Leisure & Communities Department
DundeeCity Disability Sport
Held on Tuesday 23 February 2010
In Olympia at 7.00 pm
Present:Eileen Ramsay, George Ferguson, Norman Gray, Ted Hunter, Craig McMaster, Claire Petrie, GordonQuinton, Cllr Richard McCready, Brian Webster
No / Item / Action / Date1 / APOLOGIES
Ian Bryce, Cllr Bob Duncan, Andrew Gray, Richard McBride, StewartMurdoch
2 / Minutes of Previous Meeting
These were approved by Brian Webster and seconded by GeorgeFerguson.
3 / Matters Arising from Previous Minutes
Minibus - Stewart Murdoch will meet with Cllr Richard McCready once the Council budgets have been set to discuss the Council position on the minibus.
Pool Hoist - this has now been fixed. Olympia lift should be fixed this week. / SM/RM / Apr 10
GQ asked CP re cheque for fuel duty, as this was made out to the old bank account. CP to take cheque away and have it reissued. / CP / 30/03/10
P Reg Minibus - this has been sold for £150.
53 Reg Minibus - no issues with this minibus.
ER asked about hiring a minibus during the times the 53 reg is in the garage. GQ to investigate hiring an adapted minibus from Gleneagles Conversions and circulate costs to the Committee for approval.
Cllr McCready to contact Social Work Department to check if they have any spare buses during the day.
MIDAS - ER looking into NHS re this Driving Test as the NHS provide this test for their staff.
GF informed committee that Perth & Kinross run the MIDAS Test. GQ to investigate. / GQ
GQ / 30/03/10
GQ reported that there has been an increase in numbers with four new members attending Kingspark and one new member attending Menzieshill over the last month.
SDS Scottish Bowls - Richard Brickley extended his congratulations to DCDS and DT and GQ re set up and venue (see attached letter from SDS).
Congratulations go to Dundee athletes Tricia Kirk (Section 2 Wheelchair user) and Scott Holden (Section 8 Learning Disability) who were successful in winning the Scottish title and toMarion McIntosh who wona silver medal.
Tayside Regional Swimming Championships to be held in Perth on 20Mar 10
SDS Senior Championships for people with a Physical Disabilities on 24Apr 10 at Grangemouth and Learning Disabilities on 8 May 10 at Tollcross.
Powerlifting - ER asked if DCDS would support DPA Powerlifting re costs for a National event in Leeds. GQ reminded ER that we now have to apply through the grant forms for SportDundee. GQ to speak to SportDundee Secretary for forms and pass to DPA. / GQ / Complete
6.5 / Powerchair Football - GQ attended presentation and demonstration day on Sun 21 Feb 10 in Grangemouth. GQ will now look at external funding to establish this sport in Dundee. An initial application has gone to "The Peter Harrison Trust" and GQ has contacted five other funding bodies re funding. GQ will also set up an open evening by the end of April 10 where he will gauge an interest and drive this project forward.
Future Matters - ER briefed Committee on this event at Hilton Hotel. This event was for people with learning disabilities who were in transition from Education Services to Adult Services. There were stalls re opportunities available and also taster sessions in leisure activities. / GQ / end Apr
7 / Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
8 / Disability Sports Development
Currently in the process of finalising 2009-10 action plans and looking at 2010-11 action plans.
Reviewing the focus sports as there is minimal progression and options to progress with Swimming. GQ now looking at Football as a greater priority. Other focus sports of Boccia, Bowls and Athletics remain the same.
Tesco - £1,000 awarded to the cost of the Minibus. GQ has written to say thank you.
9.5 / Dinner Dance - this raised £650. Thanks go to everyone involved.
Sponsored Swim - Discovery Swimming Club. Andrew Gray has written to Tannadice re a bucket collection and is awaiting confirmation.
Sponsored Bowl - Dundee bowlers are doing this at Douglas. The bowlers are accessing the Activities Room at Douglas Sports Centre and doing a sponsored Bowl for four hours with bowlers bowling for 15 mins each. The proceeds from this will go towards the Minibus Appeal.
Dundee Disability Living - ER contacted this group re Andrew McGee. Unfortunately, they only supply equipment etc to individuals.
10 / Discovery Games (Fri 17, Sat 18 and Sun 19 Sep 10)
All information is being finalised. The packs will be sent out by end of Mar/ beginning Apr 10. / LD/GQ / Apr 10
11.3 / Affiliated Clubs Feedback
Boccia - club attended Scottish Championships at Easterhouse. KirstenLaw won 1st in Junior Section and Alan McGregor won 2nd in Senior Section. ER to contact press re photocall on Tue 16 Mar 10. GQ to attend as the Chairperson is unable to attend due to other commitments.
Curling - GF informed the Committee that a 10 year old boy attended the session at the Ice Arena in the past month. He really enjoyed the session.
Last Ice Curling session this year is Mon 29 Mar 10. Numbers attending are 8 or 9 every week.
Motor Activities - no session in Feb 10 due to Douglas SC being booked, however the group are attending 10-pin bowling on Sat 27Feb 10. / ER
GQ / end Feb
11.5 / Swimming - sponsored Swim on Thu. Regional Swimming events being held in Apr and May 10. Discovery will have swimmers at both events. Discovery Swimming Club now have 45 members on Thu and 6 members on Wed. A waiting list is being operated.
Dundee Powerlifting Association - Scottish Powerlifting Championships on Sat 27 and Sun 28 Mar 10.
12.1 / SportDundee - last meeting was on Wed 17 Feb 10.
Community Sports Hub - Grove Centenary Wing - RMcG explained to the Group that he is currently driving a bid to make the Grove Centenary Wing a new Community Sports Hub. RMcG illustrated that he has spoken to clubs, Dundee City Council and Dundee Leisure and an agreement in principle is in place. The agreement states that the overall responsibility of the Group will be Dundee Leisure's with access controlled by a Community Hub Management Group. RMcG reinforced to the Committee how exciting this proposal is for Dundee, as there are currently only two Community Sports Hubs recognised in Scotland.
RMcG to circulate draft proposal to SportDundee and member clubs with the opportunity for feedback to be provided. GF indicated that Dundee East Community Sports Club have been involved in this process. RMcG revealed that he has met with Gordon Deuchars of Dundee East Sports Club who provided his backing to the bid. RMcG reinforced that he aims to complement the work already done by Dundee East Community Sports Club. RMcG urged caution to ensure that the other areas of the city are not neglected. RMcG reinforced that he is not focusing on one area and the aim is to have three Community Sports Hubs. RMcG revealed that he is aiming to create a Central Community Sports Hub however this must be used for multiple sports.
Gary Robertson welcomed the idea however urged caution to ensure the facilities do not become unusable. Dave Nicoll suggested arranging a visit to the other two Community Sports Hubs in Scotland to assess the benefits. RMcG reinforced that there is no assurances this bid will materialise however progress needs to be made at the moment to ensure there is an opportunity to be successful. / RMcG / 30/03/10
GF asked that all DCDS Minutes be emailed to Committee members. GF also suggested that SALSC/SportDundee AGM information be emailed to Committee members. / GQ / Ongoing
13.3 / AOCB
DCDS Letterhead Paper - GQ to order two reams.
Scottish Disability Sport - Minimum Operating Requirements and Job Description. There was a discussion re Disclosure Checks and how this would be dealt with. ER to seek clarification from Scottish Disability Sport. ER and GQ to meet re this once clarification is received.
Ideas for AGM - ER asked Committee members to bring any ideas re the format of the AGM to the March Meeting as DCDS will be entering its 30th Anniversary during 2010/2011. / GQ
ER/GQ / Complete
end Mar
end Mar
14 / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will take place on Tue 30 Mar 10 at 7.00 pm in the Forum, Olympia.
Copy to:All Present/Apologies
All Members of the General Management Committee
SportDundee Committee Members