Berkeley & District Riding Club

AGM - Monday, January 11th, 2016, 7.30pm, Falfield Village Hall, Falfield

Present Kate Nichols, Joy Smart, Michelle Hopton, Terri Sweet, Jill Mcfarland, Justine Jackman, Jo Dyer, Lucy Baggs, Jo Webley, Anne Brown, Merran Mchauhlan, Andrew Winterton, Charlotte Brain, Shell Ritter, Julie Dickens, Celia Horner, Sally Thorne, Wendy Fieldon, Teresa Ventimiglia, Paula Holland, Mel Tegg, Katie Rogers, Sarah Couzens, Aimee Conlon, Andrea Cox, Heidi Benson, Sue Micklewright, Sally Page, Kate Lingwood-White, Gill Lawry, Ann Marshall, Sue Meredith, , Claire Rudge, Emma Smith, Sandra Jenkins, Linda Bohin, Shanice Walton, Sasha Frost, Linda Phelps, Nicci Phelps, Janet Mcdonald, Jenny Allen, Nicky Walker, Noolie Gregory, Zillah Savage, Jan Parry, Mandy Lee, Carrie Dailly, Caitlin Banks, Sue Creswick. (there may have been more that did not sign AGM register.

Apologies –Claire Miskelly; Angela Cherrington, Kath Griffihs, Hazel Weyman, Sue Exell, Lettie Bellord, Fiona Hunt, Clare Chiba, Sarah Meredith


1 / Minutes from the last meeting – agreed and taken as read.
Proposed by Mel Glover, seconded by Noolie Gregory.
2 / Chairman’s Report
Welcome to BDRC AGM for 2015, I would like to thank you all for coming tonight and I hope that those of you who have eaten have enjoyed your chilli thanks to Justine and Jill’s daughters.
You will all find the Agenda for tonight on your seats and also the minutes from the AGM last year. I will also pass a piece of paper and pen around, please can you right your name down so we know who has attended. Are there any apologies?
Agenda items: minutes from last meeting, Chairs report, Treasurers Report with Michelle, Team Reports, Election of Committee, Membership with Terri, Planned events for 2016, Awards for 2015 then Any other Business.
1)  Minutes from last meeting – if everyone is happy with the minutes from the last AGM, can someone propose them?
Chairs Report:
When Zillah handed over the reins last year, to say I was little anxious was an understatement!! Sorry Zillah, you thought you could hide at the back of the hall tonight!! Zillah had done a fantastic job as Chair and was always welcoming to all club members old and new! I honestly felt like I had a lot to live up to – and yes I know I will do things differently and will probably still make lots of mistakes along the way, but the members of BDRC are who make it what it is today!! So a Huge THANK YOU must go to you all and as a thank you to Zillah we have made her an honorary member of BDRC.
This year has seen lots of highs and some lows – in April we sadly lost one of founding members – Mrs MacDonald who was also our President. With out her and a few other members BDRC would not be the club we are today.
AS for the highs, well, where do I start!! The first team competition of 2015 was the Intermediate Dressage in March – Jo Dyer won her Novice Class and qualified for the Winter Championships where she finished 5th overall – well done Jo!! Then came the Eventers Challenge (FOTH) where the open team made up of: Laura Nelmes, Claire Rudge, Frankie Malecki and Jo Dyer where the team won overall and Laura won individually. Laura then went on to win the Individual at the championships and even made it into Riders Magazine – well done Laura!! We also had success with the dressage teams, Fiona Hunt winning the Prelim Riding test at the area competition at Rabson, Sam Gibbs winning the Prelim test and Aimee Conlon winning the Novice test, which meant that they headed up to Lincoln for the National Championships. At the Nationals all 3 ladies came in the top 10 for each of their respective classes. – well done ladies!! The last area competition was held at Mendip Plains – Eventers Challenge (FOTH), the open team 100cm consisted of: Andrew Winterton, Sarah Lord, Laura Nelmes and Genevive Wilkes – the team came first whilst Sarah won individually and Laura came second – the team will be heading the championships later this year – well done!!. We also sent a pairs team – Gemma Dunster and Kathleen Griffiths – who on the day were awarded 1st place, but then this was retracted the following day due to a discrepancy in the marking at the dressing fence – due to this error they will both be competing at the championships – well done ladies!! Also a huge well done to all those who took time out to be part of various teams and attended team training throughout the year including the Combined Training and Show jumping Teams– you all represented BDRC fantastically and I look forward to seeing the teams do well again this year!
Our annual camp at Pontispool was another huge success where the auction raised over £1100. this money was split between two charities – Grass Sickness and Gloucestershire Air Ambulance. I have handed over the reins of organising camp to Sally and Shanice – so thank you!!
ODE in June held at West Littleton thanks to Sue Excel was another huge success – although leading up to the event we were concerned that the numbers were down – instead of the usual 200 entries we ended up with 160 – this still made for a busy day and weather held out. I must say a massive thank you to all those that helped because without you we really can not run an event of that scale. We decided due to the low numbers at the ODE that we would also organise an Eventers Challenge which we ran in later in the year – we opted to use Leyland Court. Schedules were printed and also for the first time, we used the Horse & Hound Equo online entry system. Entries were very slow to come in and even 5 days before close of entries we were wandering whether to cancel – emails were flying around to various clubs with schedules attached, I was looking at the online booking system daily. Even the day before entries closed we were just on breakeven for numbers – we decided that it was best to continue due to amount of work already put into organising – well we needn’t have worried – over night of the last day we received over 30 additional entries online! We went from thinking we would be finished by 12noon, to thinking how will we fit everyone in!! what a nice position to be in!! the day came and the fog cleared to become a very warm day!! Everyone had smiles on there faces and we had lots of lovely comments to say how well organised the day was. So again thank you to all the volunteers who helped make the day run smoothly!!
We must as a committee and club also thank Angela Cherrington for taking on the Area 9 Flu/Vac database – this is a really important job as this ensures that all clubs entering teams have got all their horses flu/tet records up to date.
I am really looking forward to seeing all our members develop and gain in confidence throughout the coming 12 months – I really do feel like a proud parent when I hear fab results at area competitions, or that a member has overcome a fear. Keep up the good work and here is to a fab 2016!
3 / Treasurers Report –
Detailed income and expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2015
Income £ £
Subscriptions 5,630
Rally income 14,496
One Day event and eventers challenge income 7,361
Residential camp income 8,251
Non-residential camp 1,406
Team entries income 2,707
Social income 519
Donations 1,192
Misc (114)
Affiliation fees (2,012)
Rallies - Instructors (9,623)
Rallies - Venue hire (4,511)
One Day Event and eventers challenge expenditure (4,672)
Residential camp expenditure (8,014)
Non-residential camp (1,348)
Team Entries (4,917)
Social Events (869)
Gifts and donations (1,655)
Admin expenses (731)
Misc (124)
Profit for the year 2,973
Opening cash balance 4,788
Closing cash balance 7,761
Bank account 3,497
Petty cash 12
Savings 99
Paypal 4,153
Summary by activity
Net of subscriptions and affiliation fees 3,618 3,097
Rally profit for the year 361 265
ODE and eventers challenge profit 2,689 1,931
Residential camp 238 173
Non-residential camp 59 (77)
Team entries (2,209) (1,104)
Social events (350) (338)
Gifts and donations (463) (800)
Admin/misc (969) (1,201)
Total 2,973 1,946
Proposed Andrew Winterton
Seconded Ann Brown
4 / Team Reports were submitted by all the team mangers who reported a very successful year.
5 / Election of Committee
Anne Brown accepted the role of President
Janet Macdonald accepted the role of Vice President
Lucy Baggs co-opted onto committee
Joy Smart leaving committee. Jo Webley taking over as secretary
Everyone in agreeance for committee to stand for another year.
6 / Membership –
191 members end 2015
. Plea for people to complete their hours
C / Events for 2015
Pontispool Camp 9-12th March. Camp currently full but waiting list in operation
Balance £165 due by Feb 13th
Insructors - Di Sealey, Kate Scott and Rachel Sheldon
Charities for auction? Ideas for activities?
One Day Event – the date is still to be confirmed – this year the event will be likely to be held later in June – once we have the date we will need approx 75 helpers to make this a successful event. Please keep an eye out for updates regarding this.
Non-Residential Camp - arrangements to follow. Organiser to take over from Jill would be welcome
8 / Club Awards 2015
Club Awards: There were so many people that deserve recognition this year, so choosing the award winners has been very hard.
1)  Club All-rounder – This person has been on nearly all the teams this year, winning or being placed both at area and national championships – I think we will all know who this person is - a massive well done to Laura Nelmes!
2)  The Southfield Dressage Glass – this would normally get awarded to an individual or team, however this year I am awarding this to two people who have taken the test riding clinics to another level – they are always extremely encouraging to all members whether riding their first ever walk trot test or seasoned dressage team riders – well done Hazel and Justine you both do a fantastic job and without your hard work I am sure Lucy would have a much harder job with the dressage team selection.
3)  The Anne Stevenson Memorial Trophy – This person has and they probably wont mind me saying this, scared many an instructor and rally riders with their style of riding. However this person has both gained in knowledge and understanding and has gone from strength to strength. They have gone from somehow just getting round an 80cm course to being part of the 90 and 100cm teams – you also have various nicknames including: Old Git, OAP and Grandad – these are the clean ones!! Well done Andrew this is very well deserved!!
4)  The Ann Brown Training Bursary is going to Sue Meredith – she attends rallies and camp with her horse Boo and they are really forming a lovely partnership –well done!
5)  This year we have also included a trophy for Best Vetran – Sue if you would kindly like to say a few words: - this is being awarded to Fran Cawley –combined age is 75-80yrs old
6)  An award of a free rally goes to all the rally organisers and Team Managers – Lucy Baggs, Leanne Webber, Carrie Dailly, Caitlin Banks, Linda Eadie, Dee Hargreaves, Sally Page, Jackie Grose, Karen Gobey, Amanda Lomax, Claire Chiba and Michelle Ritter, must not forget Angela Cherrington.
9 / AOB
A reminder regarding hat standards for 2016 – please visit the BDRC website to ensure your hat complies with the new regulations and this is more important for those wanting to be on the teams.
We are now able to purchase BDRC clothing online from Sew Equestrian, if you go to BDRC website and click on the shop this will take you straight to Sew Equestrian website – Lucy is modelling a jacket – we have included polo shirts, jackets, gillets, numnahs and hats . Once we have had a few people purchase our clothing, if members can take photos we can get them uploaded onto the website for others to see– so do please if you want BDRC clothing purchase from Sew Equestrian.
Thank you to Joy Smart, presented with flowers - We as a committee would like to say a huge thank you for the work you have done over the past year, you have kept me and all the committee in check and always been well organised with any committee meeting agenda’s and minutes.
Thank you for all for attending please do stay and have a chat – once again thank you to Justine and Jill for organising the food tonight and please do speak to their girls –Eve and Megan to find out more about their trip in 2017.

B&DRC AGM 2014 1