The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Swor, in the Council Chambers on the lower level of the Mill Building at 201 N. Main Street, Linden, Michigan, 48451.


Present:Lynne Drewett, Bill Swor, Tom Williams, Ray Culbert, Brad Dick, Joe Crawford

Absent:Dan Cusson

Others Present: Paul Zelenak, City Manager; Adam Young, City Planner


Motion by Culbert, seconded by Dick to approve the Minutes from the April 4, 2016 Regular Meeting. Motion carried.


(A)Non-Motorized Trail Planning Presentation by Victor Lukasavitz of LAFF

The path will be for walkers, runners, cyclists, old and young. It will be 10 ft. wide. Those interested can sign a YES statement in support of the LAFF Pathway.

Dick- The County is very supportive of this project.





(A)PC 9-16126 North Bridge Street Administrative Site Plan Review

The Lou Charles Group would like to establish a rental room venue at 126 N. Bridge St. A rental room venue is not specifically listed as a permitted use but the Planning Commission has the authority to allow a use which is similar to other listed. Similar uses, which are all allowed as a principal permitted use within the CBD, include: public buildings and facilities, private service clubs, social organizations and lodge halls, and theaters. As indicated, the proposed business will be a venue for small parties, showers, weddings, and meetings. The room would be available for rental between 8am and 12am. Although the unit has a small kitchen area, no food will be cooked on the premises. Customers will provide their own food for the event or will need to arrange a caterer to bring in the pre-cooked food.The applicant proposes to re-stripe the parking area to accommodate 8 total spaces (1 of which will be an ADA space).

Crawford- How would you control alcohol?

Donna- We called others to see how they handle it, instead of an insurance rider we can use home owner’s insurance for liability coverage.

Dick- no bar area is planned? They would carry in every time?

Donna- Yes, some may bring in bottles of wine, it would be on a small scale.

Culbert- Is there language preventing this from becoming a restaurant?

Young- Yes, they would need to come back to the Planning Commission in order to convert the use and would need Health Department approval.

Cusson- Is the restroom large enough?

Donna- Yes, it is wheelchair accessible and I think it would be large enough for these types of events.

Williams- Parking for 45 people?

Young- The lot has some parking. They will rely on nearby public parking but will be contributing 8 spots.

Motion by Culbert, second by Dick, that the Planning Commission authorize the staff to conduct an administrativesite plan review of 126 North Bridge Street. Motion carried.

(B)PC 10-16Discussion of Timeframe for Placement of Garbage Containers

Prompted by recent citizen complaints, City administration is looking to discuss with thePlanning Commission whether the City should have regulations on the timeframe for the placement ofgarbage containers at the curb. In some cases within the City, garbage containers have been placed atthe curb several days in advance of the scheduled collection day.

Culbert- Wouldn’t this be a City ordinance, not part of zoning?

Young- The Council would enact it, but it would be upon the recommendation of the Planning Commission.

Culbert- This could push a lot of interest and that should be directed to Council not Planning Commission.

Dick- We need to ask for compliance 1st without jumping into an ordinance.

Swor- We should reach out gently.

Drewett- Let’s make Council aware and appeal to the community.

(C)PC 11-16Discussion of Agricultural Uses in Residential Areas

The City has received an increasing number of inquiries pertaining to the keeping of animals normally associated with agricultural activities (chickens, bees, etc.) within residential areas of the City. Some of those inquiring were interested in keeping farm animals, while others inquiring were concerned about their neighbors keeping farm animals. Current City Code provides a 200 foot setback requirement that very few properties in the City can meet.

Young- are we comfortable with what the code currently is? We have the ability to reduce the setback.

Dick- 100 ft. is probably the maximum that a house in Linden could meet, and more realistically 50 ft. which is where smell and noise becomes an issue.

Young- You could also limit roosters.

Williams- Or the number of animals.

Culbert- I would recommend we leave it as is.


(A)PC 7-16Sub-Committee to Study Key Redevelopment Sites

At the March Planning Commission meeting, we discussed the establishment asubcommittee to evaluate the potentialredevelopment of key sites, including the Union Block and theEvan’s site. As requested, a recommendation for the make-up of the committee and itspurpose was provided.

Young- Do you know who you want to appoint from Planning?

Culbert- I would sit

Swor- I am interested

Dick- Me too

Zelenak- Are you okay with 3 from Planning?

Motion by Culbert, second by Williams to accept the purpose statement and the makeup up of the Sub-Committee, including with up to 3 Planning Commission members. Motion carried.


Zelenak- At an upcoming meeting I would like to discuss the zoning of certain properties to determine if the Commission believes they are still correctly zoned going forward.

Young- Next month will be the public hearing for the administrative site plan process revision. Dollar General submitted a final revised site plan that meets the conditions of approval. They will be submitting plans to the building department. They will be doing a re-sloping of the pond so fencing will not be required all the way around.

Willowhaven was approved with a 1:4 ratio.

Young- We could approach them if we though there was health or safety issue

Dick- We are looking into what we can do.


The meeting was adjourned by Swor at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

______Approved: ______

Erica Armstrong, Deputy City Clerk

City of Linden Minutes for Planning Commission Regular MeetingMay2, 2016 Page 1