Month / Season: January Class: Primary 6 Level: Second

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 2‐21a
I can recognise how my relationship with God and others can be shaped by the values of Jesus' Kingdom.
HWB 2-03a
I understand that there are people I can talk
to and that there are a number of ways in
which I can gain access to practical and
emotional support to help me and others in a
range of circumstances.
HWB 2-05a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing,
fairness, equality and love are important in
building positive relationships. As I develop
and value relationships, I care and show
respect for myself and others.
HWB 2-08a
I understand that people can feel alone and
can be misunderstood and left out by others.
I am learning how to give appropriate
HWB 2-09a
As I explore the rights to which I and others
are entitled, I am able to exercise these
rights appropriately and accept the
responsibilities that go with them. I show
respect for the rights of others. / GLP
I know that the call to follow Jesus sometimes involves making sacrifices, putting others before myself or giving up things which are contrary to the values of Jesus.
I know that we are still building the Kingdom of God and that this will come to its fulfilment when Jesus returns on the Last Day. /
Class – Discuss - Raise your hand if you like giving stuff up. If I asked you to give up your Wii or your favourite stuffed animal or a new toy from Christmas, how many of you would say, “Yes! I want to! Please let me give it away….NOW!” I don’t like giving stuff up either. I like things to go my way, I like things to be easy, fun, and simple, and I like to be comfortable. Is there a problem with this? (No, God wants us to rest). But what if I spent every hour of every day doing nothing and relaxing. Is there a problem with that? What would it be? (God has a purpose and job for each of us and it’s probably not watching the television).
Discuss the roles of the following individuals:Athletes, Doctors, Missionaries, and/or other people who have sacrificed – Musicians, Soldiers, Priests and Nuns (attached to planner).
What sacrifices do you think these people had to make to be successful and to be helpful?
Each of these people, in their own ways, has achieved great things. But it seems like they needed to give up something – in some cases – a lot of things to achieve greatness. This is called sacrifice.
Read from the Bible Matthew 8:18-20.
This reading is about sacrifice. What do you think Jesus was saying in this Bible story? (He was saying that if you want to follow Jesus, it’s not going to be comfortable. It’s not going to be easy and it’s probably not going to go your way).
Children should complete the worksheet ‘Excuses!’ (attached to planner).
Class – The teacher should write onto the board the final line of the ‘Our Father’ (Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.)
Where does this come from? What do you think it means?
How can we help to build a kingdom of God here on Earth? / People Who Make Sacrifices Poster
God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 6, Worksheets 5, 6, 7 & 8
Diocese of Motherwell exemplar
Values for Life resource
Excuses Worksheet / Children know that the call to follow Jesus sometimes involves making sacrifices, putting others before myself or giving up things which are contrary to the values of Jesus.
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
I know that we pray for this at Mass, especially in the Acclamation.
I know that Jesus gives us many examples of service and that, in the Last Judgement (Matthew 25: 31‐40) all Christians are called to be of service to the world and not just to be members of the Christian Community.
I understand that true happiness lies in being concerned with what matters to God. / The teacher should explain to the children that The Alleluia comes to us from Hebrew, and it means "Praise Yahweh." Traditionally, it has been seen as the chief term of praise of the choirs of angels, as they worship around the throne of God in Heaven. It is, therefore, a term of great joy, and our use of the Alleluia during Mass is a way of participating in the angels' worship. It is also a reminder that the Kingdom of Heaven is already established on earth, in the form of the Church, and that our participation in Mass is a participation in Heaven.
Class – Read Matthew 25:31-40. Complete ‘The Final Judgement’ worksheet (attached to planner).
Class – The children should be given an A4 colour copy (or larger if possible) of Michelangelo’s ‘The Last Judgement’ (attached to planner). They should also be supplied with the ‘Talking about the Painting’ Worksheet (attached to planner). The children should work in groups to discuss the different areas of the painting.
It is a good idea to bring larger images of these up onto the whiteboard using the internet. Suggested site:
Class – Group Discussion – ‘What is important to you?’ Ask the children to complete the top part of the worksheet ‘True Happiness’ (*This can also be a jotter task but displaying the worksheet on the class whiteboard).
The children will most likely suggest material items i.e. money, computer games, clothes, electronic equipment.
Class Discussion - Explain that we get a certain degree of joy from these things but they are not long lasting. For example a chocolate bar is something that we might crave, enjoy and fell good while we are eating but it does not last long and it does not give us long lasting nutrition.
Ask the children to discuss what might be important to their parents. Note this down on the sheet. Compare and discuss.
Group discussion – Can you suggest something that gives us long term happiness? i.e. family, friends, love, health, peace. Ask the children to complete the bottom part of the worksheet.
Class Discussion – Ask the children to feedback on how we can become disillusioned as to where we can find happiness. Discuss adverts.
It is important that during this discussion the teacher also mentions ‘faith’. Ask the children why ‘their faith’ could lead to true happiness. / Order of the Mass
‘The Final Judgement’ Worksheet
Michelangelo’s ‘The Last Judgement’ Image and Talking about the Painting’ Worksheet
True Happiness Worksheet / The children will actively participate in the Alleluia Acclamation at Mass.
Children will develop understanding that all Christians are called to be of service to the world and not just to be members of the Christian Community.
Children know that true happiness lies in being concerned with what matters to God.
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
I know that Jesus gave us some of his teachings about God’s kingdom in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5: 1‐12) and that these are called the Beatitudes.
I know that Jesus gives us the Beatitudes as a guide to living in a way that will bring about the Reign of God.
I have explored the following Beatitudes: Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied. Blessed are the merciful, for they will be
shown mercy. Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God (Matthew 5: 6, 7 & 9)
I can recognise that, in the Beatitudes, Jesus offers us a map for Christian living, growth and fulfilment and that this challenges me to live my life as a disciple of Jesus, and to be a person of virtue. / Class – Today’s lesson involves a scavenger hunt. The attached resources will need to be prepared in advance. Print off the coloured cards ‘The Beatitude Hunt’ attached to the planner and laminate. These cards (10 for each group) should be hidden around the play area prior to the lesson.
Split the class into four groups. Explain to the children that they are going on a scavenger hunt in the school play area and that each group has 10 coloured cards to find. The Teacher should assign a colour to each group and remind children if they find a different colour not to tell the other groups where it is. Go outside and hunt!
On returning to class the children should look up the Bible reference Matthew 5:1-12 and correctly order the card they have found.
Read the passage and discuss as a class. Remind the children of the previous lesson and how they can find true happiness through their faith.
Class – Print off the Beatitudes Board Game attached to the planner. Split the children into groups of four to play the game.
You will need counters and dice to play this game.
Class – Complete the Beatitudes Brought to Life worksheet attached to the planner. Discuss the children’s answers and ask the children if they can think of anyone (famous or not) who fulfils any of these beatitudes.
Key Vocabulary: sacrifices, giving up, fulfilment, service to the world, Christian Community, Sermon on the Mount, Beatitudes, Reign of God, disciple of Jesus, person of virtue. / Coloured Laminated Scavenger Hunt Cards
Beatitudes Board Game
Beatitudes Brought to Life Worksheet / Children know that Jesus offers us the Beatitudes as a map for Christian living, growth and fulfilment and that this challenges us to live our life as a disciple of Jesus, and to be a person of virtue.
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 2‐20a
I know that I have been called by God to grow in love, justice and peace in my relationships with others. / I have deepened my understanding of the Kingdom of God by studying three or more of the Kingdom parables in Chapter 13 of the Gospel of Matthew: The Sower; The Darnel; The Mustard Seed; the Yeast; the Treasure in the Field, The Pearl of Great Price; or The Dragnet.
I can recognise that the virtues of Faith, Hope and Love lie at the heart of the Reign of God and I have deepened my understanding of this through a prayerful study of Paul’s Hymn to Love
(1 Corinthians 13: 4‐13). / In these lessons we will discover that Jesus’ teaching was full of instruction about the Kingdom. We will examine some of these teachings to see what they tell us about the Kingdom. In particular we will look at the parables of the Kingdom in Matthew 13.
Lessons and activities for this are outlined in detail on the ‘Kingdom of God Parables’ PowerPoint Presentation.
The next couple of lessons will centre on St Paul. Suggested background reading for the teacher can be found at:
Class –The children should have some knowledge which can be brainstormed at the beginning. Ask the children to draw a think bubble in the middle of their jotter page and draw lines to the side labelling everything they know about St Paul. They will add to this in a different colour at the end of the first lesson and another colour at the end of the second. This will highlight to the children what they knew and what they now know.
Class – Give a brief overview of St Paul - Saul, a Pharisee who persecuted the followers of Jesus; a man who was blinded on his way to Damascus experienced a major conversion at the words of Jesus, “Saul, why are you persecuting me?” (Acts 9:4). He was a Jew but returned to Jerusalem to build the Christian Church; and a missionary who travelled the world to spread the gospel.
Ask the children if they can think when ‘Paul’ is mentioned at mass. (i.e. letters/readings). Write on the board the names of the people he wrote to and discuss why he might have written to them. Explain to the children that St Paul travelled far and wide to spread the word of God. Discuss how difficult travel in those days must have been.
A useful website to show is
Print enough copies of the Map Sheet (attached to planner) for one between two. This can be viewed on the class whiteboard where colour printing is a problem.
Complete the attached worksheet ‘St Paul’
ICT – Ask the children to choose one of the places Paul visited on his journeys and write about it and what Paul did while he was there. / ‘Kingdom of God Parables’ PowerPoint Presentation.
Diocese of Motherwell exemplar
Religious Jotter/ Paper
Maps of the Journeys of Saint Paul Worksheet
Saint Paul Worksheet / Children will develop understanding of the Kingdom of God by studying the Kingdom parables in Chapter 13 of the Gospel of Matthew.
Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class / School / Home / Parish / Resources / Assessment
P6 RERC 2-02a In the Image of God
I know that God wants me to develop my God-given gifts and I have reflected on how I can use them for the common good.
HWB 2-15a
I am developing my understanding of the
human body and can use this knowledge to