CARI Matching Fund – Short Concept

Name of project

[please include here]

Lead Partner

[please include here]


[please include here]

“Increasing productivity along the entire rice value chain”

General project details

Project title
Project area
Region/district/province(s)/state(s) covered
Project duration (max. 2 years)[1]
Total budget (estimate)
MF amount requested
Lead applicant contribution
Other financial contributions
Lead applicant (private partner)
Company name
Legal form of entity
Address and contact details
Contact person
Company homepage
Second applicant/partner to lead applicant[2]
Company name
Legal form of entity
Address and contact details
Contact person
Company homepage
Project outreach
Number of farmers targeted directly
Number of female farmers targeted directly (minimum of 30% of total)

a)Roles of consortium partner(s)

Name partner / Roles, responsibilities & contribution
Please provide signed MoU or explicit letter of intent to cooperate and contributeunder the proposed project. The MoU/letter must be signed by each partner.

b)Project description

Please describe how your projects helps to increase the productivity along the entire rice value chain. At least the following topics must be covered:
  • Application of sustainable rice production standards (according to SRP:)
  • Evidence for inclusiveness of promoted business model. How do you promote contractual relations (between producer and processor as well as processor and trader/consumer)?
  • Evidence for reaching and integrating at least 30% of women
How does the proposed project contribute to the business goals of each partner?

c)Problem statement & relevance of project

d)Goals and objectives

e)Business analysis

Business data of the mill:
What is the installed capacity?
What is the current utilization of installed capacity?
How much MT of paddy was bought (last year)?
How much MT of paddy was processed (last year)?
Annual turnover (in euro):
Business dataof the trader/input supplier:
What is the value of services provided to farmers (last year)?
How many farmers have been served? (last year)?
What kind of services can be provided?
Annual turnover (in euro):
Please describe necessary steps to increase milling efficiency.
How can services to farmers can be improved/made more affordable?

f)Company profileand staff structure (of each partner):

Please describe the company profile of all consortium partners. Please include the staff structure of all partners (be an attachment). Who is the responsible manager for the project and what is his/ her role?
If already known, please introduce the project team and their roles within the project.

g)Specific roles of service providers[3]

Name of the service provider / Offered services

h)Experience with similar projects

Please describe (at least) the following aspects of similar projects with have been working with.
  • What wereyour specific role and responsibilities?
  • What was the scope of the project?
  • What was the outreach (how many farmers were reached)?
  • What was the volume of the partnership and your contribution?
  • Which geographical regions were covered?
  • What was the impact the project made?


The Matching Fund is the backbone of the CARI project. It serves as vehicle to support partners to increase the productivity along the rice value chain. The MF partner/consortium is required to contribute at least 2/3 to the project budget, as the CARI contribution is limited to 1/3 (maximum). Depending on the farmer outreach and complexity of the proposed project, the CARI share shall be between 40,000 and 100,000 €. The duration of the project can be up to 24 months in Nigeria and Burkina Faso, while contracts in Tanzania are limited to 21 months and in Ghana to 16 months.[4]

i)Project budget

Please provide an estimate of the total budget (include the breakdown in CARI and your own contribution).
Please state the major cost factors (e.g. staff cost, service provider cost, training cost, etc.).

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[1]The implementation period starts in September 2018 (for all countries). The latest end of projects in Ghana will be December 2019. In Tanzania,the latest end of project willJune 2020 while in Nigeria and Burkina Faso it will be March 2021.

[2]In case of more than two partners please include additional rows and insert details of all consortium partners.

[3]Service providers are companies, which will be contracted by the lead partner or consortium to provide services to farmers, without actively contributing to the project.

[4]Implementation periods:

Nigeria and Burkina Faso: September 2018 to March 2021 (max contract duration 24 months)

Tanzania: September 2018 to June 2020 (max contract duration 21 months)

Ghana: September 2018 to December 2019 (max contract duration 16 months)