1. An acrostic is a descriptive writing that explains the important events of particular time period. The acrostic is organized using the letters of the event’s name. Each letter will be the beginning of a descriptive phrase or idea.
2. NEW NATION should be listed down the left side of the paper.
3. There will be nine lines to the acrostic.
4. Each line must have something to do with the events of the New Nation, in this case the time period between George Washington and the journey of Lewis & Clark.
5. The lines of the acrostic should be separated from each other and the first letter should be written in color or a script which makes it stand out.
6. Make sure your facts are accurate and that you use complete thoughts.
7. Extra credit will be awarded to students who complete any TWO of the following:
a. Typed responses
b. Colored background of construction paper
c. Colored picture in the background
8. Take pride in your work. Make sure that it is neat, clean, orderly and spelled correctly.