Health Provision available for children And Young People with SENDv CCG and provider websites
v Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale clinical commissioning group (CCG)
Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale Services
Primary health care
General Practitioner, pharmacies, opticians, dentists etc
v In Rochdale all these services have had information and training about how to make their service accessible to those with SEND
v These services can contact X for support to help them make necessary adjustments
v Some providers have SEND expertise
Community Services
service / What they do / How you get them
community midwives
Health Visitors / The service provides a universal service to all families with children age 0 to 5 across the borough of Rochdale. Based on Office of National Statistics (ONS) data (2010) the estimated population of under 5s in the borough 15,000.
The health visiting service provides a holistic assessment to identify expressed and unexpressed needs to enable plans to be put in place to meet individual needs.
Children and family needs, range from no additional need through to those with severe and complex needs.
In line with the healthy child programme, those children with no additional needs will receive the universal core offer, whilst those with identified needs (e.g. disabilities, safeguarding) will receive additional targeted support.
The severity of each family is assessed and a targeted, needs based service is provided accordingly. / You can contact the child’s GP or HMR’s Child Health Department to find out who the HV Team is then contact them directly.
London House
Oldham Road
M24 1AY
Tel:01706 621861 Fax:0161 6551445
Health Visiting - SENCO Spec Health Visitor
/ The early years area SENCO team (Special Educational Needs Coordinator) represents a multi-agency team from health and education.The team offer advice, support and guidance to parents, providers and any early years professionals including health visitors and speech and language therapists.
This service covers the borough of Heywood Middleton and Rochdale.
The team focus on early assessment and intervention for any child identified as having additional needs.
This helps provide the right support to encourage childrens development.
It ensures that every child reaches their potential and tries to avoid further difficulties from arising.
Close links with health services and early years education. / SENCO Team, Number One Riverside
Smith Street
OL16 1XU
Tel: 01706 927862 /927863 /927864
Health Visiting - Infant Feeding / Acts as a resource within Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale community, Childrens Centres and Primary Care providing advice and support for workers within a variety of roles and community settings when breastfeeding or infant feeding issues arise.
Leads and directs training that is evidence based relating to Infant feeding.
Provides advice and support to parents with breastfeeding or infant feeding challenges alongside their health visitor.
Supports the development of community initiatives including peer support. / Phoenix Centre
Church St
OL10 1LR
Tel:01706 764734
Health Visiting - Youth Offending Team / Provide a specialist service to those young people aged 10-17 who are referred from the police or courts through the criminal justice system.
We offer assessment, intervention, health education, advocacy and liaison to primary and secondary health services. / Townhead Offices
John Street
OL16 1LB
Tel:01706 925353 Fax:01706 925800
School Nursing / The service provides client centred support to address the health needs of the school age population, ranging from individual short term interventions to highly complex social and health care issues, working in partnership with other agencies.
The service also provides training and education to educational staff. / You can contact the child’s school, local child health clinic, GP or HMR’s Child Health Department to find out who the School Health Practitioner is and then contact them directly.
London House
Oldham Road
M24 1AY
Tel:01706 837061 Fax:0161 655 1445
children’s community nurses / The Childrens Community Team consists of registered children's nurses with hospital and community experience who work with parents and carers to provide nursing care, support and education to children within the area of Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale.
The team aim to enable the child to be nursed at home or in a community setting where possible. / Usually referrals are made by other health professionals but if a child has an existing diagnosis, self-referrals are accepted for certain conditions.
Contact Information
Kingsway Clinic
Turf Hill Road
OL16 4XA
Tel:01706 676333 Fax:01706 676334
children’s physiotherapy / Provide treatment in community settings to children with acute and chronic conditions to identify issues and maximise the child’s ability to move and function / Referrals for assessment can be made by any health professional
children’s occupational therapy / The Children’s Occupational Therapy Service provides a service to children and young people (0-18yrs) who are experiencing functional difficulties which may be as a result of one or more of the following difficulties:
Physical disabilities
Complex multiple disabilities
Post hospital admission following an operation / accident
Co-ordination difficulties impacting on function
Sensory difficulties impacting on function
Children’s Occupational Therapy aims to enable children to participate more successfully in daily life
The focus is to improve occupational performance in the areas of self-care, education, play and leisure.
Children’s Occupational Therapists work autonomously in multi-disciplinary and multi-agency teams in partnership with children and their families to help a child to minimise the impact of their difficulties.
They work to improve a child's ability to participate in activities by finding ways to overcome any problems they experience. / Referrals for assessment can be made by any health professional
Children's Occupational Therapy Department, Callaghan House
Cross St, Off Green Lane,
OL10 2DY
Tel:01706 837 093 Fax:01706 837139
children’s speech and language therapy / The Children's Speech and Language Therapy Service provides:
Triage of new requests for the service
Advice on speech, language and communication in children and young people
Sign posting and referral to other services such as Audiology and the Community Paediatric Service
Assessment of a child/young person's speech, language and communication skills
Evidence-based group and individual therapy for speech, language and communication needs (SLCN)
Advice and therapy programmes to be carried out with the child or young person by parent(s)/carers and teaching staff
Formal reports on children's and young people's SLCN, as required
The service is delivered in the family home language including:
Pakistani heritage language (Mirpuri, Punjabi or Urdu)
Bangladeshi heritage languages (Sylheti or Standard Bangla)
Other languages (via interpreters)
The service is delivered in a variety of community locations including:
Croft Shifa Health Centre
Nye Bevan House
Callaghan House
Kirkholt Medical Centre
Milnrow Health Centre
Ings Lane Clinic
Durnford Street Health Centre
Langley Health Centre
Callaghan House (Departmental Base)
Phoenix Centre
Littleborough Health Centre
Whitworth Clinic
For children with long-term SLCN a service is delivered in schools in cooperation with school staff. / Self referral
Health professional
Social care professional
Teaching staff
First Floor Callaghan House
Cross Street
OL10 2DY
Tel:01706 837197 Fax:01706 837 096
wheelchair service / Provides posture and mobility assessment treatment, advice and provision of wheelchairs, cushions, accessories and special seating needs when required for children and adults. / Referrals for assessment can be made by any health professional, Self-referral for clients already known to PMC and other wheelchair services.
audiology / Provides hearing and balance assessment, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of hearing disorders for children and adults / Referrals for Children for assessment can be made by any health, education or social care professional and self-referral for children.
orthoptics / Service provides assessment and treatment of children with defective eye movements and co-ordination.
Treatment includes use of corrective lenses, eye exercises, eye patching. / Nye Bevan House
Maclure Road
OL11 1DN
Tel: 01706 261980 Fax: 01706 261981
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services / We are a service under the Pennine Care NHS Foundation Trust, offering specialist assessment and research based therapeutic interventions to children, young people and their families/carers presenting with severe and complex mental health problems and disorders. We work with children and young people up to the age of 18 years, considering those under 5 years on an individual case basis. We also provide consultation, advice and training to other agencies and accept referrals from a wide range of professionals. Examples of some of these problems include: • Anxiety Disorders • Depression • Eating Disorders • Psychosis • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). • Self-harm • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) • ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder) • Psychological difficulties that do not respond to first line treatments in primary care settings.
The CAMHS service is a specialist mental health service, which works at Tier 3 level and across Tiers 1 and 2. The team is Multi-disciplinary, which means our clinicians come from a range of clinical and professional backgrounds. In summary the service offers: • A comprehensive assessment of children, young people and their families/carers where mental health problems are affecting or are likely to affect their emotional and psychological development. • A range of research based interventions and treatment modalities, for example, CBT, family work/therapy, behaviour therapy and medication if indicated. • Consultation and advice to professionals. • Training of professionals on child mental health issues. / Contact is via telephone 01706 676 000 and referral by professional only Child & Adolescent unit, Birch Hill Hospital
Birch Road
OL12 9QB
Tel:01706 676 000 Fax:01706 767 001
Community Paediatric Service / The HMR Community Paediatric service undertakes multi- agency assessments, diagnoses and plans the care management for children with neuro- developmental concerns, neuro- disabilities including complex health needs and children presenting with social communication difficulties and behavourial concerns. / Self referral
Health professional
Social care professional
1st Floor, Croft Shifa health Centre
Belfield Road
OL16 2UP
Tel:01706 764 729 Fax:01706 764731
Newborn Hearing Screening / Aims to identify moderate, severe and profound hearing impairment in newborn babies. The programme automatically offers all parents, in England, the opportunity to have their baby's hearing tested shortly after birth. Early identification, via the programme, gives babies a better ‘life chance' of developing speech and language skills and of making the most of social and emotional interaction from an early age. The majority of babies have their hearing screen completed at The Royal Oldham Hospital before they are discharged home after birth however for those born at home or who are discharged before the screen takes place we offer community appointments around the borough of HMR & Oldham to complete the screen. / Self referral
Health Professional
Nye Bevan House 2nd floor
Maclure Road
OL11 1DN
Tel:01706 261916 Fax:01706 261981
HYPe / HYPe (Healthy Young People) offer a free and confidential counselling, information and support service for young people aged 14 years up to their 19th Birthday who live in the borough of Heywood, Middleton & Rochdale and are registered with a G.P. within the Borough of Rochdale.
We are a short term early intervention service offering support for a wide range of emotional difficulties.
We do not accept referrals for a young person with a specific mental health diagnosis (other than mild to moderate depression).
Consent is required from a young person accessing the service and our confidentiality policy is always clearly explained.
The HYPe team also provide a consultation and advice service for parents/carers or other professionals who have a concern about a young person's emotional health and well-being." / Self referral
Health professional
Social care professional
The Croft Shfia Health Centre, 2nd Floor
Belfield Road
OL16 2UP
Tel:01706 764764 Fax:0161 655 7467
Safeguarding Children Team / The Safeguarding Children Team offers advice, training and supervision at both an organisational and multi-agency level.
The aim of the team is to ensure staff are equipped with the knowledge and skills to Safeguard Children in the Borough and to understand that Safeguarding Children is everyone's business.
In addition to this members of the team are active within the local authority attending LSCB sub groups and undertaking audit. / 1st Floor, London House
Oldham Road
M24 1AY
Tel:01706 261898 Fax:01706 26189
Secondary Care Hospital Services
service / What they do / How you get them
maternity services
paediatricians / Children with complex need or special need may be referred to a acute paediatrician for further opinion and management e.g. management of epilepsy, management of gastrointestinal disorder , respiratory disorder in such children / Referral via patients GP
specialist consultants - orthopaedics / Children with complex need may need to see orthopaedic surgeon for specialist opinion especially if the child has any form of deformity , bone or joint abnormality / Referral via GP or secondary paediatrician depending on referral criterion
Specialist consultants - neurology / e.g complex epilepsy, management of spasticity, or other complex neurological condition / Referral via secondary paediatrician
Specialist health practitioners - epilepsy / As above / As above
Specialist health practitioners - ventilation / This is a community service in many districts. But usually dealt with by a secondary or tertiary paediatrician / Referral via GP to a secondary paediatrician
Specialist health practitioners - feeding / They usually tend to be speech and language therapist / Referral via GP to secondary paediatrician who will organise such assessment
Specialist health practitioners - asthma / Secondary paediatrician / Referral via GP
Specialist health practitioners - diabetes / Secondary paediatrician / Referral via GP
mental health services / Professionals in CAMHS deals with these / Referral via GP to CAHMS
diagnostic facilities / Secondary paediatrician / Referral via GP
in patient
out -patient provision / Secondary paediatricians / Referral via GP
Tertiary Services – these are very specialised regional/national services
services / What they do / How you get them
A variety of services / Provides specialist opinion / Via secondary paediatrician
How health services will work with you and with other people who work with you and your child (team around the child)
Health services are working with local authority services (education and social care) to develop a single (integrated) assessment process and a single plan for children and young people with special needs and disabilities
What to do if you are not satisfied with a decision or what is happening
v First make sure the health practitioner knows and understands what you think and want. They will do their best to come to an agreement with you
v If you cannot agree they will pass the issue on to Rochdale’s Escalation and Resolution Panel – a group of senior managers
v They may offer you an independent mediator to try and help you come to an agreement
v Contact Patient Advice and Liaison Services – offer support to service users in accessing services, complaints etc (add hyperlink)
Other local general support/information
NHS Choices (to find local services or leave a comment)