UCF Policy Manual, Rev. 01-2014

Section 2, administrative Policies and Procedures

Section 2 – Administrative Policies and Procedures


Our Fellowship endeavors to keep all members and friends informed about our church’s activities and opportunities for service. Knowing what’s going on, and where to sign-up to participate in events, encourages us to be involved and to get to know one another, thereby enriching ourselves and our church community.


Our monthly newsletter, The CoastLine, is distributed to all members and friends via mail, email, and our website. Copies may be picked up at each Sunday service. The newsletter is the mainstay of UCF’s communications network. Among other items of importance, it contains: a monthly calendar, upcoming events, news of our members, a message from our minister, a message from our president, descriptions of upcoming Sunday sermons, and updates on various committee activities. Any UCF member or friend may submit items to TheCoastLine. The fourth Sunday of the month is the deadline for all submissions (unless the editor of the CoastLine announces a different deadline in the Order of Service or by some other means).


The church’s web addressis It contains, among other things, the monthly calendar, the monthly newsletter, the minister’s sermons, a list of officers and trustees, and our bylaws. The site is updated weeklyby volunteers. Anyone may log on.


UCF has a Facebook page where we post information about events and Sunday services. We display photos there, too.


UCF’s bulletin boards display a wealth of information about our community. They are an essential element of “how we communicate”. Standing committee newsis posted here. Assignment and upkeep of the bulletin boards is monitored by the Leadership Council.

One part of the north wall of the social hall is reserved for the display of artwork created by our members and friends. These displays are changed regularly by members and friends.


We print important announcements on the back of our Orders of Service, which are handed out to all who attend service. The worship committee prepares these every week. Submissions for the orders must be made in writing to the worship committee no later than the Sunday before the next service.


Fellowship volunteers keep an up-to-date directory of members and friends that includes addresses, email, and telephone numbers. Copies are available to all.


This is a formal effort by the Fellowship and coordinated by the Finance Committee to stimulate conversations with members about the health of the congregation and its programs. Trained UCF canvassers conduct conversations with every member. The purpose is to get reactions to such topics as improving our facility, adding staff, performing social action, asking members to pledge money for the furtherance of UCF operations and activities, and furthering each person’s spiritual journey. Canvassers make confidential records of the conversations. These records are used by the Board of Trustees and the long range planning committee to guide and shape the future of our Fellowship. The canvass takes place prior to the preparation of the final budget.


Email messages are sent when all members and friends need to be notified at the same time. Congregational e-mails will be submitted to the Membership Committee.


The Wednesday edition of the Carteret News Times publishes a “church news” page. Information on speakers and activities at UCF that are available for public participation are included in this section.

Currently each committee is responsible for making sure that pertinent information gets to the newspaper in a timely manner.


This email network consists of people who have signed up to be part of the project. “Senders” submit offers or proposals to the network moderator, who collects the offers and emails them to everyone in the network. Offers may consist of a gift of a book, or a tool, or instructions on how to do something; extra seedlings in the spring, or surplus tomatoes in the fall. Senders may also inquire about getting something they need: borrow a wheelbarrow, get a recommendation for a plumber, or a referral for computer repair service.


Official UCF documents are listed in Appendix VIIIof this Policy Manual. Official documents are to be maintained as stated below. Revisions to these documents; additions; or deletions are to be made only by those persons designated below. The UCF Office Administrator will supervise addition or deletion of official documents on the office computer and backup of said documents.

Current versions of all official fellowship documents will be stored on the church computer in the UCF office, with the exception of official financial documents. Financial documents will be stored on the UCF Financial Laptop, which is kept in the possession of the Treasurer.

Documents stored on the UCF Office Computer will be backed up to two flash drives at least quarterly. These flash drives will be maintained by the Office Administrator. One will be stored in a metal box or file cabinet in the church office and a second will be stored in a metal box or file cabinet in the minister’s office.

The Treasurer will back up financial documents to a third flash drive at least monthly. This flash drive will be kept by the Treasurer and its whereabouts made known to the Office Administrator.

Access to archived documents, stored on the church computer and flash drives, is restricted to the Office Administrator; theMinister; and members of the Board of Trustees. Changes to these documents on the office computer or flash drives will be limited to these designated persons.

A hard copy of official documents will be kept in a binder in the church office. Updates to hard copies will be made at least annually following the church annual meeting. The Vice President to the Board is responsible for updating the hard copies and filing in the church office.

Significant documents created by church committees should be submitted to the Leadership Council Trustee for consideration to be added to the list of official church documents and stored as stated above.


The Fellowship’s annual business meeting and the method of disseminating the call for agenda items are addressed in the bylaws. The meeting is held on the second Friday in June.

Disseminating the call for the annual meeting agenda follows this process:

  • Publishing the call in the April newsletter
  • Posting the call on the UCF website throughout the month of April
  • Announcing the call in the Order of Service throughout the month of April
  • The deadline for receiving items by the Board of Trustees will be the first Monday in May.


HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER (Bylaws, Sect. 5.1, 5.2)

Any person, regardless of race, color, disability, creed, sexual orientation, gender or national origin may become a member of this Fellowship provided that person is in sympathy with the Fellowship's purpose and program, is at least 16 years of age, has met with the minister, membership chairperson, or the President of the Board of Trustees in order to discuss the rights and responsibilities of membership, and agrees to sign the Membership Book.


Every January, the membership committee chair provides the secretary of the Board of Trustees a list of active members. This list is used by the Secretary to report the number of members to UUA for the purpose of dues assessment.

In order to verify the accuracy of the list of active members, the membership chair determines, in consultation with the minister and/or leader of the congregation who is knowledgeable about current members, the following:

  • Members whose membership status needs to be changed from active to inactive by virtue of no service, attendance, or financial involvement with UCF for a period of at least one year. It is assumed that efforts have been made during that period to invite the member into active participation. Said member is not officially notified of the change in membership status.
  • Members who have been inactive for a period of at least two years and whose membership is to be terminated in accordance with UCF’s Bylaws. These members are to receive a letter signed by the Chair of the Membership Committee and the Minister or a member of the Board of Trustees, informing them about the termination of their membership. The member has the opportunity to request a continuation, with a commitment to some level of participation. Names of members who have not so responded are submitted to the Board of Trustees for formal termination of membership in the Unitarian Coastal Fellowship. Date of formal termination is recorded beside their name in the Fellowship’s Membership Book.


If a UCF member or friend conducts him/herself in a manner that is destructive to the church community or contrary to the purposes and programs of UCF, the destructive behavior policy will go into effect. This policy relates only to the church’s response; other legal actions may also be brought because of these behaviors. Behaviors that trigger this policy are verbal abuse on church property, physical abuse on church property, or destruction of church property.


The person will receive a warning and a suspension of membership for a period of one month.


The person will receive a warning and a suspension of membership for a period of three months.


The person will have membership terminated and/or will be requested not to attend services or events at UCF. Such drastic action would require an affirmative vote by a three-quarters (¾) majority of the board with the right of appeal to the full congregation. Termination could be ended by reconciliation and readmission after satisfactory counseling with the minister and/or private counselor and a vote of the board.


(Approved as interim policy by UCF Board 15 Nov. 2006)

One of the responsibilities of the UCF Committee on Ministry is to assist with conflict management between members or between members and the minister. To help us carry out this responsibility, the COM presents the following policy process to handle personal grievances within UCF.

In case of a personal grievance:

1.The initiator (person bringing a grievance to the attention of a member of the Committee on Ministry) will be encouraged to meet in person with the other involved person(s). The Committee on Ministry member may help the initiator to articulate his/her concerns for this meeting.

2.The COM member will encourage the initiator to set up the meeting. The COM member may help establish rules of confidentiality and mutual respect.

3.If both parties agree, a COM member will offer to attend this meeting. If a satisfactory solution is not reached at the first meeting, the involved COM member will suggest further meetings, with time for reflection by all involved parties.

4.Or, if the grievance is not resolved, both parties will be encouraged to meet with the whole Committee on Ministry.

5.If the grievance continues to be unresolved, the Committee on Ministry will ask the Board of Trustees to call in a mediator from the Southeast District.

6.A member of the Committee on Ministry will take this request to the board.

a.The UCF Board of Trustees does not need to know details or names of those involved in the grievance.

b.The Board of Trustees does need to know that the Committee on Ministry met with all parties to the grievance, and was unable to reach satisfactory resolution.

BUILDING USE (Bylaws, sect. 5.6(H)

The Unitarian Coastal Fellowship is a seven-day-a-week church, a place where programs make a difference in people’s lives nearly every day. Any use of the church property and any programs offered in the name of the Fellowship are under the authority of and subject to the approval of the Board of Trustees and must be in keeping with the goals and purposes of the church. The church expects all people who use our facilities to behave responsibly and demonstrate respect and concern for the persons and property they encounter here.

The Fellowship encourages groups to begin each meeting with a reading or meditation and a brief process for checking-in with each participant who wishes to share (some form of Joys and Concerns). This process is designed to remind people that they are participating in a church-related function and helps participants to feel welcomed and accepted.

All functions held in the church facility are open to everyone. The only limitation is if the purpose of the group requires a focus, such as a men’s or women’s support group, or confidentiality (i.e. NA group, PFLAG, Pastoral Care or Committee on Ministry).

Children and Youth

Children must be supervised at all times. If childcare is needed during an activity, facility users may reserve the appropriate space and arrange for care providers. No youth groups may use the facility without proper onsite supervision.

Prohibited Activities in the Church Facility

UCF does not permit the use of alcohol or tobacco on church property.

We cannot use the church as a shelter during catastrophic weather events because the building lacks the proper equipment to provide a safe harbor.

Registering Groups

The use of church facilities and categories of church programs fall into the three general categories described below. All groups are required to register with UCF in the way described below. Each on-going group is asked to discuss and develop agreements about how the group will apply the Unitarian Universalist principles to the functioning of the group. Groups are reminded to welcome and include new members and visitors.

In general, liability insurance is provided by UCF for non-UCF functions and for single events that are church-related functions.

Groupsfor UCFMembers

These include worship services, committee meetings and functions carried out under the auspices of committees and groups or activities created or authorized by the Board of Trustees. Church programs are responsible to the entire church and typically strive to represent a wide range of needs and interests. Church functions do not pay rent or damage deposits. UCF meetings take precedence over all others in scheduling the use of the building.

Church Supported Groups

These groupsarenot under the control or auspices of a UCF committee. The board may designate a program as a church supported activity, or a group may apply for this status. Typically, these groups have a strong significance for the church or they are important community programs that the church has a strong interest in sponsoring. New groups must get permission from the Board of Trustees before beginning activities. Church supported groups do not pay rent or make a deposit for damage deposit, although a designated responsible person must serve as liaison to the Board of Trustees.

Church Affiliated Groups

These are groups and activities that give members the opportunity to initiate a wide range of programs are termed church affiliated groups Such groups must be open to all members, but church affiliated programs may have a very specific focus and be of limited interest to a some members.

Any member may sponsor a church affiliated group. The sponsor is responsible for all aspects of organizing and running the group. Newly formed church affiliated groups must get permission from the Board of Trustees before beginning to meet in the Fellowship facility. They are not required to pay rent; however, the sponsoring individual accepts financial responsibility for any damage to the church that occurs as a result of the building use.

Designated Responsible Persons

All groups that use the UCF facility must designate a responsible person. That person schedules activities and agrees to educate the group about the expectations outlined in these guidelines.

For a UCF committee, the designated responsible person is the committee chair. For a church-supported program, the designated responsible person must be a member of the church, or have board approval. The person sponsoring a church-affiliated group must be a member of UCF and perform the duties of the designated responsible person for that group.

Scheduling the Use of the Church Facility

Once a group (or groups) has attained board approval and is registered, scheduling the use of the facility is a simple matter. Post the meeting date and time on the monthly calendar in the social hall. The calendar is updated weekly. Scheduling conflicts are resolved by the Leadership Council.

Building-Use Checklist

Below is what must be done before leaving the facility.

1.Clean rooms and restore them to their original arrangement.

2.In the kitchen, recycle all refuse (see recycling instructions in the kitchen), and then remove the trash and deposit it in the outside garbage bin.

3.Lock all exit/entrance doors.

4.Observe fire and other safety regulations. Fire extinguishers are located outside the downstairs bathroom, inside the upstairs exit door, and inside the kitchen behind the refrigerator...