Let’s Talk About Interviews

Do we have a working definition of Public Administration yet?

So who are the Public Administrators you plan to talk to?

PLEASE check out your choices with me.

Question Time

Fresh Kills, Fish Kills, Arthur Kills…

Why such death and mayhem?

Actually, it’s Dutch! For creek or riverbed - kille

Learn something new everyday!

Can you apply your new knowledge?


Who Brought Down Bernadine Healy?

But first, a few questions…

1) What was the name of the agency that Bernadine Healy was called in to reform?

2 and 3) Name me two of the three things that your reading said “brought her down.”

4) What was Healy’s professional background?

5) T or F: The organizational structure had nothing to do with the fate of Ms. Healy.

Bonus) Who was the founder of the organization?

(Healy Bio)

 (Healy leaves)

So, Who or What Brought Her Down?

1) She did – Oh, you have a stain on your lapel.

2) She did – Oh, you have rampant corruption and incompetence that you don’t want me to point out.

3) The historical fundraising method did – For this and other disasters…

3) The Hydra-Headed Monster did – The multi member board.

4) They did – They wanted a change agent and they got one.

5) Anti-Semitism did – MagenDaidAdom.

6) An overzealous public did – Too much money and too much blood to turn away.

7) Liddy Dole did - Frequent absences made the Board the CEO in absencia.

8) Did you hear the story about the church that kept on hiring incompetent preachers?

So, IS this Public Administration?

Public Service?

Quasi –Governmental Agency

Presidential appointments

The HUGE Board

Who’s in charge?

American Red Cross

Board of Governors

2007 - 2008

Gina F. Adams James W. Keyes

Cesar Aristeiguieta, M.D., F.A.C.E.P. R. Bruce LaBoon, Esq.

Sanford A. Belden, Ph.D. Anna Maria L. Larsen

Steven E. Carr, Esq. William Lucy

Wei-Tih Cheng, Ph.D. Elaine M. Lyerly

M. Victoria CummockBonnie McElveen-Hunter

Brian L. Derksen, CPA Laurence E. Paul

Richard M. Fountain Joseph B. Pereles, Esq.

Allan I. Goldberg, M.D. Melanie R. Sabelhaus

James G. Goodwin H. Marshall Schwarz

Michael W. Hawkins, Esq. Glenn A. Sieber

James F. Holmes E. Francine Stokes, Esq.

Suzanne Nora Johnson Walter E. Thornton

Ann F. Kaplan Steven H. Wunning

American Red Cross
Board of Governors
2010 - 2011

Cesar A. Aristeiguieta, MD

Gail J. McGovern

Sanford A. Belden, Ph.D.

Youngme E. Moon, Ph.D.

Paula E. Boggs, Esq.

Suzanne Nora Johnson

Richard M. Fountain, Esq.

Richard Patton

Allan I. Goldberg, MD

Laurence E. Paul, MD (Vice Chairman for Finance)

James G. Goodwin

Joseph B. Pereles, Esq. (Vice Chairman)

Ann F. Kaplan (Vice Chairman)

Melanie R. Sabelhaus

James W. Keyes

H. Marshall Schwarz

Bonnie McElveen-Hunter (Chairman)

Steven H. Wunning

News Updates…

 (Magen David Adom)

(Evans Leaves)
