Note of PCC Western Local Advisory Committee (LAC) Meeting
Date of meeting: 11th October 2010 at 2.00pm
Venue: Conference Room, Hilltop
Present: Mrs Margaret Harte (Chair), Mrs Kathleen Adams, Mrs Maureen Andrew, Mr John Cunningham, Ms Caroline Kelly, Mr Noel McKenna
In attendance: Mrs Louise Skelly, Mrs Maureen Gormley, Mrs Kitty Loughran
Agenda Item / Discussion Points / Agreed Action1. Notes of meeting held on 24/6/2010 / There were no amendments to the notes of the previous meeting.
2. Matters Arising / Website: Mrs Skelly reported that the new website had been formally launched and there had been good feedback regarding it. The website is a work in progress and it will be kept under review. Members were advised they could have information added to the website if they wished. Members were made aware that reports and dates of events are posted on the website.
Corporate Plan: A discussion took place around issues/concerns on the remit of the LAC/who should be contacted and at what level. Mrs Skelly gave a brief overview of the work of the PCC to date and a discussion around complaints/comments took place. It was agreed to enquire into the PCC promoting a comment system.
The updated version of ‘Our Year 2009-2010’ to be sent to members.
Pathology System: Following a discussion with Mr Cunningham Mrs Skelly said she would check on Pathology System and report back to LAC.
Database - local contacts: A list of all the groups on the Western Office database had been shared with members. Members to let Mrs Loughran know if there are groups that they are aware of and are not on the list. Hard copy of list to go to members.
Membership Scheme: Mrs Skelly reported that there were now 600 members signed up to the Membership Scheme. She advised that a workshop for the members of the Western area membership scheme had been arranged for 22nd October in the SW College in Omagh to work on the PfA targets. The Workshop is also open to anyone else who wished to attend. It was agreed that Mrs Skelly would review information from the Membership Scheme members to see if there are any issues arising on hospital records/results when attending appointments.
The weekly Membership Scheme reports will be shared with LAC members.
Bamford Monitoring Group: A hard copy of the Bamford Monitoring Group Report was provided to members and they were invited to provide input to Miss Gillian McMullan, Bamford Project Manager if interested. Mr McKenna made a number of comments on the computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy programme and Mrs Skelly will raise these with Miss McMullan.
Star Wards: A meeting will be arranged with Mrs Skelly, Miss McMullan and Mr McKenna to follow up on the subject of Star Wards. Mr McKenna will get further information from London for the meeting. / Mrs Skelly
Mrs Loughran
Mrs Skelly
Mrs Loughran
Mrs Skelly
Mrs Loughran
Mrs Skelly
Mrs Skelly
3. Update on PCC Objectives 2010/11 / PCC Objectives 2010/11 update to be sent to members.
A discussion took place on members having access to Board papers. It was agreed to raise the issue of PCC Board meeting papers being posted on website.
Mrs Skelly explained that Public Engagement/Rural Voices/PfA will shape issues through the LAC agendas. / Mrs Loughran
Mrs Harte
4. Feedback from LAC Workshop – 9/9/2010 / Revised guidance from the LAC workshop will be made available to members in the coming weeks. / Mrs Skelly
5. Priorities for Action (PfA) Targets for 2010/11 / Documentation on the PfA targets to be shared with members.
A Press Release will be issued prior to the workshop on 22nd October in Omagh.
Mrs Skelly to identify PfA Targets that have been influenced by PCC before 22nd October PfA workshop in Omagh. / Mrs Loughran
Mrs Skelly
Mrs Skelly
6. Local issues / (a) Drumhaw House: A discussion took place about the closure of Drumhaw House Residential Home. Ms Kelly suggested residents needed an Independent Advocate at this time. Mrs Skelly explained that Mrs Stella Cunningham, Area Manager, Southern Office was looking at independent advocacy in residential homes in the Southern area and she will ask her to contact Ms Kelly to discuss.
(b) Positive Futures & (c) Home Support Services: Ms Kelly explained that Positive Futures provide services for children and young people with a learning disability in Fermanagh. She said they had been supported by the Western Health and Social Care Trust but the support has now been withdrawn. She said there had been a parallel project in Omagh which had been stopped in November and Mr Cavanagh, Commissioning Lead for the Health and Social Care Board – Western Office had met with the SW Carer’s Forum to explain the reasons for this. The Western Health and Social Care Trust she said had not informed staff or the families concerned.
(d) Tracey Judgement: Ms Kelly referred to the Western Health and Social Care Trust having been found guilty of lack of care regarding carer’s assessments. She claimed that 80 families had still no assessment even though this was required by law.
It was agreed to find out what action the Western Health and Social Care Trust has taken since the Treacy Judgement. It was also agreed to find out what progress has been made by the Trust regarding carer’s assessments in general.
The issue of carer’s assessment to go on the agenda for the Regional Board.
(e) Eligibility for support from Independent Living Fund no longer available: Ms Kelly raised an issue on funding for independent living which has come to an end.
Ms Kelly to e mail two paragraphs on Independent Living Fund to Mrs Skelly who will consult with Miss McMullan. / Mrs Skelly
Mrs Gormley
Mrs Skelly
Ms Kelly
7. Any other Business / A discussion on the issue of expenses for people who attend PPI events took place.
Mrs Skelly to check with Mr Richard Dixon, Area Manager, Belfast Office re Carer who attended a PPI event having not been paid expenses.
The availability of Western Health and Social Care Trust papers e.g. Financial Performance Report to LAC members was discussed. It was agreed that the Chair who receives these papers would ask permission from the Trust to share them with members.
Mrs Adams said she wished to commend the Western Health and Social Care Trust on the improvement in the Chemotherapy Outreach Service provided in the Tyrone County Hospital. She said the pathway for patients had been greatly improved.
Key Issues for Press Release following LAC meeting:
Include positive comments re Cancer Services in Tyrone County Hospital.
Priorities for Action.
Carers Support. / Mrs Skelly
Mrs Harte
Mrs Skelly
8. Schedule of meetings for 2010/11 / 15th December 2010 in Conference Room, Hilltop at 2.00pm
16th February 2011 in Conference Room, Hilltop at 2.00pm