It’s all about relationship…
With God, family & community
Getting Ready for WFMC Base One: Belonging
Thank you for signing up for this class. We obviously believe that belonging to a church family is essential, and we’d love for you to consider if this is where God has led you. We have compacted this class into one three hour session, and to make the most of this time together (and not overwhelm you with information) we highly encourage you to read through the following appendices so to interact better with the material during the class. Of course, if you have any questions about what you are reading do not hesitate to contact a pastor.
“Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.44 All the believers were together and had everything in common.45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts,47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”
This is the story of the first 25 years of the church, Acts 2:41-47
The vision of The Free Methodist Church in Canada
It is the vision of The Free Methodist Church in Canada to see healthy churches within the reach of all people in Canada and beyond.
Our FMCIC Mission
Following God’s activity in our “Jerusalems, Judeas, Samarias and beyond,” The FreeMethodist Church in Canada (FMCIC) will….
• Find ways to engage unreached people and unreached communities with the gospel
• Mature congregations through developing healthy pastoral and lay leaders
• Commission prepared people to purposeful service
• Interpret life theologically through intentional reflection
• Invest human and financial resources strategically
• Communicate and celebrate through listening to and inspiring one another.
FMCIC Core Values
• All persons are made in the image of God and possess intrinsic worth.
• All persons have a need to know Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.
• All persons can be saved and begin a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
• All persons have unique gifts to contribute to the kingdom.
• The Christian community is the foundation for the growth of the Kingdom of God on earth.
• The Christian community is the primary context for developing believers.
• The Christian community is to minister in Jesus’ name to all people.
• The Christian community is to worship and serve God.
• Teamwork demonstrates the diversity of spiritual gifts and personal competencies within the church.
• Teamwork recognizes our dependence on God and each other.
• Teamwork maximizes the leadership resources of the church.
• Teamwork builds Christian community.
• Free Methodists share a common theology, membership covenant, and leadership system.
• Free Methodists co-operate with other parts of the Christian church in redemptive endeavors and political response.
• Free Methodists build healthy intercongregational cooperation, celebration and support.
• Free Methodists affirm diverse approaches to accomplish our common vision and mission.
• Integrity is grounded in the character of God.
• Integrity establishes a framework for all relationships.
• Integrity guides all strategies, actions and programs.
• Integrity ensures the appropriate use of time, money, and energy.
• Learning leads to excellence.
• Learning leads to creativity.
• Learning leads to faithfulness to biblical essentials.
• Learning increases skill.
• The Scriptures call for every church to grow.
• The Scriptures call for the evangelization of the unreached.
• The Scriptures call for every Christian to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ.
• The Scriptures call for every Christian to participate in the growth of the church.
• God is generous to all. Becoming more like Him, we extend God’s love through generosity to others.
• Generosity is grace-enabled as we trust God in all circumstances.
• Generosity is a source of joy and blessing as we join God in His ministry.
• Generosity glorifies God.
To find out more about The Free Methodist Church in Canada browse the“Who We Are” section on our website: for Bishop’s Notes, OurFree Methodist Story, Study Commission on Doctrine (Position Papers), TheManual and much more…
The following section outlines the Articles of Religion of The Free MethodistChurch, which forms part of our internationally adopted Constitution.These Articles are a means of preserving and passing on the doctrine and principles of Christian living that we have received as evangelicals within theArminian-Wesleyan family. They help us to clarify church order through soundprinciples and policies, to help in the task of sharing the good news with ourneighbours, and to enable more effective cooperation with other families in the church of Christ in the advancement of the reign of God.
The Holy Trinity
There is but one living and true God,the maker and preserver of all things.And in the unity of this Godhead thereare three persons: the Father, the Son,and the Holy Spirit. These three areone in eternity, deity, and purpose;everlasting, of infinite power, wisdom,and goodness.
His Incarnation
God was Himself in Jesus Christ toreconcile people to God. Conceivedby the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin
Mary, He joined together the deity ofGod and the humanity of humankind.Jesus of Nazareth was God in humanflesh, truly God and truly human. Hecame to save us. For us the Son ofGod suffered, was crucified, deadand buried. He poured out His lifeas a blameless sacrifice for our sinand transgressions. We gratefully acknowledge that He is our Saviour,the one perfect mediator between Godand us.
His Resurrection and Exaltation
Jesus Christ is risen victorious from thedead. His resurrected body becamemore glorious, not hindered by ordinaryhuman limitations. Thus He ascendedinto heaven. There He sits as ourexalted Lord at the right hand of Godthe Father, where He intercedes for usuntil all His enemies shall be broughtinto complete subjection. He will returnto judge all people. Every knee will bowand every tongue confess Jesus Christis Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
His Person
The Holy Spirit is the third person ofthe Trinity. Proceeding from the Fatherand the Son, He is one with them, the eternal Godhead; equal in deity,majesty, and power. He is God effectivein creation, in life, and in the church.The incarnation and ministry of JesusChrist were accomplished by the HolySpirit. He continues to reveal, interpret,and glorify the Son.
His Work in Salvation
The Holy Spirit is the administrator ofthe salvation planned by the Fatherand provided by the Son’s death, resurrection, and ascension. He isthe effective agent in our conviction,regeneration, sanctification, and glorification. He is our Lord’s everpresentself, indwelling, assuring, andenabling the believer.
His Relation to the Church
The Holy Spirit is poured out upon thechurch by the Father and the Son. He isthe church’s life and witnessing power.He bestows the love of God and makesreal the lordship of Jesus Christ in thebeliever so that both His gifts of wordsand service may achieve the commongood, and build and increase thechurch. In relation to the world He isthe Spirit of truth, and His instrument isthe Word of God.
The Bible is God’s written Word,uniquely inspired by the Holy Spirit. Itbears unerring witness to Jesus Christ, the living Word. As attested by theearly church and subsequent councils,it is the trustworthy record of God’s revelation, completely truthful in all itaffirms. It has been faithfully preserved and proves itself true in human experience.The Scriptures have come to us throughhuman authors who wrote, as Godmoved them, in the languages andliterary forms of their times. Godcontinues, by the illumination of theHoly Spirit, to speak through this Wordto each generation and culture.The Bible has authority over all humanlife. It teaches the truth about God, Hiscreation, His people, His one and onlySon, and the destiny of all humankind.It also teaches the way of salvation andthe life of faith. Whatever is not foundin the Bible nor can be proved by it is not to be required as an article of beliefor as necessary to salvation.
Authority of the Old Testament
The Old Testament is not contrary tothe New. Both Testaments bear witnessto God’s salvation in Christ; both speak of God’s will for His people. Theancient laws for ceremonies and rites,and the civil precepts for the nationIsrael are not necessarily binding onChristians today. But, on the exampleof Jesus we are obligated to obey themoral commandments of the OldTestament.The books of the Old Testamentare: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus,Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua,Judges, Ruth, I Samuel, II Samuel, I Kings, II Kings, I Chronicles, II
Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther,Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, TheSong of Solomon, Isaiah, Jeremiah,
Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea,Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah,Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah,Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi
Authority of the New Testament
The New Testament fulfills andinterprets the Old Testament. It is therecord of the revelation of God in Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit. It is God’sfinal word regarding humankind, sin,and salvation, the world and its destiny.The books of the New Testament are:Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts,Romans, I Corinthians, II Corinthians,Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians,Colossians, I Thessalonians, IIThessalonians, I Timothy, IITimothy,Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, IPeter, II Peter, I John, II John, III John,Jude, Revelation.
A Free Moral Person
God created human beings in Hisown image, innocent, morally free andresponsible to choose between good and evil, right and wrong. By the sinof Adam, humans as the offspring ofAdam are corrupted in their very natureso that from birth they are inclinedto sin. They are unable by their ownstrength and work to restore themselvesin right relationship with God andto merit eternal salvation. God, theOmnipotent, provides all the resourcesof the Trinity to make it possible forhumans to respond to His gracethrough faith in Jesus Christ as Saviourand Lord. By God’s grace and help,people are enabled to do good workswith a free will.
Law of Life and Love
God’s law for all human life, personaland social, is expressed in two divinecommands: Love the Lord God with allyour heart, and love your neighbour asyourself. These commands reveal whatis best for persons in their relationshipswith God, others, and society. They setforth the principles of human duty inboth individual and social action. Theyrecognize God as the only Sovereign.All people as created by Him and in Hisimage have the same inherent rightsregardless of sex, race, or colour. Allshould therefore give God absoluteobedience in their individual, social,and political acts. They should striveto secure to everyone respect for theirperson, their rights, and their greatesthappiness in the possession andexercise of the right within the morallaw.
Good Works
Good works are the fruit of faith inJesus Christ, but works cannot saveus from our sins nor from God’sjudgment. As expressions of Christianfaith and love, good works performedwith reverence and humility are bothacceptable and pleasing to God.However, good works do not earnGod’s grace.
The Church
The church is created by God; it isthe people of God. Christ Jesus is itsLord and Head; the Holy Spirit is its life and power. It is bothdivine andhuman, heavenly and earthly, idealand imperfect. It is an organism, notan unchanging institution. It exists tofulfill the purposes of God in Christ.It redemptively ministers to persons.
Christ loved the church and gaveHimself for it that it should be holyand without blemish. The church is a fellowship of the redeemed and theredeeming, preaching the Word of God and administering the sacraments according to Christ’s instruction. TheFree Methodist Church purposes tobe representative of what the church of Jesus Christ should be on earth. Ittherefore requires specific commitmentregarding the faith and life of its members. In its requirements it seeksto honour Christ and obey the written Word of God.
The Language of Worship
According to the Word of God andthe custom of the early church,public worship and prayer and the administration of the sacramentsshould be a language understood bythe people. The Reformation applied this principle to provide for the use ofthe common language of the people.It is likewise clear that the Apostle Paulplaces the strongest emphasis uponrational and intelligible utterance inworship. We cannot endorse practiceswhich plainly violate these scripturalprinciples.
The Holy Sacraments
Water baptism and the Lord’s Supperare the sacraments of the churchcommanded by Christ. They are means of grace through faith, tokens of ourprofession of Christian faith, and signsof God’s gracious ministry toward us.By them, He works within us to quicken,strengthen, and confirm our faith.
Water baptism is a sacrament of the church, commanded by our Lord,signifying acceptance of the benefitsof the atonement of Jesus Christto be administered to believers, asdeclaration of their faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour.Baptism is a symbol of the newcovenant of grace as circumcision wasthe symbol of the old covenant; and,since infants are recognized as beingincluded in the atonement, they may bebaptized upon the request of parentsor guardians who shall give assurancefor them of necessary Christian training. They shall berequired to affirm the vowfor themselves before being acceptedinto church membership.
The Lord’s Supper
The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament ofour redemption by Christ’s death. Tothose who rightly, worthily, and with faith receive it, the bread which webreak is a partaking of the body ofChrist; and likewise the cup of blessing is a partaking of the blood of Christ.The supper is also a sign of the loveand unity that Christians have among themselves.Christ, according to His promise, isreally present in the sacrament. But Hisbody is given, taken, and eaten onlyafter a heavenly and spiritual manner.No change is effected in the element;the bread and wine are not literallythe body and blood of Christ. Nor isthe body and blood of Christ literallypresent with the elements. The elementsare never to be considered objects ofworship. The body of Christ is received and eaten in faith.
Christ’s Sacrifice
Christ offered once and for all theone perfect sacrifice for the sins of thewhole world. No other satisfaction forsin is necessary; none other can atone.
The New Life in Christ
A new life and a right relationshipwith God are made possible throughthe redemptive acts of God in Jesus
Christ. God, by His Spirit, acts toimpart new life and put people into arelationship with Himself as they repent and their faith responds to His grace.Justification, regeneration, adoption,sanctification and restoration speaksignificantly to entrance into andcontinuance in the new life.
Justification is a legal term thatemphasizes that by a new relationshipin Jesus Christ people are in fact accounted righteous, being freed fromboth the guilt and the penalty of theirsins.
Regeneration is a biological term whichillustrates that by a new relationshipin Christ one does in fact have a newlife and a new spiritual nature capableof faith, love, and obedience to ChristJesus as Lord. The believer is bornagain and is a new creation. The oldlife is past; a new life is begun.
Adoption is a filial term full of warmth,love, and acceptance. It denotes that bya new relationship in Christ, believershave become His wanted children freedfrom the mastery of both sin and Satan.Believers have the witness of the Spiritthat they are children of God.
Sanctification is that saving work ofGod beginning with new life in Christwhereby the Holy Spirit renews His people after the likeness of God,changing them through crisis andprocess, from one degree of glory to another, and conforming them to theimage of Christ.As believers surrender to God infaith and die to self through fullconsecration, the Holy Spirit fills themwith love and purifies them from sin.This sanctifying relationship with Godremedies the divided mind, redirectsthe heart to God, and empowersbelievers to please and serve God intheir daily lives.Thus, God sets His people free to loveHim with all their heart, soul, mind, andstrength, and to love their neighbor asthemselves.