Jackson Middle School ChoirHandbook
Mr. Stasko
(740) 286-8197 EXT.3021
Introduction & Course Goals
Welcome to Jackson Middle School choirs! I’m glad you have chosen to be a part of our wonderful choral program. As a choir member, you will be able to experience singing in a fine musical setting and making connections with your school community. With that in mind, I urge you all to be cooperative and demonstrate a positive attitude at all times so we will have a great year in choir!
Our goal as Jackson City Schools choristers is to achieve an understanding and appreciation of various vocal music styles through performance and practice. Furthermore, we are driven to develop our own musical skills and become self-sufficient musicians.By doing so, we are able to create musical experiences of the highest caliber. In order to achieve these goals, teamwork, cooperation, dedication, and respect are essential characteristics that each choir member must demonstrate.
Classroom Expectations
My first and primary expectation is for everyone to treat each other with mutual respect and act professionally at all times. Inappropriate behavior and negative attitude or actions toward fellow choir members or others will not be tolerated. Failure to follow this primary expectation can result in suspension or expulsion from the choir in which they sing. The following expectations are to be observed at all rehearsals:
- Students will have their music and a pencil for every class.
- No gum, food, or drinks are permitted in rehearsal
- No unauthorized cellphone use. If a cell phone rings or vibrates in class, I reserve the right to take the phone and follow up with disciplinary action.
- Follow along, mark your music, and take notes when appropriate.
- Be supportive of your classmates, especially when they are doing well!
Participation is a large portion of your grade, which reflects its importance in a performance-based class. One or two people not participating can disrupt class and bring down the rest of the group. Failure to participate will result in deductions of attendance points for the day. Behaviors that can deduct from your grade include, but are not limited to:
- 1-2 points: Excessive talking. There is a time and place for talking, but during an active rehearsal is neither.
- 1-2 points: Classroom disruption (Goofing off, bothering others, etc.)
- 1-2 points: Not marking scores/taking notes when appropriate.
- 1-2 points: NOT SINGING. If you have any legitimate reason to not be singing, be sure to discuss it with me prior to the start of class.
- 1 point: No pencil
- 1 point: No music
- 1 point: Gum infraction
Bathroom Policy
Students should make every attempt to use the restroom facilities prior to the start of class. Students will not be permitted to use the bathroom within the first 15 minutes of the class period. Bathroom privileges after that time are at the discretion of Mr. Stasko. In addition, students are only allowed 2 bathroom passes a quarter. Please do not abuse hallway and bathroom privileges, or disciplinary action will follow.
Class Materials Policy
Students are issued clasp envelope folders, and photocopies of music for instruction purposes. These materials are issued to students at the beginning of each semester, and are to be taken care of for the duration of their use. In addition, sight-singing books are used in class regularly, and are kept in class and not assigned to individual students. Students should not roll, crease, bite, tear, or otherwise damage their assigned class materials. If a student loses or is caught purposefully defacing their class materials, they will be assigned lunch detention. If a student forgets their class materials, they will be allowed to sign out an extra folder. However, if a student forgets their materials 3 or more times in a quarter, they will be issued a lunch detention for the third, and any following instances of forgotten materials. A student must serve a lunch detention to replace a lost folder.
Attendance / Tardiness
Attendance for each in-school rehearsal is mandatory. Students receive 2 points towards their attendance/participation grade each day they are present in class. Only absences which are excused by the school office (see student handbook) will be excused. Tardiness will result in 1 point for the day if it is unexcused. Only a signed note from the office or teacher will excuse tardiness. If a student is tardy to class 3 or more times in a quarter, they will be issued a lunch detention. Continued tardiness will be handled with disciplinary action as dictated by the student handbook.
Concert attendance is extremely important and will be taken seriously. A missed concert or performance will lower a student’s final quarter grade by ~28%. Any legitimate documented excuse will be considered for excusal, but should be discussed with me two weeks in advance of the scheduled performance/rehearsal. Schedule conflicts not addressed by two weeks before the event may not be excused. All requests for excusal must be submitted in writing. If a student’s absence is excused, they must complete an alternative assignment to receive credit for the missed rehearsal/performance. (Assignment details are dictated by the teacher.) Unexcused concert absences will not be offered this alternate assignment. Any questions or issues regarding a student’s attendance may be discussed with me outside of class.
Discipline Procedure
Every student has 2 warning notices to correct poor behavior or poor class preparation. After those two warnings are exhausted, formal disciplinary action occurs. I use the following chart for students to track their “status” in a behavior log, which resets after each quarter. Severely inappropriate student behavior can be subject to immediate write-up.
Step 1 – Student initials and dates the book. Verbal Warning
Step 2 – Student initials and dates the book. Verbal Warning
Step 3 – Student initials and dates the book. Lunch detention and call home
Step 4 – Student initials and dates the book. Office write-up
Subsequent infractions will be subject to lunch detentions or write-ups
Concert Attire
Boys: Black pants, black dress shoes & socks, white button-up shirt.
Girls: Black pants or skirt, (skirt must not come above the knees) black close-toed dress shoes, (no heels <2 inches) white blouse/top.
Grading Policy
Attendance/Participation2 pts. Per day (~90 per quarter)
Concert Participation50 pts. (Per mandatory performance)
Quartet Tests 10 pts.
Ensemble Evaluations 20 pts.
Practice Logs 10 pts.
Solfege Check 10 pts.
Quizzes10 pts.
Total:180 pts. (concert quarter)
130 pts. (no concert quarter)
Performance Calendar
The calendar of events is subject to change, at the discretion of the director.
Every effort will be made to notify students and parents of changes as soon as possible.
TBA December(Thursday): Mayhew-Brown Funeral Caroling
December 13th: Carol Sing - 7:00pm @ JMS
March 8th : Winter Choir Concert – 6:00pm @ JMS
April 12th : Middle School Eisteddfod - 6:00pm @ The Markay
April 14th : OMEA Middle School Solo & Ensemble - TBA @ Ohio University
May 10th: Spring Choir Concert - 6:00pm @ JMS
May 12th : Trills & Thrills trip (8th Grade) – Load in TBA @ JMS