Saturday, May 14, 2016 8:00 a.m.

Site Visit

24 Jeremiah Lane, Rochester, NH

(These minutes were approved on June 6, 2016)

Members Present

Nel Sylvain, Chair

Rick Healy

Dave Walker

Matthew Kozinski

Charles Grassie, Jr.

Robert May

James Gray

Staff: James Campbell, Director of Planning & Development

Others: Mark Jennings, Conservation Commission; Roger Burkhart, Conservation Commission; Chris Berry, Applicant’s Engineer; Walter Cheney, applicant; and several abutters.

(These are the legal minutes of the meeting and are in the format of an overview of the meeting)

Mr. Sylvain called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m.

Chris Berry gave an overview of the project including discussing the secondary access with hammerhead, the Right-of-Way (ROW) owned by an abutter, and the main access to the development off Franklin Street.

Robert May asked how the applicant planned on limiting traffic on Jeremiah Lane?

Mr. Berry explained that the applicant planned on having only a few houses off Jeremiah Lane and having a limited road width/geometric design. This would still allow for emergency vehicles.

Troy Dillow, an abutter, asked about Mr. Huppe’s existing ROW.

Mr. Berry explained that they designed the new road to keep Mr. Huppe’s ROW.

Mr. Huppe asked whether he would be required to register all the vehicles he uses to travel the ROW. This will need to be explored further.

An abutter asked about the water and sewer for the development. Mr. Berry explained that the water will come from Jeremiah Lane and the Sewer will be connected to Portland Street. Natural gas will also come from Portland Street.

Dave Walker asked if Jeremiah Lane had actually been accepted by the City as a public road. The general consensus was yes but this will be verified.

Mr. Berry went on to explain where the road will be placed and the buffer that will remain. He also discussed the field that will remain.

Mr. Berry then explained the intersection of the two new roads for the development and that there will be approximately 69 or 70 units made up of single-family dwellings and duplex dwellings. He also explained that single-family dwellings will abut existing single-family dwellings to remain consistent with what is there currently.

Troy Dillow asked whether or not there would be an association for the development. Mr. Berry stated there would be an association but only for the open space.

Mr. Berry explained that the housing being built in this development will be on the smaller side and will consist of 2-bedroom units. This will keep the number of children low within the development.

Troy Dillow asked about the drainage for the development with all of the new impervious area being created. Mr. Berry explained that it will be all engineered with proper review from the City and it will include swales, retention, and rain gardens.

Everyone stopped at the next intersection of the second proposed cul-de-sac and the new road. The wetlands were discussed as well as the need for a 50’ buffer. There will also be a crossing for a small stream that will have a new culvert that will span the entire width of the new road ROW.

The Board then walked to the end of the proposed ROW for the development. They looked at the ROW that will extend into the back lot.

The Board then walked the proposed ROW toward the proposed entrance/exit onto Franklin Street and Portland Street. Mr. Berry discussed the second large field that is proposed to be retained with the development. An abutter also pointed out a well/spring that is currently on the applicant’s property.

The abutters also discussed their concerns with a small stream that runs through the property that will need to be crossed. Their concerns were with any additional flows that would occur with the new development and how they will be handled so it will not cause any more drainage issues. Mr. Berry explained that a culvert will be needed and will be sized appropriately. Mr. Sylvain asked if the stream will be cleaned up? Mr. Berry stated that if that were to be done a wetland permit would be needed.

Mr. Berry explained the changes to the entrance/exit onto Franklin Street that have transpired since the applicant was in front of the Board. The applicant has purchased the property that will be adjacent to the new road and it has been moved closer to the house he purchased. There will also be a row of trees that will be removed. The new intersection will be a T-intersection and it was stated by Mr. Berry that it will created a safer intersection.

Adjournment – the meeting adjourned at approximately 9:25 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

James Campbell,

Director of Planning & Development


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