Great Lakes Judging Center
Fall Semi-Annual Business Meeting
Ann Arbor, MI
The meeting was called to order at 10:10 am by Joe Peterson, who asked Greg Filter to serve as secretary for the meeting. Roll was called by Greg Filter, and a quorum was present.
Accredited Judges Present: Doris Asher, Ed Barber, Alex Challis, Greg Filter, Rob Halgren, Glenda Lask, Jean Metcalf, Ruth Morlocke, Sandy Ohlund, Lynn O'Shaughnessy, Joe Peterson. Excused: Diane Burton, Frank Feysa, Marilyn Lee, Dick Wagner.
Probationary Judges Present: Jim Heilig, Marian Morton, Ron Payeur, Katie Payeur..
Students Present: Bill Cadman, Ed Cott, Dennis Seffernick.
Observer Present: Richard Bennett.
Changes and corrections to the minutes were noted. Motion to accept the minutes as amended was made by Doris Asher, seconded by Lynn O'Shaughnessy; accepted unanimously.
Chairman's Report (Joe Peterson)
A moment of silence was observed in memory of Don Garling. Joe distributed the show schedule and indicated that only two shows were approved by the AOS. He urged the judges to solicit societies to get their shows properly scheduled.
2010 Awards summary was distributed.
AOS Members’ Meeting review – Lynn O'shaughnessy
- Lynn distributed notes on the Members’ Meeting (see attached) and covered significant highlights of the meeting.
- Judges Forum
◦ We should not give both a CHM and a quality award to the same plant
◦ Multiple awards are being given to undesignated mericlones – use care.
◦ Discussion about giving an AOS show trophy at every show
- Trustees meeting
◦ Printing costs have been reduced
◦ Web hosting will be in house as opposed to externally contracted service which was expensive.
- New AQPlus program
◦ Demonstrated
◦ Will use the Internet for updates
◦ Offline version will be available for shows/centers
◦ Will work in conjunction with web site.
- Lynn indicated that there was renewed confidence in the AOS and that the auction brought in $50,000.
- Lynn accepted appointment as the AOS’s National Training Coordinator
Treasurer's Reports – Doris Asher
Doris reviewed the period from 1Jun to the present. She indicates that there was a small net loss ($119.57) for the period. The June Seminar had net income even though we were not able to split speaker expenses with any local society as has been our past practice. We are under budget for the year with net income of $909.79, and total assets of $25,341.31. Doris presented a budget for 2011, which was the same as for 2010; Lynn O’Shaughnessy moved the approval of the 2011 budget; Sandy Ohlund seconded; accepted unanimously.
Library/Technical (Greg Filter)
Greg announced that the latest two volumes of ICONES PLEUROTHALLIDINARUM had been purchased and are in the library. No new equipment expenditures were expected, however we may want to consider a new digital projector as technology advances. Our current projector is not capable of the 6:9 aspect ratio that many computers now display. A new laptop is probably not needed as so many judges bring computers.
Committee Reports
- Matthaei Liaison – Doris
◦ Our activities will be integrated into the Matthaei newsletter
◦ Can continue to meet rent free
◦ We are losing our storage area
◦ We will probably want to merge our library with the Matthaei library
▪ Discussion
- Auction duplicate copies of books/periodicals
- Give Matthaei keys to cabinets
- Form a task force to facilitate changes – Joe appointed Doris, Marilyn, Lynn, Greg, Glenda, and Alex to this Task Force
- Nominating Committee – Alex
◦ Joe to be Chair per bylaws
◦ Need Vice chair
- Lynn nominated for Vice chair
◦ unanimous
- Ways & Means – Glenda
◦ We have copies of Orchid Wiz for Auction
◦ Wants suggestions for fund raising activities
- June Seminar – Lynn
◦ Speakers are lined up
◦ Asked for talk recommendations
◦ Will select folks to present 3 remaining talks
◦ New evaluation form has been prepared and is to be used.
Personnel Review (Lynn O'Shaughnessy)
Everyone except Fully Accredited Judges asked to leave the meeting.
Judges voted to recommend Jim Heilig for promotion to Fully Accredited.
Judges voted to accept Richard Bennett as a Student Judge.
Patti DeMaire, who is completing her one-year leave-of-absence, has indicated she will not return. Joe will request this decision from Patti in writing so that we can act on it.
After completion of personnel review, the Students, Probationary judges, etc. were called back into the room.
Old Business -- None
New Business
- Bizarre Bazaar discussed
- Snack volunteers
- Discussion of donation in memory of Don Garling
◦ Previous memorial donations amounts discussed
◦ Rob Halgren moved that we donate in Don’s memory $1000 to AOS and $500 to Orchid Digest; seconded by Lynn O’Shaughnessy; accepted unanimously
A motion to adjourn was made by Sandy Ohlund and seconded by Glenda Lask; accepted unanimously.
Respectfully submitted,
Greg Filter, Acting Secretary