RMSSAMT Spring Board of Director Meeting
Saturday, April 1, 2017 Pueblo Convention Center – Pueblo Colorado
President Celeste Grande MT (AMT) called the RMSSAMT springboard of directors meeting to order at 5:11 pm. Board Members answering the roll call as follows: President Celeste Grande MT (AMT), Vice President Rhonda Furney RMA (AMT), Secretary Nickolette PerschinoRMA(AMT), Jacquetta McFarland, RMA, (AMT),Legislative chair George Cook, MT, (AMT)Anita Ott RMA, (AMT),and Mary Newell RMA (AMT).
Excused from the Board Meeting wereTreasurer Marty Hinkel MT (AMT). Board Members Jill Carlson RMA (AMT)and Lucy Leyva RPT (AMT)
Guests: 3
There was a total of 7board members present.
Vote Count is7.
Nickolette Perschino RMA (AMT) Presented the minutes from the BOD minutes from Saturday, April 2, 2016 in Worland WY. There were no additions or corrections.
Motion to accept minutes as presented by Anita Ott, 2ndJacquetta McFarland: Motion passed unanimously, vote count 7.
Old Business
- Celeste discussed a meeting planning checklist that had been used in the past and how useful it would be to use it again. A printed checklist was given to all board members for review. She asked Mary Newell if a meeting planning check list would have helpedher plan this spring meeting. Mary stated that a checklist would have helped a lot. Celeste made a point that RMSSAMT had to pay for insurance that was required to utilize the convention center for our meeting.We have never been required to provide liability insurance at any other facility before.This was overlooked during the review of the contract before it was signed. Perhaps a checklist would have been useful to catch things like that. Anita Ott will use and fine tune the checklist while she prepares for the fall meeting. We will revisit the updated checklist at next board meeting.
- Financial banking is now done through the home office,updates were given at the general meeting.
New Business
- Board members’ responsibilities:
- Please be sure to answer emails. Check and respond to emails at least twice a week. Text may go out if a decision is needed right away.
- Board members need to stay involved outside of our meetings. A lot of people have signed up to be on committees so that may increase our emails or phone calls to one another.
- The publication committee: Vice president, Rhonda Furney was appointed to be the Chair of the publication committee.
- Anita Ott was appointed to be Chair of the scientific committee.
- George Cook was appointed to be the legislative chair for this committee.
- 2017 National Meeting Kansas City, MO
- Our state basket will include the RMSS green cooler, gift card, RMSS tee shirt, the emergency car kit and other RMSS items that fit into the cooler.
- Jacquetta McFarland will take the state basket to the national meeting in Kansas City, MO.
Motion by George Cook to purchase a one hundred fifty-dollar gift card for the State Basket along with the RMSS items already purchased, 2ndby Anita Ott. Motion passed unanimously, vote count 7
- RMSS elected delegates to 2017 National Meeting:
- MT/MLT: Bob Newbery MT, Marty Hinkel MT, George Cook MT,
Colleen Hutchins MT, Celeste Grande MT
RMA/CMAS: Charmaine Alarid RMA, Rhonda Furney RMA, Mary Newell RMA(she is unable to attend this year’s meeting), Jill Carlson RMA, Jacquetta McFarland RMA, Mindy Brown RMA, Barb Lafferty RMA
RMA Alternates: Anita Ott RMA, Donna Hill RMA
RPT: Ashley Mondragon RPT, Carla Filler RPT
- The national meeting next year will be held in Washington D.C., July 1-6, 2018
- RMSS fall meeting is planned to be held at the Wine Country Inn in Palisade, Colorado. Anita Ott and SusanneRadford willrecruit the speakers. Brain storming of topics from board members included interactive speakers, codingschools, andpatient history documentation. This venue has already been chosen since theybook events one year in advance.It is wise to get the speakers scheduled early since approval is required from main office. Anita will send George a picture of fall meeting site to post on the website. Final approvalson meetings will be decidedby the President.
- National Kidney Fund Silent Auction will be held at the fall meeting.
- Organizing Attendance Report:
- We spent a lot of time with our roll call and vote count since amember signed in on the guest attendance report and sat through two roll calls without speaking up. An easy fix is to color code sign in forms. We will have name tags as well to aid us in being more organized.
Open Discussion
How do we bring in more students? Allow students to attend meetings for free? Recording of meetings? Anita already goes to schools and talks to students about AMT. Give the schools that are close to the meeting site free student meeting vouchers for follow up with the student. For the fall meeting, we are going to target the Grand Junction area, Celeste and Rhonda will design student vouchers. Jacquettawill contact the AMT home office for logo items to give out to the students.
Motion by George Cook,2nd by Anita Ott to adjourn the board meeting at 6:03pm. Motion passed unanimously: vote count 7
Respectfully Submitted,
Nickolette Perschino RMA (AMT)
RMSSAMT Secretary
Celeste Grande RMA (AMT)
RMSSAMT President
Attached Reports: Attendance Roster
Checklist for planning state and educational meetings