Q. Who pays for overtime and travel costs for TEAMS members on training or response?
A. Only extraordinary costs (i.e. overtime and travel) to participating ministries will be fully compensated under the TEAMS program. This is done through the journal voucher process between ministries and EMBC. Note: Regular wages and banked time (CTO or ETO) are not eligible for reimbursement.
Q. Who is responsible for setting up travel arrangements?
A. Training: In most cases, the employee themselves or the ministry in which the employee works on a day to day basis is responsible for arranging travel for a TEAMS member to attend the training sessions. Please contact the Regional Office Administrator for EMBC to confirm who will be responsible for travel arrangements for each training session.
Emergency Response: PECC (Provincial Emergency Coordination Centre) or PREOC (Provincial Regional Emergency Operations Centre) Logistics staff will make the necessary travel arrangements for a TEAMS member.
Q. Who is responsible for tracking and processing overtime and standby?
A. Employees are responsible for tracking their own overtime and standby. The expense authority responsible for the employee in their home ministry acts as sign-off for the overtime/standby and the overtime/standby is paid by the employee’s home ministry. Cost recovery for overtime and standby paid is done by a journal voucher to EMBC
Note: Regular wages and banked time (CTO or ETO) are not eligible for reimbursement.
Q. Who is responsible for reimbursing an employee’s travel costs?
A. The employee’s home ministry is responsible for the reimbursement of travel costs to the employee. Cost recovery for travel is done via journal voucher to EMBC.
Q. What information should I use in iExpense for reimbursement of travel expenses?
A. The only additional information needed when creating an iExpense claim is the EMBC “Task number”. The “Task Number” should be placed in the area where it asks: “Reason for Travel”.
Q. What is a “Task number”?
A. A “Task number” is assigned to each regional training and emergency event. EMBC issues the “Task numbers” and will provide the TEAMS member with this number. The “Task number” is to be used in iExpense and on the front of the journal voucher when submitting costs for recovery from EMBC
Q. What is the process for submitting a journal voucher?
A. A journal voucher (JV) may be submitted via email or house mail.
· Journal vouchers must be submitted at a minimum quarterly (monthly if possible) for reimbursement. At the end of the year, journal vouchers for January and February costs must be received by March 15th. March JV’s should be submitted as soon as possible after the pay period ends.
· For email submission, JV’s must be submitted in one* PDF document (JV and backup).
*If submitting an electronic (ADI) JV, please send the JV in a “formatted to print” excel document, and the corresponding backup in one PDF document.
A. A journal voucher must contain the following information:
· Ministry name, including contact name and phone number of the person preparing the journal voucher,
· EMBC Task number,
· The account coding for the ministry issuing the JV, and
· Signed or electronic approval from the issuing ministry.
Backup documentation for the JV should include (please include all that apply):
· A copy of the Timesheet or Overtime form, signed off by the PREOC Director or PREOC Deputy Director – required for all salary recoveries
· Payroll Reports that include the details of what was paid out (payout must match the details on the overtime forms/timesheets) – required for all salary recoveries
· A copy of the iExpense Report and all corresponding receipts (Accommodation, Parking, etc)
o Must include a copy of the CAS invoice report or GL Transaction report that shows total net GST (see Note below)
· Copies of invoices and proof of payment for any miscellaneous expenses purchased while working for the PREOC
· A summary sheet of charges per person or per week is helpful for reconciling JV’s with multiple pay periods and TEAMS members.
Note: iExpense will be reimbursed net of GST. GST for all charges, including per diems and mileage is charged to OCG coding. The ministry is not charged for the amount of the GST that is extracted. The claimable amount can be identified in CAS/Oracle by running the CAS invoice or GL Transaction report using the iExpense claim number. Meal per diems should not be included if meals were provided by the PREOC.
The JV and backup must be sent to the EMBC regional office where the TEAMS member was deployed for review and sign off. The JV will then be forwarded to EMBC Finance by the Region for completion of the account coding and auditing, and the JV will then be returned to the issuing Ministry contact for keying into CAS.
Contact Information: /Vancouver Island Region
Block A – Suite 200, 2261 Keating Cross Road
Saanichton, BC V8M 2A5
Office Administrator: Bev Goulet
Email: / Southeast Region
403 Vernon Street
Nelson, BC V1L 4E6
Office Administrator: Linda Harfman
Email: /
Southwest Region
14275 – 96th Avenue
Surrey BC V3V 7Z2
Office Administrator: Nicole Aeichele
Email: / Northeast Region
3235 Westwood Drive
Prince George BC V2N 1S4
Office Administrator: Kaylee Tower
Email: /
Central Region
1255-D Dalhousie Drive
Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z5
Office Administrator: Katie Britton
Email: / Northwest Region
Suite 1B – 3215 Eby Street
Terrace, BC V8G 2X8
Office Administrator: Maurie Hurst
Email: /
PECC claims email to:
Updated May 2017