AOTRA annual report 2013
Committee members
Rachel Lucas, Diana Amies, Graham Aylett, Adrian Harford, Steven Mitchell, Malcolm Nickolls, David Vowles, Mike Doe, Gay Titley, Angela Neal.
Mike Doe accepted the position of Chairman at the 2012 AGM and was in the chair for all meetings.
Committee meetings were held 13th Nov (AGM 2012), 4th December, 4th Feb (2013) , 9th April, 14th May, 23rd July, 24th Sept, and 5th November. The committee appreciated the attendance by Cllr Barbara Russel, the District Councillor for the town centre ward.
Meetings have been held at the kind invitation of the Hickman Residents in their comfortable Lounge at 17 Castle St.
Christmas Dinner 2012. This social occasion took place in the Temple Street Wine Bar. Around 40 attendees enjoyed a convivial evening. The 2013 Christmas Dinner is planned for Dec 5th, in the same location.
Adrian Harford represented AOTRA at the AGM of the Network of Residents Associations, which continues to grow in reputation as a body to be consulted by government departments over changes in legislation, and other urban issues. The meeting received a presentation and Q&A session with Don Foster, MP for Bath (and, at the time, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government).
Secret Gardens 2013 (23rd June). Thanks to the residents of Prebendal House and the managing agents we were able to start proceedings there, and Graham Aylett (on the 20th anniversary) reminded us of the purposes behind Secret Gardens. After a long cold spring, gardens displayed an earlier season aspect than usual, but the weather was fine and the day was again enjoyed by several hundred visitors. The result was that we were able to donate £850 to the PACE charity, from sale of the Secret Garden maps, produced for us by ESRI, and from fund-raising efforts at individual gardens.
Churchyard Tidy-up. This annual event took place on the 15th July 2013 and was again well supported and appreciated by the Churchwardens, who expressed their thanks. It was overshadowed by the proposal to fell 12 of the lime trees and 4 Irish yews. An inspection of the yew trees revealed that shaping of these trees had been planned and they have now been reprieved from the axe. It remains to be seen if we can get proper management for the lime trees as well. A formal objection has been registered by AOTRA (and a number of individual residents) at the Diocesan Consistory Court, who have the ultimate say in this matter.
David Vowles continues to monitor planning strategy, and the committee are grateful for his specialist knowledge. The facility made available through the AVDC planning website to deliver automatic Email notifications of planning application has been adopted and the resultant Emails distributed to members of the committee who can then review the application on the AVDC website. The government has introduced a number of changes to relax planning controls, with a 3 year period of presumed consent to certain planning matters – there continues to be a trend to convert office space to residential use, which is now only controlled by Listed Building rules, and by general needs concerning flooding, contaminated land and traffic demands.
The committee reviewed the draft Town Centre Improvement Plan, following a presentation by AVDC personnel, and has submitted a number of suggested changes to clarify and improve the proposals.
Vale of Aylesbury Plan. This plan has now been formally submitted, and is under review by a Planning Inspector, before it can be adopted. AOTRA submitted representations concerning planning policies in the town centre, in particular stressing the importance of housing, and the desirability of increasing the number of dwellings, where appropriate. Public hearings about the Plan will be held in December and next February and OATRA has been invited to take part in the hearing session concerning the Town Centre in February.
Traffic and Parking
The committee continue to be frustrated in the lack of response from BCC to our attempts to get action to improve Zone H parking arrangments, which seem to have taken a back seat in the takeover and standardisation of parking management across three districts. At least, the special needs for visitor permits of Hickmans' residents has been recognised. The wider availability of visitor one-day parking permits (at £1) has not so far been a problem. We continue to seek an opportunity to discuss and treat Zone H parking issues as a special case, in an environment which seeks to reduce costs through a 'one-size-fits-all' approach.
Financial Report
AOTRA charges no subscriptions, and distributes all or most of the money received from the Secret Gardens event. Bank accounts are maintained at the Skipton Building Society and funds amount to around six hundred pounds in a current account for incidental expenses, and a 1-year deposit account of around £1500.
We do need funds to cover essential outgoings and unpredictable heavy expenditure and are grateful for the voluntary donations received, and particularly value those which have been made to a Skipton account by regular standing order. Forms are available for any others prepared to support AOTRA in this welcome way.
Our current account has been designated to need three authorised signatories, of which any two signatures are needed for withdrawals.
Other matters
Members of the committee participated in the Neighbourhood Action Group initiative of Thames Valley Police. We have managed to get a higher recognition of the anti-social behaviour 'hot-spots' (Pebble Lane has been a problem area this year). These locations are policed by PCSO's but it is still necessary for local residents to use the newly introduced 101 non-emergency number, when they see problems. Diana Amies distributes TVP information by Email to the committee.
Volume 14 Issue 1 was published in May 2013, Issue 2 in June 2013, and Issue 3 was published in November 2013. Circulation has been increased to over 400 copies of each newsletter to cater for a further increase in the number of residential properties. Our aim is to deliver one to every home within the inner relief road. Please let us know of any which may inadvertently be missed.
Supported initiatives
AOTRA is a member of NORA (the Network Of Residents Associations in English town and city centres) from whom we get invaluable intelligence and support; a corporate member of the Aylesbury Society, a member of the Town Centre Partnership (observer status) and we are affiliated to Living Streets campaign group.