2015 New Pastor/Pastor Parish Relations Committee Evaluation
Mark Twain District – Missouri Area United Methodist Church
Pastor’s Name______Appointment______
As pastor, congregation, and PPRC, you are meeting early in this new appointment relationship. This process encourages a spirit of collaboration and communication in the initial stages of this ministry. Use additional pages if needed. The purpose of the following questions is to:
- open an initial conversation of how to support one another for effective ministry
- encourage communication early in the appointment
- begin discerning initial goals longer-term mission goals for pastor and PPRC
Please refer to the Five Expectations below andto a resource sheet for the Five Expectations and Practices which is to be distributed by the pastor.
*Accountability *Collaboration
1a. Pastor’s Response - What gifts/talents/strengths do you bringto this new ministry?
1b. PPRC’s Response -What gifts/talents/strengths do you and the congregation bring to this ministry?
2. Share several significant ministries of this congregation which have been fruitful and in which the congregation has grown in its faith?
3. Describe your church’smission field/s, i.e. – is it new people, youth, senior housing residents, young adults, low income neighbors, etc. Who is God calling your congregationto reach through creative ministry?
4a. In light of the above in #3, name two or three specific goals or hopes of the congregation for reaching this mission field/s.
4b. How can the pastor, church, and PPRC work together in this ministry?
5. What are twoinitial ways the PPRC cansupport the pastor early in thisnew ministry?
6. What are areas for the pastor’s growth in skills during the coming year? Are there training or continuing education opportunities available? How can the PPRC be supportive?
List the names of PPRC members who attended the meeting/s and participated in this evaluation process with your new pastor.
Pastor’s Signature______Date______
PPRC Chair’s Signature______Date______
The pastor and the District Superintendent have reviewed together.
District Superintendent’s Signature______Date______