Secondary SD - Record of Weekly Meeting with Mentor
Name of School: / xxxxxxx
Name of Mentor: / xxxxxxxx
Name of Trainee: / xxxxxxxx
Meeting number: / x Date: xxxxx
1. Trainee’s reflection on progress
I have struggled with behaviour in some classes this week. For example teaching 10N3 proved to be very difficult as they are a bottom set and several pupils are very challenging in terms of misbehaviour. I found teaching this class their first lesson on the new topic very difficult and challenging. Several pupils struggled to concentrate on the tasks I set and started to misbehave. Also during a year 8 bottom set lesson, the pupils struggled to grasp the learning objective, and it was clear they didn’t know what they were meant to be learning. Therefore I wasn’t able to progress the pupils according to my lesson plan
After analysing the Y10 lesson with my mentor I realised that my grouping had to be changed. For this lesson I had placed some pupils who have the tendency to misbehave in the same group. This led to them messing around with each other and not concentrating on the tasks I had set for them. Similarly after evaluating the Y8 lesson with an experienced member of staff, he told me that being a bottom set, the pupils need a lot of encouragement and suggested some ways to introduce and clarify LOs.
So for next lesson, I will come up with a plan where my pupils are placed in separate groups so they cannot distract one another. Also some of the activities I am setting end up being too long which again might be leading to pupils losing concentration and starting to misbehave. I need to start thinking about shorter tasks, or ways to break down tasks to try and ensure I can maintain pupil focus and keep up the pace of the lesson.
For other classes I need to be more positive and rewarding. I will also plan to experiment with different ways to introduce LOs to see how I can improve pupil understanding about what they are learning.
. / TS
2. Review of development targets
Strategies employed and tasks completed / Target and level achieved / TS
-  Mark assessment undertaken with 9Y and 8Y
-  Moderate marking in discussion with RT
-  Mark mock exam papers for year 11
Feedback results and undertake WWW/EBI review with Y11 / Confidently and accurately assess pupils’ attainment against national benchmarks
Assess learners’ progress and work with them to accurately target further progress
Mostly Achieved (still need to feedback results next lesson) / TS6
3.  New development targets
Target (level descriptor) / Strategies and tasks / TS
Show an increased awareness of a range of strategies to promote positive behaviour, and use these appropriately with my groups
Widen my support for pupils in reflecting on their learning by exploring ways to introduce learning objectives
Assess learners’ progress and work with them to accurately target further progress
Mostly Achieved (still need to feedback results next lesson) / -  Review grouping of students during group tasks
-  Introduce a clearer system of reward for pupils, (Green cards, Name on board, tick sheet etc.)
-  Observe LY with 10N and review strategies/approaches
-  Trial different ways to introduce LOs
·  Pupil reads out
·  Starter to emphasise what they will be learning
·  Starter where students try to work out the LOs themselves
-  Undertake mini plenaries, which review LO at key points in the lesson
-  Feedback results and undertake WWW/EBI review with Y11 / TS 7

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3. Mentor’s evaluation of trainee’s progress, including subject knowledge development
How are trainees evaluating their teaching and its impact on pupils’ learning? / The trainee is regularly reviewing their teaching now, and using their insights to adapt future lessons.
Trainee’s progress:
(Tick or delete as appropriate) / X Meeting challenging targets and making good progress
Meeting targets and making progress
Not meeting targets*

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*Please identify additional support to meet the targets set above / Progress Support Plan:
*Notify / Professional Mentor/ University Tutor

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