: second edition, 1984)
K10R10 McCANDLESS, John & The People of Trinity Presbyterian Church
McELHINNEY, Claire Omagh 1754-2004. Omagh: Trinity Presbyterian Church: 2004
K11R McGOFF-McCANN, Michelle Melancholy Madness: A Coroner’s Casebook. Cork: Mercier Press: 2003
K12M/5 WEISZ, Howard Ralph Irish-American and Italian-American Educational Views and Activities, 1870-1900: A Comparison. New York: Arno Press: 1976
K14P1 ENGELS, F. The Condition of The Working Class in England. Translated and Edited by W. O. Henderson and W. H. Chaloner. Oxford: Basil Blackwell: 1971
K16M8/4 RAPPAPORT, George David Stability and Change in Revolutionary Pennsylvania: Banking, Politics, and Social Structure. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press: 1996
K16R COLGAN, Edward For want of good money: The story of Ireland’s coinage. Bray, Co. Wicklow: Wordwell: 2003
K19 L’Un Sans L’Autre: Racisme et eugénisme dans l’aire anglophone. Sous la direction de Michel Prum. L’Harmattan: 2005
K19 Tuer l’Autre: Violence raciste, ethnique, religieuse et homophobe dans l’aire anglophone. Sous la direction de Marie-Claude Barbier, Bénédicte Deschamps et Michel Prum. Paris: L’Harmattan: 2005
L2M25 MONTGOMERY, Michael B. Dictionary of Smoky Mountain English.
& HALL, Joseph S. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press: 2004
L5R CLIFFORD, Sigerson The Red-Haired Woman. With an Introduction by Brendan Kennelly. Cork: Mercier Press: 1989
L5R McCAFFERTY, Kate Testimony of an Irish Slave Girl. London & Dingle, Co. Kerry: Brandon: 2005
L5R MONAGHAN, Patrick Erin because they never do: the story of Michael and Mary: A novel. Chicago, IL: Blackthorn Scribe: 2000
L7R ALEXANDER, Monty The Rainbow of Life: A millennium celebration of verse. Bangor, Co. Down: Saint Comgall’s Parish Church: 2000?
L10P Farewell, You Poor People of Ylistaro! Finnish Emigrant Humor 1. Turku, Finland: Siirtolaisuusinstituutti – Institute of Migration: 2005
MP1/3 PHILLIPS, Kevin P. The Cousins’ Wars: Religion, Politics, and the Triumph of Anglo-America. New York: Basic Books: c1999
M/5 CATTON, Bruce The Penguin Book of the American Civil War. Penguin Books: 1967
M/5 COMMAGER, Henry Steele (Ed) Illustrated History of the American Civil War. London: Orbis Publishing: 1976
M10 STRAW, Richard A. & High Mountains Rising: Appalachia in
BLETHEN, H. Tyler (Eds) Time and Place. Urbana & Chicago, IL: University of Illinois Press: 2004
R CULLEN, L. M. Refiguring Ireland: Essays in honour of
L. M. Cullen. Edited by David Dickson & Cormac Ó Gráda. Dublin: Lilliput Press: 2003
R GOODBY, John (Ed) Irish Studies: The Essential Glossary. London: Arnold: 2003
R/3 CATHCART, Rex William III and Ireland. Dublin: Eason & Son Ltd in association with Ulster Television: 1990
R/4 O’BRIEN, George The Economic History of Ireland in the Eighteenth Century. Philadelphia, PA: Porcupine Press: 1977
R/4 STACEY, Sarah Alyn & Culture and Conflict in Seventeenth-
DESNAIN, Véronique (Eds) Century France and Ireland. Dublin: Four Courts Press: 2004
R/5 CROSBIE, Duncan Life On A Famine Ship: A Journal of the Irish Famine 1845. Dublin: Gill & Macmillan: 2005
R/5 McDONOUGH, Terrence (Ed) Was Ireland A Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth-Century Ireland. Dublin: Irish Academic Press: 2005
R/5 MOKYR, Joel Why Ireland Starved: A Quantitative and Analytical History of the Irish Economy, 1800-1850. London: George Allen & Unwin: 1983
R/6 Portraits From A 50’s Archive. Belfast: Belfast Exposed Photography: 2005
R1/6 JENKINS, Richard (Ed) Northern Ireland: Studies in Social and Economic Life. Aldershot, Hampshire: Avebury in association with The Economic and Social Research Council: 1989
R1/6 The Legacy of the Troubles: Experience of the Troubles, Mental Health and Social Attitudes. School of Psychology, Queen’s University Belfast: 2005
R8/3 LACY, Brian The Siege of Derry. Dublin: Eason & Son, under the auspices of Derry City Council: 1989
R10 MITCHELL, Dr Haldane Images of Omagh. Volume 12. Golden
(Compiler) Jubilee Edition. Omagh, Co. Tyrone: Rotary Club of Omagh: 2004
R12 Journal of The Wexford Historical Society. No. 20 2004-05. Edited by Hilary Murphy. Wexford Historical Society: 2005
S4 DRAKE, Michael & Sources and Methods for Family and
FINNEGAN, Ruth (Eds) Community Historians: A Handbook. Studying Family and Community History 19th and 20th Centuries Volume 4. Cambridge University Press in association with The Open University: 1997 (first published 1994)
S4 GOLBY, John (Editor) Communities and Families. Studying Family and Community History 19th and 20th Centuries Volume 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with The Open University: 1997 (first published 1994)
S.COOKE CLARKE, Nick Alistair Cooke: The Biography. London: Orion Books: 2000
S.JACKSON REMINI, Robert V. The Life of Andrew Jackson. Penguin: 1990
S.MULLAN MULLAN, W. A. No Standing Stone. Bay of Islands, New Zealand: ColCom Press: 2001
S.POWELL WORSTER, Donald A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press: 2001
S. ROSEBERY ROSEBERY, Lord Lord Rosebery’s North American Journal 1873. Edited by A.R.C. Grant with Caroline Combe. London: Sidgwick & Jackson: 1967
S.ROULSTON MULLAN, Dave & John Roulston Grazier of Calkill and
MULLAN, Val Runnymede. Aotearoa, New Zealand: ColCom Press: 2005
S.SWEENEY SWENEY, J. P. (Ed) The Sweeneys: Fanad Doe Banagh International. Letterkenny, Co. Donegal: J. P. Sweeney: 1997