Outlines Include:
- Short sentences or fragments but enough information to meet requirements of a speech
- Partial ideas so that looking down at the paper doesn’t interfere with delivery
- Outline format with multiple levels
- Paragraphs just like you would write in a paper
- Your complete speech on either printer paper or notecards
Outline Format
- Intro
- Two reasons why owning a home is still part of the American Dream, but only for some people.
- Reason 1: Younger people are still buying homes.
- Evidence:
- Reasoning:
- Evidence:
- Reasoning:
- Reason 2: The cost of buying a home depends on where you live and who you are.
- Evidence:
- Reasoning:
- Evidence:
- Reasoning:
- What about the rest of Americans? Why do they say buying a home is not part of the American Dream? There are two reasons.
- Reason 1:
- Evidence:
- Reasoning:
- Reason 2:
- Evidence:
- Reasoning:
- Why it is still part of the American Dream:
- Conclusion
The American Dream: Do you Still Buy a House?
- How many of you plan on buying a house some day? Live in a house?
- Difference between our area and other parts of the country: a lot of people can own a home here, not so everywhere.
- Home ownership is actually declining.
- Before: save money, buy home. Many people’s definition of the American Dream.
- But that’s changing. The question is, is owning a home part of the American Dream?
- Thesis: The American Dream is changing, and perhaps it’s as diverse as Americans themselves. Owning a home is part of the American Dream for some, but that depends on a lot of personal factors.
- Two reasons why owning a home is still part of the American Dream, but only for some people.
- Reason 1: Younger people are still buying homes.
- Evidence: According to Aarti Shahari of NPR, over 1/3 of home buyers are under 35 years old.
- Reasoning: This means young people are still buying homes. I just bought one myself (under 35). So people still want to live in purchased homes.
- Evidence: In Shahari’s article, reasons for wanting a home in Shahari’s article:
- Owning a dog
- Stability and permanence if you have established your career.
- Reasoning: These things are reasons why people have always liked owning a home. They haven’t changed.
- Reason 2: The cost of buying a home depends on where you live and who you are.
- Evidence: According to Trulia, the home buying website, the median listing price of a house in Outagamie County is $144,000.In San Francisco County it’s almost 1 million.
- Reasoning: That’s a huge difference, just depending on where you live. More demand in certain areas. A down payment of about $6,000 a month. In Appleton, though, the average mortgage would be about $750. That’s right around the average rent.
- Evidence:Shahari says, other factors in cost of a home include things not even associated with the price, like spending in general or how long you will stay.
- Reasoning: So that’s a lot of individual variation that makes it difficult to make a blanket statement on whether to buy.
- What about the rest of Americans? Why do they say buying a home is not part of the American Dream? There are two reasons against homeownership.
- Reason 1:
- Evidence: According to Michelle Higgins of The New York Times,buying a home doesn’t make people happier.
- Renters and homeowners: same level of happiness
- Bogged down with chores and the cost of owning a home.
- Reasoning: So if it isn’t going to make you happier, are there reasons to buy a home?
- Remember quantitative data doesn’t tell everything.
- Individual preferences and how much the majority of people choose to pay for a home.
- Reason 2:
- Evidence:Home ownership is low right now, the lowest it has been in 50 years, according to WBUR Boston.
- Reasoning: It is okay if people are making different choices. Perhaps those who do not want a home realize the reasons for not giving in to the typical track.
- Why it is still part of the American Dream:
- People are still buying and owning homes.
- More than half the country owns a home.
- For some it is their preference, whether it increases happiness.
- Conclusion
Owning a home is part of the American Dream for some, but that varies depending on location and individuals. As you look ahead to your future, consider whether you need to own a home.
Factors in life that determine this:
- Price of homes where you live
- Lifestyle: does a house work better?
- How much do you need stability? Does homeownership help with that for you?
- Do you like home maintence?
- Will it make you happier? It all depends.
Works Cited
Higgins, Michelle. “Home Ownership, the Key to Happiness?” The New York Times, 12 July 2013,
Shahani, Aarti. “Forget Generation Rent: More Younger Americans Aim to Buy.” NPR, 24 March 2016,
“U.S. Home Ownership Falls to a 50-Year Low.” WBUR, 29 July 2016,
“Welcome to the National Home Prices Page!” Trulia, 2016. Web. Accessed 18 October 2016.