Longueville Hall Hammond Park Whaddon Road
Newton Longville Bucks MK17 0AT
Tel : 01908 367788
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on Monday 9th October 2017 at Longueville Hall at 7.30pm
Present: , Lynne Smith (Treasurer), Alan Branch (member)
Lesley Abraham (Secretary) John Browning (member), Sylvie Norris (Parish Council)
Ian Whipp (Parish Council)
Apologies: Julie Godden (Chairperson), Linda Ball (Member) ,Paul Eveling (member) ,
Minutes of the last meeting: Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 12th June and minutes from
10th July 20177 were agreed and signed by the Committee.
A copy will be passed to the Parish Council and to Lynne Smith to add to the CA Website.
Matters Arising - The committee had been informed that Ray Cope would not be available this year to drive the Santa Float around the village himself but he has arranged for for one of his another drivers to do so. Santa Around the village helpers have been invited to a pre meeting to discuss issues for this year arranged for Monday 13th November 2017.
Ian Whipp reported that a water inspection had been carried out by Anglian Water and there
were actions to be taken, information and an improvement notice was passed to the committee
and Lesley Abraham (Hall manager) for pricing up of work to be carried out. Lesley Abraham
will report back to the committee.
It was also suggested that a “Flushing Procedure” be put into place for the showers in the
changing room . Lesley Abraham to put together a flushing programme and make it documented
as instructed.
Lynn Smith thanked KTVT (Keep The Village Tidy group) & Sylvie Norris for painting the
gates leading into Hammond Park.
- Licence update – Ian Whipp reported that he had received the original CA proposal and it
had been passed to Nigel Gausden (Chairman of the PC) to review.
Ian Whipp also reported that the Parish council had received an estimate for works to replace the heating
system at Longueville hall and that too was with Nigel Gausden to consider.
3. Treasurers report
Lynne Smith reported that there was no Treasurers report for this meeting as she had been busy with family
Lynne Smith was asked if she had received confirmation certificates from MIND & HULA showing how
much the CA had donated to them so they could be displayed on the CA board in the foyer at Longueville
Hall, Lynne said she would ask the charities again for copies.
Re New Bank Account for Longueville Hall – Lynne Smith reported that the directors of Longueville Hall
would need to apply for this, this is not something she can do on her own, John Browning asked Lesley
Abraham if the account she operated at present worked well for the hall and Lesley Abraham agreed, he
then went on to say that Longueville Hall is a business and this is a business account, it was therefore
agreed to stick with the account that is being used.
Community Association groups
John Browning reported that the CA should be inviting groups to the CA affiliation, Lynne Smith reported
that Julie Godden and John Browning were going to arrange a policy to send out to all Village Groups for
them to apply to the CA for funding.
Future events
MK17 - John Browning passed out copies of MK17 Accounts for 2017 showing income and outgoings for
this years event, Total raised for Cystic Fibrosis was £2,921.00.
Lynne Smith agreed that the CA will cover the cost of the damage done at Mk17 to the changing room toilet,
she will arrange for £250.00 to be passed to Longueville Hall.
Lesley Abraham passed an invoice to Lynne Smith from Aylesbury Vale District Council for the additional
wheelie bins, Lynne will pay direct.
MK17 date for 2018 is already in the diary, 7th July 2018 this will be confirmed in the next few weeks by
John Browning / Paul Eveling if the event is going to go ahead.
Wine Tasting Evening - 15th September
Lynne smith thanked Sylvie Norris for arranging this event for the CA. Sylvie reported that good fun
was had by all.
Santander Curry & Music Night – 14.10.17
Lynne Smith is organising this charity event, the hall hire charge will be paid for by the CA
CA AGM / Quiz Night - 20.10.17
Quiz is all sorted , Lynne Smith will source a large poster to be placed in the new frame at the entrance
to Hammond Park.
Lynne smith asked the existing committee if they were all willing to stand doe the next 12 months,
all agreed, Sylvie Norris also agreed to join the committee.
Sylvie Norris said that if the CA passed her information regarding allo future CA events she would circulate them at other village events.
Xmas Wine Tasting - 15th December
Xmas Wine Tasting will be run by Alan Branch & Paul Eveling, Alan Branch to confirm if the event
will be run on Friday 8th December or Friday 15th December 2017.
CA Pantomime - 6th January 2018
All booked, advert went into the Village Pump.
6. Hall Managers Report -
Hall’s Income
Alan Branch asked if we should change the floodlights on the MUGA to LED - committee agreed and Alan said he would liaise with Abacus lighting.
Lesley Abraham reported that she was still awaiting feedback from Alan Branch / Paul Eveling regarding work needed to be carried out on the light box at the MUGA site. Alan Branch recommended that Abacus should come and carry out the work, Lesley Abraham to organise.
Julie Godden had received a letter from KTVT (Keep The Village Tidy Group) asking for a donation of £40.00 for them to purchase some flowers etc. for the smoking area at the side of the hall, the committee agreed and would like to offer them as much support as possible, if more monies are required it was suggested that they offer a further proposal – Lynne Smith will contact the group.
Defibrillator update - Sylvie Norris reported that 4 off more Defibrillators were required for the village, one has already been installed at the church, the CA would like to purchase one for the village and Sylvie will get costings etc. and report back to the committee at the next meeting.
Flying the Flag update - Apparently it is illegal the fly the flag at the church all year, so the flag ha been removed, the CA committee decided that they were not bothered about a refund and that the monies should go into the church funds.
Caretaker Update - Mark Holt has now returned his set of key to Lynne Smith (9.10.17)
Alan Gowlett has been taken on, on a 3 month trial basis.
Alan Branch to contact “Prune & Plant” regarding possibly funding replacing the oak tree planted by the PC for the millennium.
Next Meeting: Monday 13th November 2017 at 7.30 pm at Longueville Hall Office
……………………………………………… Chairperson ……………………………………….. Secretary