Minutes of meeting held on Monday 31st October 2011


Cllr. David Preedy (Chairman)

Cllr. Geoffrey Robb (Vice Chairman)

Cllr. Sarah Connolly

Cllr. Paul Furr

Cllr. Chrissie James

Cllr. Jane Pickard

Cllr. Erin Sheridan

Clerk - Gill Riggs


Approval of the Minutes of the meeting held on 26th September 2011 was proposed by Cllr. Connolly and seconded by Cllr. Pickard.


Cllr. Preedy in respect of Cherkley Court

Cllr. Connolly in respect of Headley Shooting Club


The document setting out Parish Council sub-committee rules and requirements, having been previously signed by Jane Jenkins and Cllr. Pickard was signed by the Clerk and will be kept on file.

Cllr. Pickard proposed that the application to MVDC for a 25-year lease on the playground now be proceeded with as the process is likely to take some time and the lease will be necessary to enable the group to apply for funding at the appropriate time - this was seconded by Cllr. Sheridan and was agreed unanimously. All related costs will come from Parish Council funds. The Clerk will now make the necessary arrangements.


Cllr. Pickard advised that the group is investigating holding a fundraising ball at Headley Court and are confident at getting a good attendance given the venue, but stressed that the group were keen to secure the Parish Council’s approval before proceeding further. This was discussed and it was agreed that the Parish Council would not underwrite the event but were happy to support it.

Playground design proposals were discussed and Cllr. Pickard advised that the group is still in the process of looking at final details and plans. It was stressed that when these are complete, all proposals must be put to the Parish Council.

The Clerk has received confirmation from the insurers that they will include the Playground Steering Group as a sub-committee subject to the normal rules, which were again reiterated by them. The Clerk had also given the insurers an indication of the likely fundraising events which the group would be organising which included a kids disco, toy sale, winter ball, open gardens, wine tasting evening, fashion show, carol singing; and possibly a fete in conjunction with the Jubilee events of 2012. It was confirmed that these would be acceptable and that there would be no additional premium for the events, but that details of the Jubilee event would need to be specifically advised to the insurers in advance, with details of planned events taking place.

Quotations have been received for increase in Fidelity Guarantee cover - see item under Finance.


Headley Court zebra crossing - Cllr. Preedy advised that the zebra crossing is shortly due to be installed at Headley Court and there is a proposed road closure which will cause some disruption to the bus service, but it is not known exactly when this will take place. It was felt that notices need to be put up in appropriate places and further details obtained from the bus company as to the proposed alternative route. Cllr. Sheridan agreed to do this. ACTION: ES

Blocked gullies - Cllr. Pickard confirmed that the gully opposite Kings Barn on Tot Hill has not been cleared for some time and continues to overflow, which causes freezing water during cold spells, in a dangerous position. It was thought that there are other gullies which need attention and Cllr. Preedy will pursue with SCC Highways. ACTION: DP

Grit bins - Cllr. Preedy has recently given SCC Highways a list of correct locations of grit bins in the village. Discussion took place regarding the grit bin near Loretta Lodge as Cllr. Preedy feels that it is of little use in that location (having reached there the roads would have to have been gritted) and could be put to better use elsewhere in the village. These concerns have been raised with SCC Highways. The Clerk raised the matter of the Broome Close grit bin, as SCC Highways has stated that they will not add it to their filling schedule as it was obtained privately through Mole Valley Housing Association. It was agreed that this bin needs to be topped up before the winter and the Clerk was asked to source prices for a supply. ACTION: CLERK


Nick Woolley is obtaining a supply of 3,000 bulbs from Cornwall named Golden Anniversary, which if planted soon will bloom next spring. An email asking for volunteers for a planting party has gone out but with only four volunteers so far.

Jane Jenkins had asked whether the Parish Council could set aside any money from Village of the Year funds for colour scheming of the village by way of plants and seeds for 2012. Cllr. Preedy expressed that this could be possible, depending on what is required, provided this is for general village displays rather than individual private gardens. Cllr. Connolly expressed that the Gardening Club were considering ideas for displays in the form of bicycles or bicycle wheels, completed by groups of residents, which could be seen from the air. It was discussed and agreed that the Clerk would approach Jane and ask for her ideas on what is required before the Parish Council makes a decision. ACTION: CLERK


Cllr. Preedy updated the meeting on the background to the Church Lane nursery site over the past few years. Discussion took place to establish what the current view regarding the site is, with a new Council now in place. Cllr. Preedy advised that MVDC would only consider supporting a scheme of up to four Affordable Houses and nothing more, and that their view has not changed. As this situation may change when the Localism bill comes into force, there may be an opportunity to influence plans for the site. It was agreed that four Affordable Housing units, coupled with one or possibly two pairs of modest semi-detached 3-bed, open market houses would be acceptable, provided they were of similar style to the Affordable Housing units. Cllr. Robb reinforced that the village must be consulted on any proposals put forward. It is not known what Tudor’s latest plans are, but Cllr. Preedy will now write to Chris Cobb explaining the Parish Council’s view and will reiterate the Parish Council’s interpretation of Affordable Housing, as Tudors appear to have a different interpretation. ACTION: DP


Cllrs. Robb and James have had an initial meeting to discuss the way forward and Cllr. Robb updated the meeting with progress so far. Plans are to create a database of email addresses and details of residents who can offer equipment, services or help of some kind. Cllr. Robb explained that the Plan will initially consider eventualities in which the village is cut off due to power failure or road closures etc. in which case the village must become self-sufficient. It is important at the next stage to establish those who would be able to help in that situation. There are no proposals to hold details of vulnerable people, as this can change very quickly and people can be vulnerable for temporary periods.

It is felt that Cllrs. Robb and James may need to registered under the Data Protection Act for the purpose of holding information on members of the public and the Clerk will establish details from SCAPTC. ACTION: CLERK


Fidelity Guarantee

The Clerk has obtained premium quotations for various amounts of increased cover, due to the Playground Steering Group becoming a sub-committee of the Parish Council. The Clerk advised that although cover does need to be increased, the total insured is a blanket cover for the Parish Council and any sub-committee, and that funds from all sources are not likely to be at risk at the same time. It was discussed and agreed that cover for the remainder of the current insurance year be increased to £20,000 at a premium of £20.19 - proposed by Cllr. James and seconded by Cllr. Preedy. The Clerk will complete the proposal form and make the necessary arrangements. ACTION: CLERK


Birch Garden Services - Strimming: £168.00

Surrey County Playing Fields Association - Subscription: £10.00

Headley Playground Steering Group - Litter pick donation: £22.00

Surrey Community Action - Payroll fee (Oct-Dec): £18.00

Approval of the above expenditure was proposed by Cllr. James and seconded by Cllr. Pickard.


Following the last meeting, Cllr. Sheridan offered to take on the role of Localism and planning guidance and Cllr. Preedy offered to add support. Cllr. Sheridan will also take on the liaison role regarding bus issues, keeping in touch with bus users in the village and with the bus company. ACTION: ES

Cllr. Preedy emphasised that at some stage Councillors need to take on highway matters, SCAPTC representation and local forum representation, all of which he is currently covering. ACTION: ALL


Cllr. Preedy reported on a meeting which took place earlier this month between Phil Philippou and Michael McGee of the shooting club, Cllrs. Connolly and Preedy, and Nigel Wood of MVDC. The club is proposing to erect a seven metre high earth bund, but there is much concern on the effect of the village. The activity would entail 4,000 lorry trips which would cause considerable disruption in a small village. It is felt that such disruption would be too much with an uncertain outcome. The club made the suggestion that Parish Councillors visit a club where a similar type bund has been erected, to assess the effectiveness. It was generally felt that the proposal would not be granted planning permission. Cllr. Furr made the point that if such a large bund is required to attempt to curb the noise nuisance; this demonstrates that the activity is in the wrong location.

Monitoring is still taking place with Nigel Wood and his report is anticipated in due course.


Applications considered between meetings:

MO/2011/1093: Erection of a stable block which comprises 2 No. stables, 1 No. storage room and 1 No. tack room: The Manor House, Headley Common Road, Headley. The Parish Council had no objections.

MO/2011/1140: Dismantle left hand pier of ambulance gate, store for duration of proposed patient and clinical accommodation project and rebuild pier following construction work: Headley Court. The Parish Council had no objections.

MO/2011/1114: Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing use in respect of the use of the building for use Classes A1, A2, B1 in connection with the blacksmith/farrier/engineering business: Oyster Hill Forge, Clay Lane, Headley. The Parish Council had no objections.

MO/2011/1150: Erection of 2 No. temporary buildings to accommodate a 48 bed ward and therapy building: Defence Services, Headley Court. The Parish Council had no objections.

Decisions by Mole Valley District Council:

MO/2011/0206: Conversion of barn, store and stable buildings to form 1 No. dwelling with guest access and garaging/store: Headley Court Farm, Clay Lane, Headley. Planning Permission has been granted.

MO/2011/1140: Dismantle left hand pier of ambulance gate, store for duration of proposed patient and clinical accommodation project and rebuild pier following construction work: Headley Court. Planning Permission has been granted.

Other planning matters:

Dutch Barn - Cllr. Preedy has made enquires with MVDC officers and is awaiting a response regarding the necessary permissions and regulations regarding use of the barn. Further discussion next meeting. ACTION: DP

Headley Court - Cllr. Preedy expressed concern regarding the number of planning applications submitted by Headley Court, especially those for temporary buildings erected at short notice to meet urgent needs. There has been a total of fourteen applications over a ten year period and he is concerned that the development of the site is taking place reactively rather than in line with a clear strategy for the site. It is felt that a strategy needs to be established for the site generally rather than the continual applications for temporary buildings, which often then results in a further application to extend the temporary period. Cllr. Preedy will pursue. ACTION: DP

Cherkley Court - Cllr. Robb gave details of his visit to Cherkley Court open day which was held by the owners Longshot to promote and explain future plans for the site. Proposals include a luxury hotel with restaurant and cooking school, a health spa and 18-hole golf course. The proposals are expected to have minimal traffic impact and will create employment for the area. Cllr. Preedy advised that the latest version of the plans appear to address concerns raised earlier regarding sight-lines from Tyrells Wood and competition with existing bore-holes in the area for water supplies.


Next meeting - Cllr. Preedy pointed out that the November meeting needs to concentrate on the 2012/13 budget and asked if Councillors could advise the Clerk of any thoughts they may have for next year. The Clerk confirmed that she will circulate a draft budget well in advance of the meeting, for consideration. ACTION: CLERK

Clerk’s contract - Cllr. Preedy reported that he and Cllr. Robb were working on a contract for the Clerk in consultation with her and that he would circulate proposals in the next few days ready for discussion next meeting. ACTION: DP

Thefts - Cllr. Preedy advised that there has been a number of thefts in the village in the past couple of weeks and asked Councillors to advise people to be extra vigilant. The Clerk will send an email to village contacts to this effect. ACTION: CLERK