CLAIMS specification of IPC Revision Concordance List after the IPC reform
Contact: WIPO: Patrick FIÉVET CLAIMS Project Manager ()
1.Table of contents
1.Table of contents......
3.Brief description......
3.1.Brief content description......
3.2.File naming convention......
4.First version of the reformed IPC RCL files......
4.1.First RCL file for the Core classifying level......
4.2.First RCL file for the Advanced classifying level......
5.RCL file version......
6.Scope of the RCL file......
6.1.Concordance between 2 consecutive versions of the IPC......
6.2.Source of RCL entries......
7.RCL file structure......
7.1.rcl tag......
7.1.1.from-version attribute......
7.1.2.classifying-level attribute...... attribute......
7.2.concordance tag......
7.2.1.from-symbol attribute:......
7.2.2.modification attribute......
7.3.concordance-to tag...... attribute:......
7.3.2.modification attribute......
8.RLC Fragment samples......
8.1.Single deleted entry to a new entry......
8.1.1.RCL for the Core......
8.1.2.RCL for the Advanced level......
8.2.Single deleted entry to a sequence of new entries in core and advanced levels.....
8.2.1.RCL for the Core level......
8.2.2.RCL for the Advanced level......
The purpose of this document is to identify the changes that were made to the specification describe the structure and content of the International Patent Classification (IPC) Revision Concordance List (RCL) to conform to the requirements of the IPC reform.
- The RCL file specified by this document is produced by the IPC revision management system RIPCIS of the International Bureau (IB) for inclusion in the IT system of the IP Offices, each time a new version of the IPC becomes available.
- A singleSeparate reference filesisare produced for both the Core and Advanced levels. From thiese reference files different forms of the same file or of aor subsetsof this file can be easily produced. In the following, “concordance file” refers to the reference concordance files.
The format of the concordancereference file is primarily an exchange format aiming at easy interface between IT systems of different types.
This document precisely describes the information exchanged while limiting the presence of redundant information. It will use, wherever possible, reference to International standards, in particular WIPO ST.8 and WIPO ST36 approved by the Standing Committee on Information Technology (SCIT).
3.Brief description
A file is produced for each classifying level of the IPC.
- One for the users of the Core level, containing only Core level symbols
- One for the users of the Advanced level, containing both Core and Advanced levels symbols
Both files have the same structure.
3.1.Brief content description
Concordance between symbols of two consecutive versions of the Reformed IPC (i.e. two consecutive versions of the Advanced level or two consecutive editions of the Core Level). A convention will be established to address the compatibility between the first RCL files of the reformed IPC (i.e. 7 to 8) and the following versions of the RCL files
3.2.File naming convention
ipcr_Core_concordancelist_YYYYMMDD.xml for the Core classifying level
ipcr_Advanced_concordancelist_YYYYMMDD.xml for the Advanced classifying level
where YYYYMMD is the concerned version of the IPC.
3.4.First version of the reformed IPC RCL files
For the first version of the RCL, special conventions are used to describe concordance between edition 7 of the IPC and the first version of the reformed IPC (20060101), using the same file structure as for the following issues of the RCL (e.g. the one of April, 1 2006).
4.1.First RCL file for the Core classifying level
This file contains the concordance between IPC version 7 and the Core classifying level of IPC8 (using Core level symbols only).
4.2.First RCL file for the Advanced classifying level
This file contains the concordance between IPC version 7 and the Advanced classifying level of IPC8 (using both Core and Advanced levels symbols).
4.5.RCL file version
For each new version of the IPC, the related concordance file is produced whichwill reflects the “official view”, as defined in CONOPS, at the time when this IPC version enters into force.
By convention the version of a RCL file corresponds to the date of entry into force of a specific series of IPC symbols at the end of an IPC revision period.
5.6.Scope of the RCL file between 2 consecutive versions of the IPC
The RCL file describes, for IPC entries (excluding indexing codes) where transfer of subject matter occurs, modifications only (i.e. creation and modifications), the concordance between valid symbols in the former and the current versions of the Core and or Advanced levels of the IPC (including indexing codes and double purpose classification symbols).
The same RCL file structure is used to describe IPC version concordance when
- only an advanced level version is published (i.e. during the Core revision period)
- both an Advanced level and a Core level versions are published (i.e. at the beginning of a new Core level revision period).
The RCL file for the Core level includes only Core level symbols.
The RCL file for the Advanced level includes both Core and Advanced level symbols.
When only an advanced level version is published the Core level part of the RCL is empty.
When both an Advanced level and a Core level versions are published, symbols which are valid in both Core and Advanced level symbols of the old edition appear twice. of RCL entries
The concordance eEntries of the RCL are can begenerated automatically by the IPC revision work,RIPCIS system when IPC entries
symbols are deleted, created, or modified with their scope changed.
subject matters “transferred to”,
symbols cover subject matter of deleted symbol;
Scope modified (i.e. C-type modified) entries can be also given in the automatic computation with an empty concordance list.
Concordance entries can are also be intellectually produced and manually captured in the RIPCIS system. for scope-modified (C-type) and new entries (as scope modifications are not recorded in the text of IPC itself)
6.7.RCL file structure
An RCL file is composed of four parts:
Old and new versions of the Core level can be empty (see 5.1)
Old and new versions of the Advanced level.
For the first issue of the reformed IPC RCL, only two parts (pre-reformed to Core and Pre-reformed to Advanced.
Each partRCL file consist of a list of “RCL” entries, identified by a symbol, valid in the old edition. Each of those “RCL” entries contains a list of related “RCL to” entries with symbols valid in the new edition. A symbol can be a subclass, or a group symbol. tag
Embedding tag for the RCL file
rclpart tag
Each RCL part is described by an “rclpart” tag with the following attributes attribute
The former version of the IPC. At the beginning of the Core level revision period, the “from-version” of the advanced level part is different from the “from-version” of the Core level part.
Values: using the reformed IPC convention (YYYYMMDD where Y=year, M= Month, D=Day).
For the first issue of the RCL, the version of IPC 7 is 20000101. attribute
Describes which classification classifying level is concerned by the fromversion and RCL file
P= Pre-reform (i.e., special convention for IPC 7)
CoreO= Core level Only (“O” is used for consistency with the reformed IPC validity file)
Advanced= Advanced level (i.e. for symbols present in Advanced level ONLY) attribute
The next version of the IPC.
Values: using the reformed IPC convention (YYYYMMDD where Y=year, M= Month, D=Day). The “to version” is the same version as the version indicated in the file name. attribute
Describes which classification level is concerned by the “to version”
O= Core level Only (“O” is used for consistency with the reformed IPC validity file)
A= Advanced level (i.e. for symbols present in Advanced level ONLY)
6.1.5.generated-by attribute
Information only;
“auto”: Automatically generated from IPC revision decisions
“user” : for manually entered input based on intellectual concordance
rcl-part from-version="20000101" from-classificationsion-level="P” to-version="20060101” to-classification-level="A" generated-by="user" tag
Describes concordance between a single “from” symbol and a list of “to” symbols present in the validity files of the old and new editions, respectively.
Deleted intervals are presented symbol by symbol.
“The ‘delete’ option is used for pr
The concordance tag has the following attributes attribute:
The source symbol for the concordance entry.
Values: same convention used to reference core predecessor in the validity file: string made of section, class, subclass, main-group and subgroup (with space separator subclass and main-group as well as between main group and subgroup part, (e.g. A23G 9 2).fixed length (14 characters) string made of IPCsymbol with left zero padding for the main group on 4 positions (ST.8) and subgroup part on 6 positions with right zero padding, (e.g. G11B0003085000 to represent G11B 3/085). Non significant zeros should be removed to comply with IPC business rules (e.g. subgroup part should be at least 2 characters) before re-use as value for <main-group> and <subgroup>. attribute
- “d”: Deleted symbol
- “c” : for Change of subject matter
“s” : not modified but is used the as Source for reclassification due to Side effect of other IPC symbols modifications, creation or deletion
- others to be documented ???? (“Further attributes can be used for the preparation of the paper publication”.)samp tag
If Always present, it describes an item of the target list of symbols and their type of modification.
same convention used to reference core predecessor in the validity file: string made of section, class, subclass, main-group and subgroup (with space separator subclass and main-group as well as between main group and subgroup part, (e.g. A23G 9 32).
Intervals in a transferred-to / covered-by list of IPC are presented symbol by symbol.
The “concordance-to” tag has no internal structure and has the following attributes: attribute:
The target symbol for the concordance entry.
Values: same convention used to reference core predecessor in the validity file: fixed length (14 characters) string made of IPCsymbol with left zero padding for the main group on 4 positions (ST.8) and subgroup part on 6 positions with right zero padding, (e.g. G11B0003085000 to represent G11B 3/085). Non significant zeros should be removed to comply with IPC business rules (e.g. subgroup part should be at least 2 characters) before re-use as value for <main-group>and<subgroup>. attribute
- ”c“: Change of subject matter
- “n”: new symbol
- “mt”: not modified but used as Target.
7.8.RLC Fragment samples deleted core entry to a C-type modifiednew entry
A23G3/30 / (transferred to A23G 4/00 ) for the Core
<rcl classifying-level=”Core” from-version="20000101" to-version="20060101”
concordance from-symbol="A23G0003300000" modification="d"
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0004000000" modification="cn" />
rcl/> for the Advanced level
<rcl classifying-level=”Advanced” from-version="20000101" to-version="20060101”
concordance from-symbol="A23G0003300000" modification="d"
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0004000000" modification="n" />
rcl/> deleted core entry to a sequence of new entries in core and advanced levels
A23G9/02 / (transferred to A23G 9/32-A23G 9/52 ) for the Core level
rcl-partclassifying-level=”Core” from-version="20000101" to-version="20060101”
concordance from-symbol="A23G0009020000" modification="d"
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009320000" modification="n" />
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009440000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009520000" modification="n"/>
rcl/> for the Advanced level
rcl classifying-level=”Advanced” from-version="20000101" to-version="20060101”
concordance from-symbol="A23G0009020000" modification="d"
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009320000" modification="n" />
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009340000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009360000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009380000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009400000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009420000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009440000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009460000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009480000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009500000" modification="n"/>
concordance-toto-symbol="A23G0009520000" modification="n"/>
XML is used to facilitate the exchange of information. Therefore, this file is not expected to be opened entirely in an application (DOM model), but instead is expected to be parsed on the fly for appropriate transformation and loading in the IP office local IT system (e.g., Simple Access XML API, SAXON, XERCES (Apache), Omnimark)
The RCL file makes use of name spaces and Xlink technics.
End of document
IPCR_RCL file specs_v1.0.doc27/10/18ver 1.0