Revitalizing The Small Church
Current Reality
- Less than 18% of Americans attend church regularly.
- A third of adults under the age of 30 are religiously unaffiliated.
- Roughly half of all churches in America did not add one new person through conversion growth in the year 2000.
- Depending upon the source, somewhere between 70 and 84 percent of all churches are either plateaued or declining.
- In America, it takes the combined effort of 85 Christians working over an entire year to produce one convert.
- 98% of churches in North America do not have a process or a picture that demonstrates how they will accomplish their mandate from God to make disciples.
The Small Church
- There are more than 340,000 churches in America, one-half have fewer than 100 people involved in the life of their church
- According to the SBC Annual in 1998 there were 40,870 churches in SBC life
- According to the SBC Annual in 1998 there were 21,785 churches with less than 150 resident members
- Of these small churches, 11,520 baptized fewer than 2 people for the year reported
- That is 53% of all small churches
- That is 28.19% of all SBC churches
Shared Characteristics of Evangelistically Effective Small Churches
- Prayer
- Intentional prayer for the lost, conducted prayer walks, prayed for guidance, etc.
- Not necessarily an organized prayer ministry
- Heavy dependence upon the Holy Spirit and His leading
- The leadership style of the pastor
- Excitement and intentionality; Majority of pastors knew where they were going and how to get there
- Pastors saw that their primary task was the equipping of the saints for ministry
- A majority said that serving as a Chaplin should be one of their lowest priorities
- Preaching style or content
- Majority were expository preachers
- Majority of worship services were traditional
- All of the churches agreed that the primary purpose of the church is to reach the lost and disciple the saved - to make disciples
- When the six functions of the church were identified this is where they were strongest to weakest:
- Worship
- Fellowship
- Prayer
- Evangelism
- Ministry
- Discipleship
- A strong presence (Ministerial activities) in their community was a key factor in their growth
Attributes Found in Evangelistically Effective Small Churches
- Strong Pastoral Leadership
- A man who has a clear picture of what the church ought to be and do; one who has the ability to fit that vision to his ministerial context
- A man who leads by example; models missionary behavior
- A man who is empowered by the church to lead
- A man who values equipping the saints for ministry and leader development
- Ministry is Done Through Self-Governing Teams
- The fulfilling of God's mission is done through ministry teams and not through programs
- Decision making is placed into the hands of those doing ministry.
- A small team (Elders?) works with the pastor to keep the church focused on its purpose and mission
- People are serving out of their SHAPE
- Pastoral emphasis upon equipping
- Excellence or Quality in all things
- Simplicity: Doing less and doing it better creates enthusiasm and attracts new members
- Updating and cleaning facilities is a priority
- Intentional Prayer
- Pockets of people who join the pastor in seeking the presence and power of God in their church
- Organized prayer warriors who receive regular communication from leadership
- Prayer is a key component of Sunday morning worship; praying for specific people and specific needs
- Celebrative Worship Services
- Relevance, quality and creativity should be valued
- They key is not style but atmosphere; is it celebrative? Are people having a good time in worship?
- Churches need to appeal to multiple senses in their worship service
- Avoid the use of language that isn't understood by your guests
- Evangelism that is relational and environmental
- The church must be gathered and scattered (On campus and in the harvest)
- Members declare and demonstrate the transforming power of the gospel
- The pastor must set the standard; modeling what is desired from the body
- Building new relationships with those who don't know Christ must become a priority
- The provision of evangelism training to bolster confidence in Christ followers
- An environment is created that fosters believing and belonging
- Disciple making that moves an individual from death to becoming a reproducing follower of Jesus
- Five Stages of Growth for a disciple: Disconnected, Exploring, Belief, Maturing and Reproduction
- Clearly defined portrait of a disciple guides their work (Attributes, Beliefs, Behaviors and Disciplines)
- Clear process for making disciples is established
- Obedience based teaching
- Discovery based methodology
- Loving Your Neighbor is a Priority
- Meeting practical needs within their community
- Kingdom of God is made tangible
- Offering people an opportunity to be a part of something greater than themselves
- Doing work with and for your neighbors advances the Kingdom
- Sharing Life in Community
- The provision of environments where people share life and experience biblical community
- Small missional communities meeting off campus that focus upon communion with God, community with believers and a cause to live out (disciple making/ministry)
- A Vision of a Better Tomorrow From God
- Knowing what should happen and depending upon God to bring it to reality
- Possession of a clear understanding of the churches purpose and mission; The church is Mission driven
- The work of the church is guided by a small set of values
- Vision is owned by the body and they are able to articulate it (Fits on a napkin)
- A new scorecard is created to track progress