Milana Borisev

March 14,2007.

Benefits of Globalization

Specific purpose: To persuade my audience that globalization of the world has positive impact on every country and its people.

Thesis statement: Globalization of the people, cultures, economies and markets is one of the most significant events that could ever happen to any country.


  1. I will begin by giving a brief definition of globalization.
  2. Globalization is worldwide interdependence of resource flows, product markets and business competition.
  3. It is a historical process, the result of human innovation and technological progress. It refers to the increasing integration of economies around the world, particularly through trade and financial flows.
  4. The term sometimes also refers to the movement of knowledge and people across international borders.


  1. There are a large number of the benefits for the economy of globalization that must be addressed.

A. Globalization increased free trade among nations

  1. Most of the countries, that were importing from other countries or exporting to other countries, were faced with very strict barriers such as tariffs, quotas or maybe volunteer trade restrictions that enabled them to trade as much as they wanted to.
  2. For less developed countries, globalization offers access to foreign capital, global export markets, and advanced technology while breaking the monopoly of inefficient and protected domestic producers. Faster growth, in turn, promotes poverty reduction, democratization, and higher labor and environmental standards.
  3. Globalization is also very important when we are talking about improvement and innovations in domestic production of goods and services. There is more competition in the marketplace because of wide variety of products coming from different countries.

B. Next, I will discuss that globalization also helped spread of technology and

and communication channels.

  1. In today’s world most of the technology is coming from India and some of the Asians countries. Globalization helped users all around the world to have access to new peaces of technology.
  2. Also, globalization increased communication among different groups of people using cell phones, computers and different tools.
  3. Increased flow of communication allows vital information to be shared between individuals and corporations around the world
  1. Globalization has rapidly improved the social and economic status of different social groups.
  2. Status of women in developing world had improved. . In the competitive, globalize world, the role of women becomes even more valuable
  3. People in poor nations have more access to experience different cultures better positions and access to new technology.


  1. I have discussed the benefits of globalization to the economy, and I have also discussed how different interest groups can also benefit from globalization

2. Hopefully you ca clearly see thatGlobalization of the people, cultures, economies and markets is one of the most significant events that could ever happen to any country.


  1. Thomas L. Friedman (2005).The World is flat: A Brief History of the twenty-first century. New York
  2. Robert J.Carbaugh (2006). International Economics: The International Economy and Globalization.Thomson-Southwestern
  3. Pete Geddes (January 7,2004) .Foundation for research on free economics and environment: The Benefits of globalization.