Staff Development
PageOverview / 1
2Further Information
4Review / 1
Key Information / 2
5Identifying CPD Needs
6CPD Provision
7Evaluating Impact & Disseminating Good Practice
8Responsibilities / 2
Appendices / 8
SD1 Form
Development Strategy
This document is available in large print or in an alternative format that meets your needs.
Please contact the Head of Human Resources. / 8
June 2015 / Ref:POL0094
Staff Development
This policy covers the College's procedure towards Staff Development and is designed to ensure that all staff development supports the colleges strategic plan and the individual requirements of staff.
2Further Information
This Policy should be read in conjunction with
- The College Strategic Plan
- The College Mission Statement
- Single Equality Scheme
- Quality Assurance Policy
Other influences which may affect this policy are the Institute for Learning, Funding Agencies and major Awarding Bodies.
This policy was first raised in 1999.
This Policy will be reviewed bi - annually by the Quality and Standards Unit in liaison with the Human Resources Department and the College Senior Management Team.
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094Staff Development
Key Information
1The Policy
The staff development policy is designed to further develop the education and training of all the staff in the College in accordance with the aims of the College Mission and the objectives of the strategic plan. The policy will be consistent with foreseen changes and individual staff needs to give job satisfaction and opportunities for career progression.
The further purpose of the staff development policy will be to improve the education and training of the students in an environment of supportive and enhanced services. Such a policy will be consistent with the student entitlement.
- To support the College Strategic Plan and strategic priorities
- To ensure all staff appropriately qualified and trained for job role, to provide students with quality learning environment and college experience.
- To plan staff development in accordance with foreseen national and local developments, and unexpected issues as they arise.
- To review individual staff needs and if necessary provide further training consistent with the aims of the staff development policy.
- To provide job satisfaction of staff and enhance prospects for career progression and retention.
- To develop and improve the working relationship between teaching, administrative, technical, management and all staff providing services within the College.
- To improve communication and co-operation with industry and commerce, educational institutions, validating bodies, and agencies leading to an improvement in relations and more effective working.
- To ensure that the Staff Development Policy and Procedure are regularly monitored and reviewed in accordance with the College's Quality Assurance Policy.
- All staff trained to support requirement for teaching flexibility.
- In-house and external high quality training, both vocational and academic available to all staff.
- Training is delivered focussed on performance outcomes
- Staff trained in all appropriate procedures (student information, quality, ILT) and able to evidence in their daily work. ►
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094
Staff Development
Key Information
- To provide a staff induction programme for new and part-time staff which includes a mentorship system.
- To provide means by which staff can receive initial job related training consistent with the aims of this Policy and their job role.
- To encourage further training consistent with the aims of the policy to improve job performance and with a view to changes and developments in the provision.
- To provide training to improve customer satisfaction.
- To enhance the skills and competencies of staff in their work environment which takes into account changes occurring in industry and education.
- To provide a means of training in new technology as appropriate.
- To provide training for all staff in Equality and Diversity and Safeguarding issues
- To improve management and administrative skills.
- To provide training related to quality assurance.
- To provide training in relation to Health & Safety.
- To provide training in response to Performance Appraisal Development Review
- To provide a range of training opportunities that allow the teaching staff to meet therequirements of CPD suggested by the I.f.L, and required by the College.
- To provide instructions and support to all teaching staff with regards to recording CPD activities.
- To monitor the recording of staff CPD activities and report accordingly.
- To improve performance of staff undergoing disciplinary activity.
5Identifying CPD Needs
The Head of Quality Improvement, HR Manager and Assistant Principal Curriculum will be responsible for identifying the College's CPD needs. Such needs will be identified largely through existing mechanisms such as Performance Management, appraisals, self-evaluation, national and local priorities, other internal feedback evidence and throughinformal and formal discussions with individuals and teams. The outcomes will form the internal CPD plan for the Quality & Standards Unit for the forthcoming academic year.
The Head of Quality Improvement will be responsible annually for discussing with the HR Manager and the Assistant Principal (Curriculum) the main CPD priorities and the likely budgetary implications of addressing those needs. ►
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094Staff Development
Key Information
Requests for accessing external CPD or curriculum based internal provision should be addressed initially via completion of form SD1 to the relevant line manager for authorisation and forwarding to the Human Resources department.
Requests for internal training should be made by the member of staff via the on-line booking system.
The Quality and Standards Unit Team Admin staff shall provide and update details of the range of internal CPD opportunities available and be responsible for communicating relevant opportunities to appropriate staff. The information will be kept updated and made accessible and available on-line to the College community.
Managers/HR Manager identifying requirements for specific, focussed development provision should discuss this with the HR/Manger/Associate Director QA (FE) and Staff Development.
6CPD Provision
The internal opportunities available and external opportunities authorised will fully reflect the needs of the College staff as determined by mechanisms previously stated.
- meet the requirements of the College Strategic Plan
- meet identified individual, college or national development priorities
- improve performance standards of staff where needs identified
- be based on good practice - in development activity and in teaching and learning
- help raise standards of learner achievements
- respect cultural diversity
- be provided by those with the necessary experience, expertise and skills
- be planned systematically and follow the agreed programme except when dealing with emerging issues
- be based, where appropriate, on relevant standards
- be based on current research and inspection evidence
- make effective use of resources, particularly ICT
- be provided in accommodation which is fit for purpose with appropriate equipment
- provide value for money
- have effective monitoring and evaluation systems including seeking out and acting on user feedback to inform the quality of future provision
- Provide bespoke programmes to meet college need or sector identified programmes (Talent Mindset, Management Development)
- Ensure all staff qualified in English and Maths.. ►
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094
Staff Development
Key Information
The college will support a wide range of CPD approaches according to ‘best practice’ principles and which reflect the learning effectiveness of the participants. These include:
- in-college training using the expertise available within the college and collaborative activity (eg collaborative teaching, planning and assessment, classroom observation, existing expertise, peer evaluation, coaching and mentoring, shadowing, and deputising at meetings/subject specific training sessions)
- producing documentation or resources such as curriculum development, teaching materials, assessment package, ICT or video programmes
- accessing an external consultant/adviser or relevant expert
- model classes, model and demonstration lessons
- role play, simulations
- attendance at a lecture, course or conference
- peer referencing activities to observe or participate in good and successful practice
- an exchange with another teacher, college, international exchange
- postgraduate professional development and other qualifications from higher educational institutions and other forms of professional recognition and qualifications
- research opportunities
- distance learning (eg relevant resources such as educational journals and publications, training videos, reflection, simulations)
- practical experience (eg national test or exam marking experience, opportunities to present a paper, contribute to a training programme, co-ordinating or supporting a learning forum or network, involvement in local and national networks, involvement with a subject or specialist association)
- External partnerships (eg with a colleague, group, subject, phase, activity such as joint planning, observation or standardisation, special project working group, involvement in a formal or informal partnership)
- Accessing curriculum provision within the College
All those engaged with CPD will be encouraged to:
- reflect on their development using appropriate mechanisms suggested by the college Quality & Standards Unit;
- seek professional recognition, including accreditation/evidence for the work undertaken;
- access provision to enhance Skills for Life
- identifyinghow they will share their learning with colleagues/peers
- Identifying how they have benefitted from the CPD experience. ►
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094
Staff Development
Key Information
7Evaluating Impact and Disseminating Good Practice
- Following professional or other development, the participant will discuss with the Head of Quality Improvement the opportunities to disseminate to other staff.
- Where it is agreed that there would be benefit in a wider circulation or follow up, the Head of Quality Improvement will be responsible for organising that, eg arranging relevant resources tobe circulated, arranging a session at astaff or training event, arranging input at a meeting.
The Head of Quality Improvement shall be responsible for ensuring that CPD activities and impact are evaluated. This will be undertaken at a variety of levels including:
- immediate/short term evaluation by participants
- longer term follow up for a sample of CPD undertaken usually at a period no less than 1 year following the provision
- informal discussion with colleagues about improved practice
- observation of improved practice which incorporates newly acquired strategies.
Use will be made of other documents to aid the impact but it will, in any case, comprise hard objective data as well as other beneficial effects such as
- learner and college attainment
- record keeping
- more effective and embedded teaching and learning such as creativity, autonomy, a greater variety of teaching and learning approaches
- a climate of supporting success and effort
- staff confidence, enrichment, motivation, self-esteem, preparedness to take risks, collaboration, reflectiveness
- learner enthusiasm, engagement and commitment
- recruitment and retention
- career progression/promotable staff.
The Head of Quality Improvement, has responsibility for co-ordinating internal staff development opportunities for all staff.
The Quality & Standards Unit Team, and other requested staff are responsible for delivering appropriate internal training sessions (toolkits) for college staff. ►
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094Staff Development
Key Information
Individual staff are responsible for booking onto and attending internal training opportunities appropriate to their need.
External courses and costbearing activity must be booked through Personnel using the SD1 – before the activity takes place
Individual staff are responsible for evaluating internal training attended.
Management have a responsibility to encourage their staff to access internal staff development opportunities, to ask the Quality and Standards Unit to provide bespoke training for their staff and to authorise requests for external training that is relevant to their team.
The Manager is responsible for enforcing the attendance of staff at training opportunities that have been recommended appropriate for particular staff requiring development.
Individual staff are responsible for recording CPD training undertaken, for reflecting on training undertaken and for reportingto the I.f.L as requested.
The Quality & Standards Unit team are responsible for recording staff attendance at training opportunities and for monitoring the evaluations of the training and forwarding information to Personnel.
The Head of Quality Improvement will be responsible for ensuring that internal training opportunities are of a good quality.
The Human Resources department are responsible for updating all individual training records on Chris 21.
The Human Resources department are responsible for updating individual CV’s when provided with relevant certificates.
The Human Resources department administer and monitor the CPD budget.
It is the responsibility of the Manager/Head of Quality Improvement to ensure that duplication of attendance and cost is minimized and to facilitate the dissemination of acquired knowledge and skills.
All external training will be accessed using the cheapest form of transport.
June 2015 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094/ Personnel/HR
Staff Development – Application/Claim
Management TeachingSupport
Asian or Asian British - BangladeshMixed – White and Asian
Asian or Asian British - IndianMixed – White and Black African
Asian or Asian British - PakistaniMixed – Other White Origin
Asian or Asian British – Other Asian OriginWhite British
Black or Black British – AfricanWhite - Irish
Black or Black British – CaribbeanWhite – Other White Origin
Black or Black British – Other Black OriginAny Other
ChineseNot known/not provided
Male Female 16-25 26-35 36-45 46-55 56+
Do you consider yourself to have a disability or additional support need: Yes No
Surname: / Forename(s)School/Department: / Drop No:
Email: / Booking Form attached / Yes / No
Event: / Residential: / Yes / No / Please tick() as appropriateVenue: / Provider:
From: / To: / Training Hours Awarded:
(i.e. Course/Area/Team, S.M.T., Individual etc.)AIMS/OBJECTIVES/PERSONAL OBJECTIVES
Actual Estimated
Course Fee / £ / £(inc Registration, Exams, etc)
Travel / £ / £Subsistence/Accommodation / £ / £
TOTAL / £ / £
Train Tickets required / Yes / No / From: / To:
Cover Required Hours
Applicant’s SignatureCollege Management Team Signature
Deputy Principal’s Signature
Booking Form sent: / Form returned to applicant
January 2013 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094
COURSE EVALUATION please tick () as appropriate
Were course objectives met? / Yes / No
Were personal objectives met? / Yes / No
Was the staff development of value to your role? / Yes / No
Any further comments/training required?
CLAIM - Personal expenses only or ‘Nil’
Course Fee / £
Travel /
Subsistence/Accommodation /
I certify that this is a correct record of expenses incurred by me personally and that in the case of travel by car, the vehicle was insured for the journeys including indemnity for NorthLindseyCollege as an employer, against third party claims
Official RECEIPTS must be obtained to support claim.
Applicant’s Signature / DatePASSED FOR PAYMENT
Deputy Principal’s Signature / DateForm submitted to Finance for payment / Date
January 2013 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094
January 2013 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094
January 2013 / Page - 1 - / Ref:POL0094