Curriculum Guide (Grade Level__8/9_ Subject/Course _PE______) / 2013-14
August/September / October / November
Units/Topics / Instructional Unit: Soccer
Fitness focus:
  1. Perimeter run
  2. Field relay
  3. Stair climb
/ Instructional Unit: Flag Football
Fitness focus :
1. Stadium Run
2. Straights and corners
3. Baton relay-200’s
4. Pushup partners / Instructional unit: Ultimate Frisbee
Fitness focus:
  1. Team relay-400’s
  2. Turkey trot
  3. Lytle’s baseball
  4. Wheel of fitness
  5. Pushup challenge

Skills / Complex motor skills Dribbling, passing and spatial awareness
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games / Complex motor skills: catching, throwing and spatial awareness
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games / Complex motor skills: Catching throwing and spatial awareness
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games
GLEs/PEs / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation
Materials needed / Soccer balls
Jerseys / Flag-
Cones / Ultimate Frisbees
Assessment / Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature and safe behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating in a modified soccer game
1. Challenge Run: 2-1-2-1-2-1-2
2. Challenge run 3-1-3-1-3
3. Pretest Fitness gram push-ups
4. Intro to Fitness gram mile (team mile0
5. Intro to Fitness gram P.A.C.E.R (team P.A.C.E.R) / Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating in a modified Flag football game
1.Pretest Fitness gram P.A.C.E.R
2. Pretest Fitness gram push-ups
3. Pretest Fitness gram mile run
4. Challenge run 4-1-3-1-2
5. Challenge run 5-1-5
6. Records board: Vertical jump and standing long jump / Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature behavior and safe while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating game
1. Challenge run 6-1-4-
2. Challenge run 7-1-3
3. Fitness gram Team P.A.C.E.R
December / January / February
Units/Topics / Instructional unit: Volleyball
Fitness focus:
  1. Pass the fat
  2. Jack frost freeze tag
  3. 3 station rotation
  4. Jog –sprint- walk
  5. Pushup partners
/ Instructional unit: Table Tennis
Fitness focus:
  1. Wild card fitness
  2. Partner challenge
  3. Identity theft
  4. 10 station rotation
  5. Pushup challenge
/ Instructional unit: Pickle ball
Fitness focus:
  1. Ms. Lytle’s baseball
  2. Wheel of fitness
  3. 3 station rotation
  4. Partner pushups

Skills / Complex motor skills: passing, setting and hitting and spatial awareness
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games / Complex motor skills: .serves, spins, basic shots
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games / Complex motor skills: serving counter shots volleys net play and court and spatial awareness.
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games
GLEs/PEs / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill- / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation
Materials needed / Volleyballs /nets/ standards / Paddles, tables, nets and balls / Paddles nets balls
Assessment / Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature and safe behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating in a modified volleyball game
  1. Challenge run 8-1-2
  2. Challenge run 9-1-9
  3. Fitness gram Final test P.A.C.E.R
/ Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating
  1. Challenge Run- 10-1-1
  2. Fitness gram final test pushups
/ Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating in a modified pickle ball game
  1. Fitness gram pretest in pushups for new students
  2. Challenge run 2-1-2-1-2-1-2
  3. Challenge run 3-1-3-1-3
  4. Records board: vertical jump and standing long jump

March / April / May/June
Units/Topics / Instructional units: Basketball
Fitness Focus:
  1. Partner pushups
  2. tag game
  3. 10 station rotation
  4. pushup challenge
/ Instructional Unit: Archery
Fitness Focus:
  1. Pass the fat
  2. Jog- sprint- walk
  3. Stadium run
  4. Baton relay 200’s
  5. Partner pushups
/ Instructional unit: Hockey
Fitness Focus:
  1. Perimeter run
  2. Field relays
  3. Stair climb
  4. Straights and corners

Skills / Complex motor skills: dribbling, passing, catching shooting. and spatial awareness
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games / Complex motor skills:
Safe use of equipment / Complex motor skills: passing, receiving and shooting techniques. and spatial awareness
Proper game rules.
Safe use of equipment
Participate in a modified games
GLEs/PEs / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation / 1.1.1 Applies complex motor skills and movement concepts to activities to enhance a physically active life.
1.2.1 Evaluates safety rules and procedures in a variety of physical activities
1.1.5 Applies understanding of movement concepts.
1.4.1 Applies the components of skill-related fitness to physical activity.
1.4.2 Analyzes components of skill-related fitness as related to careers/occupations/recreation
Materials neede / Basketballs, nets rims portable stations / Bows arrows and targets’ / Sticks, blades and street balls goals
Assessment / Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature and safe behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating in a modified basketball game.
  1. Intro to Fitness gram P.A.C.E.R (team P.A.C.E.R)
  2. Intro to Fitness gram mile run (team mile)
  3. Challenge run 5-1-5
  4. Challenge run 6-1-4
/ Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature and safe behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating
  1. Challenge run 7-1-3
  2. Challenge run 8-1-2
  3. Fitness gram mile midterm
  4. Fitness gram team P.A.C.E.R
/ Teacher generated Rubric
Structured observation
s. demonstrates appropriate biomechanics
s. exhibits mature and safe behavior while participating
s. performs movement skills in drills during a modified situation
s. demonstrates proficiency while participating in a modified hockey game
  1. Challenge run 9-1-1
  2. Challenge run 10-1-1
  3. Fitness gram final test P.A.C.E.R
  4. Fitness gram final test mile
  5. Fitness gram final test pushups
  6. Records board: vertical jump and standing long jump

SheltonSchool DistrictCore Curriculum: (Health/Fitness)