Albury City:
Balranald: / Cr Henk van de Ven
Frank Zaknich
Cr Leigh Byron
Mr Aaron Drenovski
Berrigan: / Cr Bernard Curtin
Cr Brian Hill
Mr Rowan Perkins
Carrathool: / Cr Peter Laird
Mr Phil Marshall
Conargo: / Cr Norm Brennan
Mr Barry Barlow
Corowa: / Cr Paul Miegel
Chris Gillard
Deniliquin: / Cr Ashley Hall
Mr Des Bilske
Greater Hume: / Apology
Griffith City:
Hay: / Cr John Dal Broi
Cr Leon Thorpe
Mr Brett Stonestreet
Jerilderie: / Cr Ruth McRae
Cr Terry Hogan (RAMROC Chair)
Mr David Tamlyn
Leeton: / Cr Paul Maytom
Ms Jackie Kruger
Murray: / Ms Margot Stork
Murrumbidgee: / Cr Austin Evans
Mr Phil Pinyon
Narrandera: / Cr Jenny Clarke
Ms Judy Charlton
Urana Shire / Mr Adrian Butler
Wakool: / Cr Neil Gorey
Wentworth: Mr Peter Kozlowski
RAMROC Mr Ray Stubbs Executive Officer
MEETING GUESTS: / Ms Shelley Scoullar - Chair West Berriquin Irrigators Inc and Speak UP Campaign
Ms Vicki Meyer - West Berriquin Irrigators Inc and Chair Homes Out West
Mr Gary Saliba CEO RDA Murray
Ms Jacqui Bright – Contaminated Land Management Project Officer
The RAMROC Chairman Cr Terry Hogan extended a warm welcome to Cr Henk van de Ven Mayor of Albury City, Phil Marshall General Manager Carrathool Shire and Phil Pinyon Acting General Manager Murrumbidgee Shire. He also welcomed the meeting presenters and guests Ms Shelley Scoullar, Ms Vicki Meyer, Ms Jacqui Bright and Mr Gary Saliba
Cr Kevin Mack – Albury City
Cr Peter Nunan - Wentworth Shire
Cr Heather Wilton and Steven Pinnuck - Greater Hume Shire
Cr Bill Sheaffe and Allen Dwyer - Hay Shire
Cr Patrick Bourke - Urana Shire
Mr David Shaw - Administrator Murray Shire
Mr Craig Moffitt – Jerilderie Shire
Ms Lea Rosser – Wakool Shire
RESOLVED that the apologies be received and accepted
(Moved Griffith and seconded Berrigan)
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the General Meeting held on 13th November 2015 be received and confirmed.
(Moved Albury and seconded Corowa)
Item MRRR 4 - Traffic Accident Reporting
Cr Paul Maytom advised that no further responses had been received by his Council from the Police Minister’s office and the Executive Officer advised that he would liaise with Council Officers to again follow up on the matter.
Item 5.1 – Ms Shelley Scoullar – Chair West Berriquin Irrigators Incorporated and Co-ordinator Speak Up Food Campaign and Murray Darling Basin Plan Impacts
Shelley addressed the meeting in relation to the grass roots “Speak Up” media and social media education campaign regarding the critical importance of food and fibre production in the Southern Basin region and to mitigate against the adverse impacts of the MD Basin Plan on communities, businesses and residents. A copy of Shelley’s Powerpoint presentation will be distributed to Councils.
The Speak Up campaign aims to attract corporate and community financial support and RAMROC and local Councils are each being asked to contribute up to $10,000. The Executive Officer advised that funding could be made available from RAMROC’s 2016 $20,000 budget allocation for “National Water and Food Security Advocacy”. RAMROC can also interface co-operatively with the campaign through making available marketing collateral and web links to RAMROC’s Water4Food campaign.
RESOLVED that a RAMROC contribution of $10,000 be made to the “Speak Up” campaign
(Moved Albury and seconded Griffith
Item 5.2 – Cr Austin Evans – Steering Committee Chairman for the “Faith in a Basin Future” Program”
Cr Evans addressed the meeting in relation to the vision, objectives and strategies of the program, which is being established in five communities across the Murray and Murrumbidgee regions to provide training programs for irrigation based communities impacted by the Murray Darling Basin Plan.
The Steering Committee is encoraging the support of RAMROC and Member Councils in the region, although a financial contribution is not being sought.
RESOLVED that RAMROC lend strong support to the “Faith in a Basin Future” program as outlined in the presentation.
(Moved Jerilderie and seconded Conargo)
Item 5.3 – Ms Jacqui Bright – Project Officer RAMROC and REROC Contaminated Lands Management (CLM) Program
Jacqui outlined to the meeting the current status of the 3 year CLM program funded by NSW EPA, which embraces 26 Local Government areas across the RAMROC and REROC regions and which provides for the development of individual Contaminated Land Management Plans, Policies and Procedures for each of the participating Councils. Jacqui is currently meeting face to face with Councils, as well as conducting Development Consent workshops for Councils’ Planning Officers.
Item 6.1 Fit for the Future – Minister’s Merger proposals applicable to RAMROC Councils
Consideration was given to the Executive Officer’s report in relation to merger proposals under consideration at the present time and to the action taken by the General Managers’ Group to
draw the Minister’s attention to the need for an adequate transition period between a Governor’s Proclamation and the commencement date of a newly merged entity.
The meeting also discussed the issue of Joint Organisations and the Minister’s intention to invite in the near future Expressions of Interest for two additional “Pilot” or “Early Starter” Joint Organisations.
RESOLVED that RAMROC endorse the resolution of the General Managers Group and the action taken to write to the Premier, the Local Government Minister and the appointed Delegates, in relation to the importance of an adequate transition period leading to the commencement date of a newly proclaimed Council entity
(Moved Murrumbidgee and seconded Albury)
FURTHER RESOLVED that at this stage no action be taken in relation to the question of additional “Pilot” or “Early Starter” Joint Organisations, pending receipt of further information from the Government regarding the Outcomes Report of the current 5 Pilot Joint Organisations and the invitation for Expressions of Interest for the proposed additional “Pilot” or “Early Starter” Joint Organisations
(Moved Griffith and seconded Leeton)
(Note: This resolution was carried as an amendment to a motion that RAMROC submit an Expression of Interest at the appropriate time for the proposed Murray and Murrumbidgee Joint Organisation (MAMJO) as one of the two Pilot/Early Starter Joint Organisations
FURTHER RESOLVED that letters be written to Premier Mike Baird MP and Local Government Minister Paul Toole MP, stressing the need for an early State Government decision on definite dates for the ensuing Local Government Elections, which are currently scheduled for September 2016
(Moved Albury and seconded Griffith)
Item 6.2 – Review of the Local Government Act Development – Phase 1 Explanatory Paper
The Office of Local Government has recently distributed to Councils the Phase 1 Explanatory Paper entitled “Towards New Local Government Legislation” and has invited feedback on the proposed amendments to the 1993 Local Government Act. This Phase 1 Explanatory Paper focuses principally on changes to Governance and Strategic Planning matters. The General Managers Group submitted for consideration by the RAMROC Board a number of suggested changes to be put forward as a regional response.
RESOLVED that RAMROC endorse the changes suggested by the General Managers Group to the meeting, with the exception of the comments contained in Section 3.1 (Role of the Mayor) and Section 3.7 (Mayor/Councillor Professional Development), and that a RAMROC regional response be lodged with OLG by the due date of 15th March 2016
(Moved Murrumbidgee and seconded Deniliquin)
Item 6.3 – RAMROC Regional Freight Transport Plan
Consideration was given to the Executive Officer’s report regarding the RAMROC Regional Freight Transport Plan, which has been developed through the Engineers Working Group. The document brings together road, bridge, intermodal and other infrastructure information which has been provided by Member Councils and the Plan will provide a valuable tool for Councils making applications for infrastructure funding. The Plan is a working document which will be updated on a regular basis through the ongoing input of participating Councils.
RESOLVED that the Executive Officer’s report be received and noted and that RAMROC endorse the Regional Freight Transport Plan as a working document to be updated on a regular basis
(Moved Murrumbidgee and seconded Albury)
Item 6.4 – The Jerilderie Proposition – Official Recognition of Sir John Monash
Jerilderie Shire Council has sought RAMROC”s support of the Jerilderie Proposition, which seeks official recognition and posthumous promotion of General Sir John Monash to the rank of Australian Field Marshall with effect on 11th November 1930
RESOLVED that RAMROC resolve to support Jerilderie Shire Council in its representations to Prime Minister the Hon Malcolm Turnbull MP, seeking the official recognition and posthumous promotion of General Sir John Monash one step in rank to Australian Field Marshall with effect on 11th November 1930.
(Moved Jerilderie and seconded Griffith)
FURTHER RESOLVED that RAMROC exhort the support of the Federal Member for Farrer the Hon Sussan Ley MP (Minister for Health, Aged Care and Sport) and the Member for Riverina the Hon Michael McCormack MP (Assistant Minister for Defence)
(Moved Jerilderie and seconded Griffith)
Item 6.5 – MDBA Annual Report 2014-2015 and Commonwealth Environmental Water holder Summer Update Report
The Executive Officer reported on the key features of the MDBA and CEWH Reports and advised that arrangements are in hand to have a roundtable meeting at Deniliquin in the near future between the RAMROC Executive Group and the MDBA Chairman Neil Andrew and Chief Executive Phillip Glyde
RESOLVED that the Executive Officer’s report be received and noted and that the Executive Group to meet with MDBA comprise the RAMROC Chair Cr Terry Hogan, Deputy Chair Cr Kevin Mack, Secretary/Treasurer Margot Stork, Executive Officer Ray Stubbs, together with Mayor Cr Neil Gorey, Mayor Cr Austin Evans, General Manager Rowan Perkins and General Manager Des Bilske
(Moved Berrigan and seconded Conargo)
Item 6.6 – Multicultural NSW - Appointment of Regional Advisory Councils
Multicultural NSW has invited RAMROC to nominate one representative for the Riverina RAC and one representative for the Murray-Lower Darling RAC.
The Mayor of Leeton Shire Cr Paul Maytom informed the meeting that he has already been nominated as a Member of the Riverina RAC. The Executive Officer will liaise with Councils in the Murray-Lower Darling region in relation to nominating an appropriate person as a Member of that RAC.
RESOLVED that RAMROC support the nomination of Cr Paul Maytom as a Member of the Riverina Regional Advisory Council and that the Executive Officer make contact with Councils in the Murray-Lower Darling region for nomination of a Member to that Regional Advisory Council
(Moved Murrumbidgee and seconded Deniliquin)
Consideration was given to the Financial Statements for all RAMROC Funds for the period ended 31st December 2015. The Executive Officer reported that the income and expenditure items are in line with the Budget Estimates and that no significant variations are expected through to the end of the financial year at 30th June 2016.
RESOLVED that the RAMROC Financial Statements for the period ended 31st December 2015 be adopted
(Moved Albury and seconded Narrandera)
Consideration was given to the draft Strategic and Operational Plan for the period 2016 to2018. The General Managers Group has recommended that the draft Plan be now formally adopted by the RAMROC Board
RESOLVED that the RAMROC Strategic and Operational Plan for the period 2016 through 2018 be formally adopted as the basis for policy and strategy implementation
(Moved Albury and seconded Jerilderie)
The Minutes of the following Working Group meetings were submitted for notation and for endorsement of actions taken:-
9.1 RAMROC Engineers Group – 4th November 2015
9.2 RAMROC Integrated Planning and Reporting Network – 19th November 2015
9.3 RAMROC Riverina Waste Management Group – 2nd December 2015
9.4 RAMROC Murray Waste Management Group – 4th December 2015
9.5 RAMROC General Managers Group – 29th January 2016
9.6 RAMROC Murray Waste Management Group – 10th February 2016
RESOLVED that the Minutes of the Working Group meetings be received and noted and that actions taken therein be endorsed
(Moved Murrumbidgee and seconded Albury)
Item 10.1 – Victorian State Government Legislation – Suspension of Individual Councillors
Cr Jenny Clarke referred to recent legislation passed by the Victorian State Government, whereby the Local Government Minister is empowered to suspend individual Councillors responsible for serious misconduct, rather than having to suspend the entire Council.
RESOLVED that RAMROC write to the Premier and to the Minister for Local Government, proposing that the NSW Government pass similar legislation to that recently enacted in Victoria, giving the Local Government Minister the power to suspend individual Councillors for serious misconduct, rather than having to suspend all Councillors.
(Moved Narrandera and seconded Griffith)
Item 10.2 – Congratulations to Des Bilske and Terri Maguire
The meeting noted with pleasure the recent marriage of Deniliquin General Manager Des Bilske and Terri Maguire and passed on congratulations to them both.
Item 10.3 – Merger Proposals – Public Hearing Processes
Berrigan Shire Mayor Cr Bernard Curtin referred to the recent Public Hearing for the Minister’s proposal to merge Berrigan Shire with the southern part of Jerilderie Shire and to a serious error by officers of NSW Premier and Cabinet and the Office of Local Government. Barooga residents were initially unable to register to attend and/or address the Delegate, because Barooga has a Victorian postcode and the online registration system only accepted people with an NSW postcode
Item 10.4 – Murray Darling Association
Deniliquin General Manager Des Bilske is a member of the MDA Executive and he advised that a recent weekend workshop was held to identify key issues facing the organisation and for the development of a new Strategic Plan which will be distributed to Councils in the near future.