AeroFixAircraft Maintenance Organisation

Policy and Procedures Manual

About this manual

This manual is for training purposes only. It has been producedfor the fictitious aircraft maintenance organization AeroFix. The manual simulates a PPM and is generally consistent with CASA requirements. It is not a complete Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AMO) manual, as only the sections required to support this Toolbox training package have been produced.

© Commonwealth of Australia | Licensed under AEShareNet – S LicenceAeroskills Toolbox 2008

/ Policy and Procedures Manual

Manual structure

An approved organisation’s PPM will normally include all the following parts.

1 / A statement of corporate commitment by the accountable manager setting out the procedures to ensure that its management system is, or will be, used by all persons whose duties relate to the maintenance carried out by the organisation.
2 / The structure of the organisation, including:
(a) the name and position of:
(i) the accountable manager; and
(ii) each responsible manager; and
(b) the areas of the organisation that report to each responsible manager; and
(c) who will occupy the position of a person mentioned in subparagraph (a)
(ii) if the person is absent.
3 / The area of responsibility, the duties and the authority of:
(a) the accountable manager; and
(b) each responsible manager; and
(c) each person or class of persons who is, or will be, permitted to sign for the return to service of an aircraft or aeronautical product; and
(d) each person authorised to sign an authorised release certificate.
4 / A statement describing each of the organisation’s locations and each rating that applies to the location, including a description of:
(a) the facility at each location; and
(b) the equipment, special tools and data that are used, or available for use, at each location; and
(c) the kind of maintenance that is, or will be, carried out at each location, including:
(i) a description of each kind of aircraft, engine or aeronautical product that is, or will be, maintained at the location; and
(ii) a list showing each contract under which the organisation carries out maintenance for an AOC holder and the location where the maintenance will be carried out.
5 / Any procedure that the organisation uses, or will use, to carry out maintenance away from a facility.
6 / The procedure that the organisation uses, or will use, if it proposes to make a change to this manual.
7 / The procedures that are, or will be, used for:
(a) carrying out maintenance; and
(b) controlling the carrying out of maintenance in accordance with regulations (or a reference to the data that describes those procedures).
8 / The capability list of the AMO and the procedures for amending the list.
9 / The procedures that the AMO will use to vary the maintenance that is described in a rating document or operation specification document.
10 / Any procedure that the AMO uses, or will use, to fabricate parts.
11 / The organisation’s management system (unless the same person carries out or directly supervises, and signs for, all maintenance).
12 / If, in the organisation, the same person carries out or directly supervises, and signs for, all maintenance, the procedures for the organisation’s annual review.
13 / If the organisation carries out maintenance on an aircraft or aeronautical product for which the manufacturer specifies a tolerance, the procedure to ensure that equipment used is calibrated.
14 / The training program for maintenance staff and pilots.
15 / The procedures to deal with alcohol, drug or fatigue related problems of maintenance staff.
16 / The procedures to control all contracted activities.
17 / If non-AMO contract maintenance is, or will be, carried out for the organisation, the procedure to ensure that:
(a) non-AMO contract maintenance is carried out to standards appropriate to the maintenance being carried out; and
(b) an aeronautical product on which non-AMO contract maintenance is carried out is used only after it has been determined to be serviceable by the AMO.
18 / If the organisation carries out, or will carry out, maintenance in accordance with the AMP of the registered operator of an aircraft, the procedure for that maintenance.
19 / If the organisation carries out, or will carry out, maintenance on foreign registered aircraft under a technical arrangement between CASA and the NAA of the country in which the aircraft is registered, the procedures for identifying, documenting and complying with the specific maintenance requirements of the country.
20 / The procedures for:
(a) storage, examination and inspection of equipment, tools and aeronautical products; and
(b) handling defective or incorrectly labelled aeronautical products.
21 / The procedures to authorise the AMO’s maintenance staff to carry out and sign for, on behalf of the AMO, maintenance.
21A / The procedures for the coordination of maintenance to meet the requirements of the regulations.
22 / The procedure for examining salvaged or stored aeronautical products for damage, before they are used.
23 / The organisation’s record-keeping system (including those associated with the training program referred to in item 14) and the records it keeps, or will keep, together with:
(a) a sample of each form that the organisation uses, or will use, to keep records of maintenance, and a description of the way in which each form must be filled in and signed (or otherwise certified); or
(b) if the organisation has a forms manual, a copy of the forms manual.
24 / The organisation’s major defect reporting procedure via an Irregularity Report form.
25 / The procedure for amending the organisation manual, including the person or persons who may approve an amendment.
26 / The organisation’s procedure for internal communication about to the maintenance it carries out
27 / Any procedures or policy that relate to maintenance and that have not been described in another item.

List of Effective Pages

This section of the PPM is not required for the Toolbox; therefore it has not been included.

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Abbreviations used in this manual

AD: Airworthiness Directive

AME: Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

AMO: Aircraft Maintenance Organisation (AeroFix)

CASA: Civil Aviation Safety Authority

CASR:Civil Aviation Safety Regulation

CE: Chief Engineer

EEO:Equal Employment Opportunity

IAW: In accordance with

LAME: Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer

NAA: National Airworthiness Authority

NDT: Non Destructive Testing

OH&S: Occupational Health and Safety

PPM: Policy and Procedures Manual (this book)

SB: Service Bulletin

MR: Maintenance Release


AeroFix Aircraft Maintenance Organisation

Policy and Procedures Manual

About this manual

List of Effective Pages

Abbreviations used in this manual

1 - Corporate Statement

2 - Organisational Structure

3 - Duty Statements

4 - Staff Policy and Procedures

5 - Facility Location Statement

6 - Procedures for work carried out off base

7 - Procedures to obtain a new rating

8 - Maintenance Policy and Procedures

9 - Forms

Form 1A - Work and Survey Sheet (single tasks)

Form 1B - Additional Work Sheet

Form 2 – Work Package Summary

Form 3 - Maintenance Due List

Form 4 - CASA Airworthiness Directives

Form 5 - Trade Identification Sheet

Form 6 - Independent Inspection of Controls

Form 7 - Category Co-Ordination Certification Sheet

Form 8 - Maintenance Release (CASA form 194)

Form 9 - Manual Change Request

Form 10 - Authorised Release Certificate

Form 11 - Major Defect Reporting (CASA Form 404)

Form 11a – Irregularity Report

Form 12 – List of Accountable Documents

Page 1© Commonwealth of Australia | Licensed under AEShareNet – S Licence Aeroskills Toolbox 2008

/ Policy and Procedures Manual

1 - Corporate statement

1.1 Corporate commitment by Chief Engineer – AeroFix Aircraft Maintenance

The Chief Engineer (CE), as the owner of AeroFix Aircraft Maintenance, is committed to running AeroFixas an adequate and cost-effective maintenance facility providing first class service to customers.

In providing the service, the CE commits to using proven and effective maintenance methods as described by CASA, the aircraft manufacturer, the vendor product manufacturer and any authorised maintenance authority as specified by the aircraft owner, and in compliance with other relevant government regulations.

The CE commits to having adequate staffing arrangements for all levels, classifications and types of maintenance. Where AeroFix does not have the specialist coverage to perform an activity, these specialists will be contracted from CASA approved organisations that have this coverage.

The CE also commits to adequate planning of maintenance activities, correct implementation of the activities, correct certification of the activities and the update of all records attributed to the maintenance activities.

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/ Policy and Procedures Manual

2 - Organisational structure

Organisational chart –AeroFix Aircraft Maintenance

Chief Engineer
Maintenance Controller/ Planner LAME: management of aircraft activities
Office staff
LAME Mechanical Support
Quality Coordinator / Supply Officer / LAME Avionics Support
AME Structures / AME Mechanical / AME Avionics
Trade Apprentice / Trades Assistant / Trade Apprentice

List of organisation staff

Name / Position / Rating / Others
Ian Shearer / Chief Engineer (CE) / Responsible Manager, LAME
Ben Redman / Maintenance Controller /
Planner / Planning and management of activity,LAME
Steve O’Rourke / Supply Officer
Allan Teal / LAME / Mechanical / Support
Quality Coordinator / LAME
Arman Jaeger / LAME / Avionics / Support
Wally Gardner / AME / Avionics
Colin Sheldon / AME / Mechanical
David Petrie / AME / Structures
Vince Jacana / Trades Assistant / Painting
Office staff / Secretary, record keeping
Trevor Milson / Trade Apprentice / Mechanical
Rebecca Wren / Trade Apprentice / Avionics

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/ Policy and Procedures Manual

3 - Duty statements

3.1Management personnel

The CE, as the owner of AeroFix, is the accountable Managerand is supported by the following staff positions.

Management staff:

  • Maintenance Controller/Planner (LAME with certification for aircraft type in maintenance
  • LAME Mechanical.
  • LAME Avionic

Support staff:

  • AME Avionics tradesperson
  • AME Mechanical tradesperson
  • AME Structures tradesperson
  • aircraft trade assistants
  • office staff
  • Apprentices.

Contracted when required:

  • CASA approved NDT specialist with eddy current and ultra sonic coverage
  • Design Engineer.

3.2Duties and responsibilities of management personnel

3.2.1Chief Engineer (CE)

The CE, as the owner, is accountable for the correct maintenance procedures being carried out in all maintenance activities performed by AeroFix and organisations subcontracted to assist AeroFix to perform this maintenance.

The CE controls all maintenance activities performed on a day-to-day basis and ensures that correct tooling and equipment is available for all activities. The CE ensures that suitably qualified persons carry out all activities.

The CE leads regular staff meetings to discuss all issues associated with the business of the organisation,including:

  • OH&S
  • CASA regulation reforms
  • newly issued data such as ADs, SBs, alerts
  • problems with any maintenance activity
  • any other item pertinent to the safe and efficient running of the organisation.

3.2.2Quality Coordinator

The LAME secondary role as the Quality Coordinator is responsible for providing the necessary expertise to ensure that the organisation is in a position to develop and implement quality procedures.

The Quality Coordinator will achieve the following objectives:

  1. develop and maintain a robust audit system to ensure organisational compliance with the PPM
  2. manage the implementation of quality practices into the organisation
  3. develop new systems to meet the requirements of quality standards
  4. maintain a staff awareness of any changes to the PPM
  5. coordinate internal quality training programs as required
  6. implement and monitor a quality system across the organisation
  7. conduct internal audits
  8. prepare updates for the PPM
  9. promote organisation best practice
  10. maintain most up to date maintenance data
  11. liaise with the CASA on all items of interest and concern to both organisations
  12. ensure the implementation of all ADs, SBs and other maintenance data to the time lines specified in that data in all maintenance activities performed and all aircraft types under full control of AeroFix
  13. maintain staff awareness of the quality program
  14. induct new employees to the PPM
  15. maintain a register of personnel qualifications and notify the CE of relevant changes to this register.

3.2.3Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (LAMEs) Controller LAME (management of aircraft activity)

The Maintenance Controller LAME is responsible to the CE for the performance under the approvals and privileges as specified in the CASA regulations pertaining to them, implement, supervise and perform maintenance activities in accordance with (IAW) all Maintenance Data associated with those activities.

The Maintenance Controller LAME will, for those tasks for which he/she does not have approvals or privileges under the CASA regulations, delegate tasks to suitably qualified persons and supervise to ensure that the appropriate levels of certification have been obtained.

The Maintenance Controller LAME can delegate maintenance activities for which he/she does have approvals and privileges to other suitably qualified LAMEs for them to supervise and certify.

The Maintenance Controller LAME is responsible for making sure all the required maintenance activities are certified IAW this PPM and CASA regulations and relevant maintenance recordsare dealt with IAW procedures of recording and filing.

The Maintenance Controller LAME is responsible for the activities of all staff under their control on the maintenance activity.

The Maintenance Controller LAME will be responsible for the ultimate safe return to service of the aircraft in their control, ensuring:

  • all items under the maintenance schedule have been completed and correctly certified
  • all aircraft records and logs and rotatable items records and logs have been updated to include all activities covered by the maintenance activity
  • Maintenance Release has been issued IAW organisation procedures and CASA regulations. of aircraft maintenance activities LAME

The LAME/s will be responsible to the Maintenance Controller LAME for maintenance activity for all tasks delegated to them as a suitably qualified person for which they have the approvals or privileges under the CASAregulations.

The LAME/s responsibility will be that all maintenance activities delegated to them are certified and relevant paper trails are dealt with IAW procedures of recording and filing.

The LAME/s will be responsible for the activities of all staff under their control for the maintenance activity. The LAME will certify for any maintenance that they carryout or for maintenance carried out by personnel that they supervise, consistent with the skills and experience and the privileges of their license.

When delegated, the LAME/s will be responsible for the ultimate safe return to service of the aircraft in their control, ensuring:

  • all items under the maintenance schedule have been completed and correctly certified
  • all aircraft records and logs and rotatable items records and logs have been updated to include all activities covered by the maintenance activity

Maintenance Release has been issued IAW organisation procedures and CASA regulations. Controller LAME (Planner activity)

The Maintenance Controller secondary role as Planner is responsible to for all maintenance data to be available for the intended maintenance activity. They will also ensure that adequate materials, tooling and spares are available. The Maintenance Controller/Planner will liaise with maintenance staff at all times and at all levels of the maintenance to help prioritise tasks for the most efficient outcomes.

The Planner will ensure that there will be tracking of any incomplete ‘Maintenance Due’ items on AeroFix aircraft or aircraft contracted to AeroFix for maintenance to ensure that any incomplete maintenance is planned to be completed prior to the exhaustion of any remaining hours.

3.2.4Aircraft Maintenance Engineers (AMEs)

The AME/s will be defined as anaircraft tradespersons with skills and experience to carryout maintenance and repair tasks as directed on AeroFix aircraft. The AME shall carry out all tasks within the limits of his/her skills base and shall follow all reasonable instructions of his employer. The AME normally works under the guidance of the LAME and will at all times act professionally and diligently.

The AME/s will at all times carryout maintenance on the aircraft or its components consistent with the approved data. The AME will sign for his/her own work.

Typical sources of approved data are defined in this manual.

3.2.5Apprentice Aircraft Maintenance Engineers

The Apprentice will be defined as trainee aircraft tradespersons. The apprentice will receive training in the maintenance and repair tasks on AeroFix aircraft. The Apprentice shall carry out all tasks within the limits of his/her skills base and shall follow all reasonable instructions of his employer. The Apprentice normally works under the guidance of the LAME and or the AME and will at all times act professionally and diligently.

The Apprentices will at all times carryout maintenance on the aircraft or its components consistent with the approved data and under instruction from qualified personnel.

Typical sources of approved data are defined in this manual.

3.2.6Trade Assistant(TA)

The Trade Assistant (TA) shall carry out all tasks within the limits of his/her skills base and shall follow all reasonable instructions of his employer. The TA always works under the guidance of LAME/s and or the AME/s and will at all times act appropriately. The TA’s tasks will include lubrication, paint stripping, sanding, cleaning and simple disassembly and reassembly tasks or any other tasks as directed.

The TA will at all times carryout Tasks on the aircraft or its components consistent with the approved data and always under instruction from qualified personnel.

3.2.7Records Staff

Records personnel will ensure that AeroFix as an approved organisation will at all times meet its obligations with regard to correct retention and storage of aircraft maintenance records.

Records personnel will maintain the aircraft maintenance records of AeroFix consistent with the procedures laid out in this manual.