MC 325:101
Summer 07 MW: 6:00-8:50
Dr. Rita Kiki Edozie is an Assistant Professor of International Relations (James Madison), Michigan State University, East Lansing Office Location: 364 North Case Hall ;Office phone: 517-432-5291 Email: , Website: /http://www.msu.edu/~rkedozie/
States and Societies in Comparative Perspective
Course Abstract
Why do countries enact starkly different “public policies” on issues that might appear to have a “global consensus”? A most recent example of this is countries’ stances and policies toward eliminating “terrorism”. Countries could not even agree on a definition of terrorism- how much more its elimination. By examining the longitudinal and latitudinal depth involved in a country’s ultimate policy direction, this course will explain the “why’s” and “how’s” that explain “national” or “country-level” “difference”. It will do so by examining the historical “constitutions” of “states and their societies” in comparison with each other.
In MC325, we will identify and define the differences and similarities among different countries- configured as “state-societies”-, learn about their patterns, trends, and processes, and learn how to interpret hypotheses to explain their differences and commonalities. In this respect, the course seriously approaches ‘the comparative method’ by identifying major themes and topics and providing students an opportunity to evaluate “comparisons and contrasts” in countries’ “state-society” processes from the perspective of a selected number of major topics (e.g., state-nation formation, political systems-democracy; identities and political cultures; political economies and economic development; inter-nationality and globalization). The course is taught from an interdisciplinary perspective highlighting aspects of a country’s histories, politics, anthropologies, sociologies, and economics. The course will present knowledge from these disciplines to be used as a basis for understanding countries’ divergent contemporary policy orientations- arguing that “public policies” are derived from a country’s “histories” and convey a country’s behavior and identity.
Specifically, while learning from the “comparative” features of several symbolic country cases including England, France, Germany, Scandinavia, India, South Africa, China, Nigeria, Brazil and Mexico, the course will focus on United States’ ‘exceptionalism’ as an important epistemological premise for students’ in America to compare divergent policy orientations and directions among countries.
Teaching/Learning Format
The course will be taught by using a highly interactive format, combining professor lecture presentations with intense student seminar colloquial sessions, dynamic multi-media sessions including on-line instructional learning, and the scheduling of external specialist speaker presentations. The course is reading and writing-intensive and teaches students ‘how to compare states and societies’ and to conduct comparative design methodology. This is also a Tier 2 (W) cluster course, which means that your final research paper can be included in your Senior Seminar Writing Portfolio in fulfillment for meeting JMC graduation requirements.
Book List
Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell (Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author) Prentice Hall, eighth edition, 2007 ISBN-10: 0321158962
Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth Edition Christian
Soe, CALIF STATE U-LONG BEACH; ISBN: 0-07-351602-3, Publication Date: April 2006
American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword by Seymour Martin Lipset (Author) ISBN: 0393316149 / Publisher: W. W. Norton
& Company / Date: Apr 1997
REQUIRED REVIEW BOOKS (you have been assigned “two” books to purchase)
Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World (Paperback)
by Niall Ferguson (Author) ISBN: 0141007540, 448 pages, paperback, published
by Penguin Books, 2004
The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures
(New Accents) (Paperback) by Bill Ashcroft (Author) Routeledge, 1989 ISBN:
The Case for Hilary Clinton (Paperback) by Susan Estrich, MarbleheadSuz.,
Inc., 2006 ISBN: 0060859830
Testimony: France in the Twenty-First Century (Hardcover)
by Nicolas Sarkozy Harriman House 2006 ISBN: 978-0-375-42505-9
The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi, Joseph E. Stiglitz (Foreword by),
Fred L. Block Textbook Paperback - 2ND ISBN: 080705643X Pub. Date: January
The New Industrial State by John Kenneth Gailbrath, Princeton University Press ISBN: 0691131414
The Argumentative Indian: Writings on Indian History, Culture and Identity
(Hardcover) by Amartya Sen (Author) Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2005 ISBN
Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of the United States, South Africa
(Paperback) by Anthony W. Marx (Author) Cambridge University Press, 1998
ISBN: 0521585902
One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse
(Hardcover) by Ali Abunimah (Author) Metropolitan, 2006. 252 sider. ISBN: 08-0508-034-1 / ISBN-13: 978-08-0508-034-6.
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (Paperback) by Barack
Obama (Author) Random House, 2004 ISBN: 978-1-4000-8277-3 (1-4000-8277-3)
Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World
(Paperback) by Benjamin Barber Paperback: Ballantine Books, 1996, ISBN
Course Academic Requirements
1. American Exceptionalism Roundtable Chapter Assignment (5pts)
2. Country Case Comparative Essays (1-6) (30pts)
3. Book Review Assignments (First) (15pts)
4. Book Review Assignment (Second) (15pts)
5. America and the World Annual Editions Roundtable Discussion (5pts)
6. Final Paper (comparative essay) (eight pages) (25pts)
7. Class participation and attendance (5pts)
1. at least 95 - 4.0 2. at least 90 - 3.5 3. at least 85 – 3.0 4. at least 80 – 2.5
5. at least 75 – 2.0 6. at least 70 – 1.5 7. at least 65 – 1.0
** Full attendance and class participation is required. You will be penalized for unexcused absences.
** Late assignments are not encouraged; however, lose 2points a day for up to two days for late assignments ( a day begins 10 minutes after the assignment due date deadline)
**I’m sorry; I cannot accept emailed copies of assignments.
** See me for Honors Credit Assignment for this course (None offered during Summer version)
** Refer to Student Handbook for Academic Honesty Policy
** Remember that this is a 4 credit course based on JMC’s distinctive office hours model (this means that office hours and other professor-student sessions are highly encouraged. My office is open and I am happy to assist you in any way that I can)
MW: 3 – 5:00pm or by Appointment, 364 North Case Hall
Calendar of Events
Comparative Methodology and
Introducing American Exceptionalism
Session Schedule
· Lecture: Introduction to the course: What is Comparative States and Societies?
Required Reading
Chapters 1 and 2: Issues in Comparative Politics and Comparing Political Systems Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition (Paperback) by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell (Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author)
Recommended Reference Reading
Article 22: The Case for a Multi-Party US Parliament? American Politics in Comparative Perspective Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth EditionChristian Soe, CALIF STATE U-LONG BEACH; ISBN: 0-07-351602-3,
1. Get organized: it’s easier that way
2. Also, select your “comparative” country case and borrow as many “books” on the country’s “comparative” features for assignments
Session Schedule
· Movie: 1776
· Roundtable: Reflecting on American Exceptionalism
Required Reading
American Exceptionalism: A Double-Edged Sword by Seymour Martin Lipset (Author) WW Norton, 1996
Chapter 19: Politics in the United States Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition (Paperback) by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell (Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author
Assignment 1 and 2a (essay 1)
1. Chapter (s) Assignment: American Exceptionalism (One page, presentation talking points)
2. Select a country and write a one page thematic analysis of that country by identifying its “comparative” features. Use the “American Exceptionalism” methodology. Your essays must a) define the major theoretical concepts b) draw insights and applicable themes from the book review assigned during this module and c) make comparative reference between your country and the “profile” country case/s used in this module d) used Edozie formatting model- theme, body, conclusion with at least three titled sub-sections. Due on 5/21
Forging Nations (Comparing Nationalisms)
Session Schedule
· Lecture: Understanding Nationalism, Nation Formation; and Old Nations vs New Nations
· Review Panel 1: Old Nations: Britain (Reviewing Empire by Niall Ferguson )
Required Reading
Empire: How Britain Made the Modern World by Niall Ferguson (Author)
Article 3: Who Killed the British Prime Minister? Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth EditionChristian Soe, CALIF STATE U-LONG BEACH; ISBN: 0-07-351602-3,
Recommended Reference Reading
Chapter 8: Politics in England Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition Paper by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell(Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author)
Assignment 3a
1. Present and write a 5 page book review of your assigned “first book review”. Due on scheduled date of presentation.
Session Schedule
· Movie: India—Defying the Crown or Lumumba
· Review Panel 2: the Post-Colonial World (Review of The Empire Writes Back by Aschroft et al)
Required Reading
The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures (New Accents) by Bill Ashcroft (Author) Routeledge, 1989
Article 32: Nigeria: Chronicle of a Dying State Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth EditionChristian Soe, CALIF STATE U-LONG BEACH; ISBN: 0-07-351602-3,
Recommended Reference Reading
Chapters 14 (Mexico), 15 (Brazil), 16 (Egypt) 17 (India), 18 (Nigeria) Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell (Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author)
Assignment 3b and 2b (essay 2)
1. Use your “selected” country to write a one page comparative essay about the history of nation formation and nationalism. Your essays must a) define the major theoretical concepts b) draw insights and applicable themes from the book review assigned during this module and c) make comparative reference between your country and the “profile” country case/s used in this module d) used Edozie formatting model- theme, body, conclusion with at least three titled sub-sections.
2. Present and write a 5 page book review of your assigned “first book review”. Due on scheduled date of presentation
Building States and Political Systems (Politics and Democracy) (Old Democracy vs New Democracy)
Session Schedule
· No Class- Memorial Day
Session Schedule
· Lecture Defining Concepts: States, Political Systems and Democratic Systems
· Review Panel 3: The US’ Presidential System: (Reviewing the Case for Hilary Clinton)
Required Reading
Unit 1: Pluralist Democracies: Country Studies, pages 1-14: Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth EditionChristian Soe, CALIF STATE U-LONG BEACH; ISBN: 0-07-351602-3,
The Case for Hilary Clinton by Susan Estrich, MarbleheadSuz., Inc., 2006
Recommended Reference Reading
Article 14: Women in National Parliaments pages 77-82 Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth Edition Christian Soe
Recommended Reference Reading
Article 22: The Case for a Multi-Party US Parliament? American Politics in Comparative Perspective Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth EditionChristian Soe, CALIF STATE U-LONG BEACH; ISBN: 0-07-351602-3,
Assignment 3 c
1. Present and write a 5 page book review of your assigned “first book review”. Due on scheduled date of presentation.
Session Schedule
· Movie: Danton “The French Revolution”
· Review Panel 4: French Electoral Politics (Reviewing Testimony: France in the 21st Century)
Required Reading
Article 5: The End of French Europe, pages 39-43 Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth Edition Christian Soe
Testimony: France in the Twenty-First Century by Nicolas Sarkozy (Author) Harriman House 2006
Recommended Reference Reading
Chapter 9: Politics in France: Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition (Paperback) by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell (Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author)
Assignment 2c (Essay 3) and 3d
1. Use your “selected” country to write a two page comparative essay about an issue in democratic (or political system) politics. Your essays must a) define the major theoretical concepts b) draw insights and applicable themes from the book review assigned during this module and c) make comparative reference between your country and the “profile” country case/s used in this module d) used Edozie formatting model- theme, body, conclusion with at least three titled sub-sections.
2. Present and write a 5 page book review of your assigned “first book review”. Due on scheduled date of presentation.
Economic Systems (Political-Economy)
Session Schedule
· Lecture: Comparative Political Economy/ Rich Country-Poor Country/Advanced Industrial-Developing Country
· Review Panel 5: The American Political Economy (Reviewing Kenneth Gailbrath’s The Industrial State)
Required Reading
Article 38: Capitalism and Democracy page 205-211 Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth Edition Christian Soe
The New Industrial State, John Kenneth Gailbrath, Princeton University Press, March 2007, ISBN: 0691131414
Assignment 3e
1. Present and write a 5 page book review of your assigned “first book review”. Due on scheduled date of presentation.
Session Schedule
· Lecture: Comparing Classical Economic Liberalism and Neo-liberal Eras
· Review Panel 6: (Reviewing the Great Transformation)
Required Reading
The Great Transformation by Karl Polanyi, Joseph E. Stiglitz (Foreword by), Fred L. Block Textbook Paperback - 2ND ISBN: 080705643X Pub. Date: January 2001
Article 33: China: the Quiet Revolution: pages 180-184 Annual Editions: Comparative Politics 06/07, Twenty-Fourth Edition Christian Soe
Assignment 3f and 2d (essay 4)
1. Present and write a 5 page book review of your assigned “first book review”. Due on scheduled date of presentation.
2. Use your “selected” country to write a two page comparative essay about a political economy issue in your country. Your essays must a) define the major theoretical concepts b) draw insights and applicable themes from the book review assigned during this module and c) make comparative reference between your country and the “profile” country case/s used in this module d) used Edozie formatting model- theme, body, conclusion with at least three titled sub-sections.
Culture and Identities (Culture and Society) (Homogenous Nation vs Heterogeneous Nation)
Session Schedule
· Lecture: Political Culture, Race and Identity(Homogenous Nation vs Heterogeneous Nation)
· Review Panel 7: Race and the US (Reviewing Dreams from my Father)
· Review Panel 8: Comparing Racial Identities (US, Brazil and South Africa
Required Reading
Making Race and Nation: A Comparison of the United States, South Africa by Anthony W. Marx (Author)
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Barack Obama
Recommended Reference Reading
Chapter 3: Political Culture and Political Socialization Comparative Politics Today: A World View, Eighth Edition (Paperback) by Gabriel A. Almond (Author), G. Bingham Powell (Author), Kaare Strøm (Author), Russell J. Dalton (Author), Kaare Strom (Author)