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AAIDD – AUCD – The Arc of the US - ANCOR – AAIDD Gerontology Division - RRTC on Aging & DD at the University of Illinois at Chicago

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Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Time: 1:00-2:00 pm Eastern Time

Moderator: Renee Pietrangelo, Executive Director, ANCOR

Topic: Principles of Medical Ethics in Health Care Provision for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Emphasis on Older Adults

Speaker: C. Michael Henderson MD, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Departments of Internal Medicine and Dentistry

In 1996,Michael completed a dual fellowship in geriatrics and developmental disabilities at the University of Rochester. He has continued as a faculty member at University of Rochester with a dual appointment in the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics. In addition,he has affiliations with three non-profit agencies that provide services for adults with I/DD.Dr. Hendersonparticipates in clinical research, medical education, and clinical service activities for adults and elders with I/DD, andhas a special interest in comprehensive geriatric assessment in persons with I/DD.

Webinar Description: The population with I/DD is "aging"; increased longevity confers greater risk of age-related co-morbidity. At the same time, many people with intellectual disability lack the capacity to make informed health care decisions. It is important to use formal assessment to determine if individuals I/DD can make their own health care decisions. In those individuals who lack the capacity to make these decisions, surrogates can be faced with tough questions regarding the best interests of the individuals with I/DD who have major illnesses. This talk will present work on capacity determination for people with I/DD. Basic principles of medical ethics will be introduced. The session will end with several case studies involving medical decision making in hemodialysis, dementia, and psychotropic drug use in adult patients with I/DD.

Target Audiences: This presentation will be helpful fora broad audience including clinicians, administrators, caregivers and family members.



3rd Wednesday of the Month

1:00 – 2:00 p.m. Eastern Time

March 17th, 2010: Self Advocacy Topic Pending

Speaker: Pending

Moderator: Pending

April 21, 2010: End of Life Through a Cultural Lens

Speaker: Tawara Goode, MA, Associate Director Georgetown UCEDD, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development

What’s a webinar?A webinar is a live meeting that takes place over the web. Webinars consist of a PowerPoint presentation, with the speaker discussing the presentation just as he or she would at a conference presentation. During a webinar, however, the presentation is remote and the participants cannot see the speaker. Participants in different locations “login” to the meeting host (in this case, GoToWebinar) via their computers and watch thepresentation on their screens. The audio portion of the meeting is via telephone on the conference call number provided in the registration confirmation. Some webinars are one-directional (meaning the attendees watch passively); others are more interactive, where attendees interact with the moderator, each other, and/or the documents being viewed. AAIDD webinars are all minimally interactive, giving participants a chance to ask questions of renowned presenters they may not have a chance to meet otherwise. Participants can use the webinar toolbox on their screen to type questions to the presenter. It is most helpful to participants to log in to the webinar and call into the conference line several minutes in advance of the start time, to ensure everything is working properly before the webinar begins.