PTA Meeting

September 13, 2016 at 6:30- TJW Library

Attendance:Nicole Uhrinec, Stacie Myers, Catherine DuBrava, Joe Fledderman, Kat Fledderman, Kristina Jackson, Ashley Wells, Nicole Schrader, Emily Regan, Mary Beth Beard

Meeting Called to Order at 6:35

1. President's Report-

a. Thank you to everyone who helped with the Back to School Luncheon for the teachers and staff b. Thank you to Becky Cooper who painted the awesome tiger in the main lobby!

c. Thank you to everyone who helped with the main lobby bulletin boards to make our entryway to TJW look great for the first day of school

d. Welcome to our new and old faces-quick introductions?

2. Principal's Report- Mrs. Regan

3. Treasurer Report- Stacie Myers

a. Just received LifeTouch check for $219 for Spring Photos

b. Reimbursements-need to be turned in ASAP!

- there are forms to fill out for reimbursements

- can be sent electronically

-will be available in the lobby

c. Budget Vote

Nicole Schrader motion to accept budget

Ashley Wells seconds motion

10 votes to accept budget

0 votes against accepting budget

4. Booster Club Report- Aimee Palombaro

a. Balance of accounts= $2643.17

- can it be sent electronically each month in case nobody can make the meeting?

5. Council Representative Report- Paulette Weston

- no meeting

6. Upcoming Events:

a. Back to School Potluck- Wednesday, 9/14- need a raindate

-Global connect call in case of cancellation possible?

b. Fall Outdoor Movie Night-Fri. 9/30 7:30???

a. Need someone to order & pick up popcorn- Nicole Uhrinec

b. Need projector- Nicole Uhrinec; screen- Nicole Schrader

c. Movie-“Zootopia”

c. Summer Challenge- due 9/16

a. we have a lot of completed books coming in! The response looks better than in previous year, still not great. Need a date to “pie” staff, and PTA volunteers. Can anyone pick up the whipped cream & paper plates and be here to help? Close to 15-20% returned

b. assembly Friday 23rd for “pieing” staff 2:30?

d. TJW Open House/Curriculum Night- Thurs. 9/22

a. TJW Calendar/Excuse Pad

i. Ashley Wells is going to do sticky labels for the calendar…we need to get the first set out ASAP; will go out at the beginning of each month

-Membership form will be included in calendar; will also go in staff mailbox

b. Are kids coming? If so, are there any needs from PTA?

-kids may come, but must be with parent at all times

-during principal’s presentation, coloring pages will be available on the side tables in the


c. forms will be handed out at open house

e. Back to School Painting Party- Mon. 10/3 6:00-7:30

a. We are waiting on Becky to get a sample to us then we will send forms out ASAP

f. Homecoming Parade- Sat. 10/8 @ 11 am

a. Theme is “Think Orange”

b. Volunteers/ideas?

TJ Watson Pumpkin Patch

wood sign

Pumpkin card stock offered to teachers to have students decorate

Pumpkin leaf bags as costumes??? With green hats as stems

7. Upcoming Fundraisers:

a. Box Tops Summer Challenge-Due 9/16

a. winner will receive a coupon to the school store

b. Enjoy the City-Holly Mayer

a. Books should be going home this week

c. Cider Mill- Mary Beth Baird

a. Orders are due by 10/10, coupons redeemable 11/1-12/1

d. Fall Pictures-10/21

a. Need sign up for teachers in the main office

b. Need volunteers to help all day

c. 20 minutes per class per class so photographer can check photos

d. Fall Book Fair-Holly Mayer

a. Nov. 14-18?

-tie this in with family dinner night and family photos

-Should we ask Barb to cater again?

e. Autumn Fest-Fri. 10/28- forced co-chairs-Nicole and Nicole

a. Time?

b. We need a volunteer(s) to call for basket donations. This is a BIG money maker for us!

c. Any new ideas to consider?

8. TJW School Store-

a. Karen Colapietro will no longer be running the school store, so Debbie Dayton and Kat Fledderman have graciously agreed to take it over for us! Thank you! It will be open this Fri. 9/16 for grades 4/5. Next week (9/23) will be grades 2/3, and 9/30 will be grades k/1. Same procedures are before. Need to discuss budget and who is purchasing items?

- items times to be priced $0.25-5.00

-Kat Fledderman to do purchasing

b. We discussed the idea of a prepaid school store account for parents. Ideas on how that can work, and can someone make a form? This should include dates and grades the store will be open for throughout the year. We need to let the kids in 4/5 know that school store will be open for them this Friday.

- pre-selling coupons with stamp

-bring school store out at evening events

c. School Store Coupons for staff

8. Old/New Business?

a. Family Ambassador-how do we want this to look, and how soon can we get started with it?

- table for next meeting

b. Technology Link (live feed) for upcoming PTA meetings-Joe Fledderman

c. TJW Newsletter-are we going to continue this?

- If so, Kristy Gault is willing to continue.

- If you chair an event, you are in charge of sending information to Kristy Gault for newsletter

-PTA minutes will be sent to Kristy and she will choose important things to spotlight in newsletter

d. Scrip Orders for September

a. We will offer a full discount on all gift cards to PTA members, but will highlight a few cards per month in an effort to boost interest

b. September orders due by 9/29. Delivery by 10/5

e. Scholastic Book Orders-Nicole Schrader

a. due by 9/30 (to make sure we receive the extra bonus points). Ideas on how we want to implement the free books this year? Ideas for bonus points? Last year we purchased a listening library for the primary teachers.

f. Holiday Shop-need a chair and to pick dates ASAP. They tend to fill up fast.

9. Spirit Wear- Ashley Wells

a. use Booster Spirit Wear

b. October

10. Miscellaneous

a. extra water bottles to be purchased for new students

- to be washed in cafeteria

b. Yearbook

- Kristina Jackson will work with Lifetouch

c. free ice cream to students whose parents attend a PTA meeting

d. PTA bulletin board to be maintained by Ashley Wells

Meeting Adjourned:8:26

Next Meeting: October10, 2016 @ 6:30 pm (TJW Library)