95-702 Organizational Communication & Distributed Object Technologies Carnegie Mellon University

Lab 3 Due Tuesday October 31, 2006

Lab Topics: UDP, TCP, SOAP and hand coded RMI

In the next lab you will be working with Java RMI, .NET Remoting and Web Services middleware. In this lab you will be working without middleware support. You will have to deal with some issues that middleware layers abstract away.

In the first part of this homework you will work with UDP and TCP over IP. In the second part you will work with a low level “SOAP-like” application. In the third part you will work with low level RMI in Java.

PART I UDP and TCP From Chapter 4 of Text

(1)  On pages 138 and 139 of the Coulouris text, two short programs are presented. Make modifications to the UDPClient.java program and the UDPServer.java program so that the client may ask the server to perform simple integer arithmetic. You only need implement addition of primitive integers. In this part of this lab you need not worry about exceptions. The execution of the client program will look like the following:

java UDPClient 100 + 234


Submit a copy of these two modified java programs (UDPClient.java and UDPServer.java).

(2)  On pages 142 and 143 of the Coulouris text, two short programs are presented. Make modifications to the TCPClient.java program and the TCPServer.java program so that the client may ask the server to perform simple integer arithmetic. You only need implement addition of primitive integers. In this part of this lab you need not worry about exceptions.The execution of the client program will look like the following:

java TCPClient 100 + 234


Submit a copy of these modified java programs (TCPClient.java and TCPServer.java).

Part II Low Level SOAP-like Middleware

(3)  Figure 3.1 is a Java class that is designed to encapsulate a service request. Currently, it has no main method. Write a main method that creates a ServiceRequest object and sets its request type to “Arithmetic service”. Your main method will then call on the appropriate ServiceRequest method to display the XML service request document. In order to compile this program, you will need HttpServiceException (Figure 3.7) in the same directory.

For example, the output of your main routine will look as follows:

C:>java ServiceRequest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<requestType>Arithmetic service</requestType>



Submit a copy of this modified ServiceRequest.java program.

(4)  Figure 3.2 is a Java class that is designed to encapsulate a database service request. Currently, it has no main. Write a main method that creates a DBServiceRequest object and sets its SQL statement to “Select * From Broker”. Your main method will then call on the appropriate ServiceRequest method to display the XML database service request document. For example, the output of your main routine will look as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>




<sql-statement>Select * from broker</sql-statement>



Submit a copy of this modified DBServiceRequest.java program.

(5)  Create a new Java class called ArithmeticServiceRequest that is structured in the exact same way that DBServiceRequest is structured. This new class will inherit from ServiceRequest and supply its own initializeParameters method. It will also provide a method with the following signature:

public void setExpression(String operator, String op1, String op2)

The setExpression method corresponds to the setSqlStatement method in DBServiceRequest. Other methods should be provided accordingly. Provide a main method for this new class. Its output will look like the following:

D:\McCarthy\www\95-733\examples\SOAPDemo\ClientCode>java ArithmeticServiceRequest

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>











Submit a copy of the ArithmeticServiceRequest.java program. This program will be graded based on how well it follows the approach used by DBServiceRequest.java.

(6)  Figure 3.3 is a Java class that is designed to encapsulate a service response. Currently, it has no main method. Write a main method that creates a ServiceResponse object and sets its response message to ”OK”. Your main method will then call on the appropriate ServiceResponse method to display the XML service response document. For example, the output of your main routine will look as follows:

D:\..\ClientCode>java ServiceResponse

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>






Submit a copy of this modified ServiceResponse.java program.

(7)  Figure 3.4 is a Java class that is designed to encapsulate a database service response. Currently, it has no main. Write a main method that creates a DBServiceResponse object and sets its response to a particular result set. Your main method will then call on the appropriate ServiceResponse method to display the XML database service response document. The output of your main routine must look as follows:

D:\..\ClientCode>java DBServiceResponse

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>








<col name="Student Name">Sue</col>

<col name="QPA">3.4</col>



<col name="Student Name">Tom</col>

<col name="QPA">3.25</col>





Submit a copy of the modified DBServiceResponse.java program .

(8)  Create a new Java class called ArithmeticServiceResponse that is structured in the exact same way that DBServiceResponse is structured. This new class will inherit from ServiceResponse and supply its own initializeParameters method. It will also provide a method with the following signatures:

public String getResultValue()

public void setResultValue(String value)

These methods correspond to the setter and getter methods in DBServiceResponse. Provide a main method for this new class. Its output will look like the following:

java ArithmeticServiceResponse

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>








Submit a copy of this new ArithmeticServiceResponse.java program.

(9)  Figure 3.5 shows a copy of DBServiceClient. During compilation, DBServiceClient depends on HttpServiceClient (Figure 3.10). During execution, DBServiceClient will visit Tomcat with database requests marked up in XML. Using Figures 3.6 (DBServiceHandler), 3.8 (HttpServiceHandler), and the servlet in 3.9 (HttpService) build a Tomcat web application that retrieves data from an RDBMS. The web application will return DBServiceResponse messages containing student name, student QPA pairs. You are responsible for building a small database holding several student records and making the connection from the web application. Your client program will collect from the user a student name and then access the web service for the corresponding QPA. Since your web application will be parsing XML, be sure to copy xercesImpl.jar into your WEB-INF\lib directory.

An example execution might look like the following:

client>java DBServiceClient Mike

Connecting to service URL:http://localhost:8080/SOAPDemo/HttpService


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>




<sql-statement>SELECT * FROM student where name ='Mike'</sql-statement>



Received result from service:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>








<col name="ID">3</col>

<col name="name">Mike</col>

<col name="qpa">4.33</col>





Here are some notes on connecting to Microsoft Access. These notes should help with question 9.

The idea is to build a simple database and use Microsoft’s administrative tool to give it a system wide name.

Assume we have built a simple database with a single table called student. The student table has been stored in an MS Access database called studentDB.mdb. Each row of the table holds a triple with a primary key, student name and student qpa.

Choose Start/Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Data Sources ODBC/System DSN.

Choose Add and select Access. Enter the name MyStudentTable and then browse the file system and associate the name with the studentDB.mdb file created above. You will access this database from within a servlet by referring to the name MyStudentTable.

Here is an HTML form, a web.xml file and servlet that reads the database and writes HTML to a browser


<!-- index.html -->

<!-- Ask user to view a student by name.

The MS Access database will be read. Access this file from a browser

with the URL http://localhost:8080/MyStudentReader. This html file

will attempt a get request on the servlet located at





<title>Read MS Access</title>



<form method="get" action="getByName">

Enter the name of a student

<input type="text" name = "studentName"> <p>

<input type = "submit">




The web.xml file will contain the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app

PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"












The ReadStudentDB.java servlet is shown next:

import java.io.*;

import javax.servlet.*;

import javax.servlet.http.*;

import java.sql.*;

import javax.sql.*;

import javax.naming.*;

import java.util.*;

public class ReadStudentDB extends HttpServlet {

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,

HttpServletResponse response)

throws ServletException,

IOException {

Connection con = null;

try {


con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:MyStudentTable");


PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

String resultString = "";

String selectStatement = "select * " + "from student";

PreparedStatement prepStmt =


ResultSet rs = prepStmt.executeQuery();

resultString += "<html<body>";

while (rs.next()) {

resultString += rs.getString(1)+"<p>";

resultString += rs.getString(2)+"<p>";


resultString += "</body</html>";




catch (SQLException ex) {

System.out.println("SQL EX " + ex.getMessage());


catch(Exception ex) {

System.out.println(" A Wierd Exception " + ex);


finally {

try {

if(con != null) con.close();


catch(SQLException e){

System.out.println("Problem closing");





Submit a copy of your new DBServiceHandler.java class.

Submit a copy of your new DBServiceClient.java program.

Submit a copy of a DOS or Eclipse screen shot showing your client working.

(10) Create an additional web service for BigInteger arithmetic. This service will also make use of HttpService and HttpServiceHandler. The new handler will be called ArithmeticServiceHandler and will extend HttpServiceHandler. The handler will be able to work with BigInteger addition, subtraction and division. Write a client for this service. Call the new client ArithmeticServiceClient.java. See below for an example execution and note how exceptions are handled. The response code for normal execution is 0 and -1 otherwise. After division by zero, the server should still be usable and should not crash.

Submit a copy of ArithmeticServiceClient.java to Blackboard.

Submit a copy of ArithmeticServiceHandler to Blackboard.

Submit a copy of a DOS or Eclipse screen shot showing your client working.

java ArithmeticServiceClient 99999999999999999999999999 + 1

Connecting to service URL:http://localhost:8080/SOAPDemo/HttpService


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>












<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>








java ArithmeticServiceClient 1 - 2

Connecting to service URL:http://localhost:8080/SOAPDemo/HttpService


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>












<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>








java ArithmeticServiceClient 1 / 0

Connecting to service URL:http://localhost:8080/SOAPDemo/HttpService


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>












<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


<responseMessage>SOAP Exception thrown on server</responseMessage>






Part III Low Level RMI

The following collection of programs (Figures 3.11 through 3.16) illustrate low level remote method invocation (RMI). Your first task is to get these programs running and to study them closely. The terms “skeleton” and “stub” are used and you should understand exactly what kind of objects these terms refer to. Get the programs working in two separate directories as demonstrated in class. The interface file (Person.java) must be placed on the server side as well as the client side.

(11) Modify the server code so that the server serves up a Counter object rather than a Person object. There must be two methods available to clients, void setCtr(int i) and int getCtr(). The Counter object will live on the server and will be initialized to 0. When the client calls getCtr() the current count is incremented and its new value is returned. When the client calls setCtr(int i) the count on the server is changed. The client will have a loop that request 10 counts. Submit your source code printouts and show a few screen shots showing your client running.

(12) Modify the code you wrote in question 11 so that the client may create up to 10 independent Counter objects. Each Counter object must have a count that is independent from the others. Submit printouts of your code and a few screen shots showing a client making use of a few independent counters. Hint: One nice way to do this to have an additional server side method called getInstance that returns an integer that represents a new Counter object’s ID. When the client makes future calls have it pass its object id along. In that way the server will know which object to invoke for each call. Of course, a well written solution will hide all of the object ID details from the client side application code.

Report Submission:

Part I UDP and TCP 10 Points

Submit a printout of a Microsoft word document showing your clients running. Also include the four .java files.

UDP 5 Points

TCP 5 Points

Part II Low level SOAP Middleware 40 Points

XML Messaging Questions 3 – 8 (10 Points)

Database Web Service (15 Points)

Submit a printout of a Microsoft word document that shows your web service client running. The client must be interactive and read a student name from the user. The name will be read, packed up into an XML request and then shipped to the server over HTTP for processing. The server will take the request, create a DBServiceHandler to process the request, and return an XML response document to the client. As shown above, the client will then display the request and response document to the user. Make several screen shots showing your client running and paste these into the word document. Be sure to include screen shots showing exceptional conditions running (e.g. searching for a name that does not exist.)

Big Integer Web Service (15 Points)

Submit a Microsoft word document that shows your client running. The client must be interactive and take three arguments from the command line. The numbers will be read, packed up into an XML request and shipped to the server via HTTP for processing. The server will take the request, create an ArithmeticServiceHandler to process the request, and return an XML response document to the client. As shown above, the client will then display the request and response documents to the user. Make several screen shots showing your client running and paste these into the word document. Be sure to include screen shots showing exceptional conditions running (e.g. division by 0.)

Your submission will include all necessary client- and server-side Java files.

Part III Low Level RMI 50 Points

For question 11, submit your source code and show a few screen shots showing your client running. The source code will include Counter.java and all other client and server Java code.