Five Themes of Geography Poster

On a chart, apply the Five Themes of Geography to a movie you have seen recently—any movie of any kind.

Include the following information:

·  In what locations did the movie take place?

·  What characteristics did the places in the movie have?

·  What evidence of human-environment interaction did the movie give?

·  What kinds of movement were shown?

·  How did the movie apply the concept of region?

You need to include a written explanation along with a picture (hand-drawn, magazine, computer image, etc.) that supports your example within the movie.

Here is an example of how your chart could look:


Location / Place / Interaction / Movement / Region

Include color.

Neatness counts.

Your proper heading should be on the back.

Name ______


DUE DATE______

Five Themes of Geography Poster

Scoring Guide

Points Received / 4
Great Job! / 3
Fair Work / 2
Needs Improvement / 1
The chart lists the five themes of geography / The chart lists at least four themes of geography / The chart lists at least three themes of geography / The chart lists less than three themes of geography
A complete, thorough written description is included for all five themes / A complete written description is provided for at least four themes / A written description is provided for at least three themes of geography, or descriptions provided are incomplete / A written description is provided for less than three themes of geography, or descriptions provided are inadequate
A color illustration that truly represents the theme is provided for all five themes / A color illustration the represents the theme is provided for at least four themes / A color illustration that represents the theme is provided for at least three themes / A color illustration that represents the theme is provided for less than three themes
The chart was very neat and legible. Effort shown in details and time spent to do a good job. / Most of the chart was neat and legible. Some effort was displayed. / Some of the chart was neat and legible / Less than half of the chart was neat and legible

______x 2 = ______/32 Points Possible
