Discovery Summary
Discovery Facilitator:
Agency Provider:
Start Date:Completion Date:
Discovery is…
- a process that involves getting to know people before we help them plan
- spending time with people, instead of testing or evaluating them, as a means of finding out who they are
- an effective way to find out the best that people have to offer
- enhanced when we get to know people in settings where they are most who they are
- a way to identify the unique contributions offered by persons who might not compete as well as others
- not a plan, but the foundation of all person-centered planning that seeks to customize outcomes for people
- compatible with self-determination and choice
This form is used to plan your steps and as you implement Discovery. It records the major events and observations of Discovery. It is meant to be a “Living Document”.
NOTE: Discovery is not a linear process. The template need not be used sequentially. Information obtained should be entered into the various sections as it is obtained. Please remember this is about information. Feel free to update this when needed, being sure to insert any new/updated information into the form fields WITHOUT overwriting or erasing the original information you entered. Please keep in mind that quality recording of information includes having more verbs than adjectives.It describes the development and observations of activities in order to learn more about the communication, interests, skills and abilities of the participant.
Part 1a: Participant’s Identification Information
- Date of birth: __/__/___
- Address: ______
- Phone: Cell:Other:
- Agency providing Discovery:
- Case manager/agency:
- Additional agencies involved with the participant:
- Guardian:
- Phone ____ - ______
- E-mail:
- Family Contacts:
- Phone ____ - ______
- E-mail:
- Public benefits:
Work/Internships/Volunteer/Entrepreneurial Experiences (list from most recent)
Business / Dates / Job title / Pay / Tasks PerformedPart 1b: Introductory Interview___
This section includes RELEVANTinformation from a collaborative interview/conversation with Family/Staff, Guardians, Case Mgr.
The following are suggested areas to obtain information on:
- Typical routine (weekday & weekend):
- Medical conditions & needs:
- What are the parametersand/or conditions necessary for successful employment and community inclusion:
- Specific chores & tasks participant performs at home:
- Without being asked:
- Task done for others out of the home:
- Family, friend, & non-paid people with whom the individual engages regularly:
- Non-structured community activities: (hiking, movies, coffee shops, sports, etc.)
- Professional & nonprofessional associations, community club/memberships, religious affiliations:
- Skills & tasks Participant:
- Can do with support:
- Can do without support:
- Appears to enjoy:
- Would like to learn:
- Participant’s contributions: (what are their best qualities?)
- What are the conditions that work best for the Participant at home?
- What are the conditions that workbest for the Participant in the community?
- Communication skills:
- How the Participant communicatesbest:
- Who the Participant communicates with best:
- Expressive communication:
- Receptive communication:
- Communication nuances: (non-verbal cues, gestures, body language, facial expressions, etc.)
- Communication strategies: (receptive and expressive)
- Overall Educational Experiences: (as appropriate)
- Community Recreational Instruction and/or Experiences:
- Vocational Experiences:
- Expressed, observed, and/or demonstrated Vocational Interests:
Part 1c: Home & Neighborhood Observation
This section includes RELEVANTinformation not only from interviews and conversations but from your observations.
In EACH section, please add information with as much detail as possible. The field will provide you with enough space to do so, and/or please attach notes, photos, videos, etc.
- Date of home visit:
- Those present at the home visit:
- Housemates, family members, staff in the home:
- Observations of home, bedroom, yard, property, belongings that seem relevant:
- Supports needed to be successful at home:
Neighborhood Mapping: Resources, stores/shops, businesses/employers, transportation options, neighbors of interest, activities, civic engagement, general description of the neighborhood and surrounding areas.
This can be done in 1 paragraph to include the following:
- Description of neighborhood:
- Location of neighborhood in community:
- Transportation used by the participant and family/staff:
- General commercial areas near home (shopping, industry, or services):
Information in this tool was adapted from Marc Gold & Associates, and Griffin Hammis & Associates.
Planning Tool for Facilitator’s Use:
Info Needed/Reason for Observation / Interview or Observation Activity / Target Date / Done1
Information in this tool was adapted from Marc Gold & Associates, and Griffin Hammis & Associates.
Information in this tool was adapted from Marc Gold & Associates, and Griffin Hammis & Associates.
Part 2
Part 2a: Others to be Interviewed
In EACH section, please add information with as much detail as possible. The field will provide you with enough space to do so, and/or please attach typed notes.
Planning Questions:
- What information is needed that might come from these interviews?
- What needs clarifying?
- Who might have this information?
- Name:
Date of Interview:
Notes Summary:
- Name:
Date of Interview:
Notes Summary:
- Name:
Date of Interview:
Notes Summary:
- Name:
Date of Interview:
Notes Summary:
- Name:
Date of Interview:
Notes Summary:
Planning Questions:
- What places, skills, and activities need exploration?
- Where/when will this exploration occur?
Planning Tool for Facilitator’s Use:
Info Needed/Reason for Observation / Interview or Observation Activity / Target Date / DonePart 2b: Discovery Observations/Familiar Activities
Identify approximately five places where this individual can be observed in familiar activities that will provide information about their Interests, Talents,Skills & Contributions – Take Photos and/or Videos if allowed.
- ______
Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______
Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______
Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______
Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______
Target date: Date accomplished:
Note your observations for each location, date, the specific tasks engaged in, skills utilized, and specific supports needed.
In EACH section, please add information with as much detail as possible. The field will provide you with enough space to do so, and/or please attach typed notes.
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
Planning Questions:
- What places, skills and activities need more exploration?
- Where/when will this exploration occur?
Planning Tool for Facilitator’s Use:
Info Needed/Reason for Observation / Interview or Observation Activity / Target Date / DonePart 2c: Discovery Observations/Novel Activities
Identify approximately five places where this individual can be observed in Novel/New activities that will provide information about their Interests, Talents, Skills & Contributions – Take Photos and/or Videos if allowed.
- ______Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______Target date: Date accomplished:
- ______Target date: Date accomplished:
Note your observations for each location, date, the specific tasks engaged in, skills utilized, and specific supports needed.
In EACH section, please add information with as much detail as possible. The field will provide you with enough space to do so, and/or please attach typed notes.
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
- Location:
Date & Time:
- Summary:
- Skills, Tasks & Contributions observed:
- Supports & conditions needed to be successful:
Planning Questions:
- What places, skills and activities need more exploration?
- Where/when will this exploration occur?
Planning Tool for Facilitator’s Use:
Info Needed/Reason for Observation / Interview or Observation Activity / Target Date / Done1
Information in this tool was adapted from Marc Gold & Associates, and Griffin Hammis & Associates.
Part 2d: Summary of Skills, Tasks, Interests, Contributions & Conditions:
- List Tasks, Interests, Talents, & Skills that have been noted as reoccurring during Discovery:
- Identify AssistiveTechnology Needs:Adaptations, assistive or universal technology that may be helpful for successful integration, participation and/or employment.Please cite strategies that are currently being used or had been attempted in the past.
Information in this tool was adapted from Marc Gold & Associates, and Griffin Hammis & Associates.
Part 3
Part 3: Discovery Profile Summary
In EACH section, please summarize in as much detail as possible, using the information gathered from parts 1 and 2. The field will provide you with enough space to do so, and/or please attach typed notes.
- Conditions for Success
- General conditions for participant:
- General conditions for family (or staff, as appropriate):
- Conditions for task performance:
- Instructional strategies:
- Environmental conditions:
- Supports needed for successful task performance:
- Conditions to be avoided:
- Interests toward an aspect of community activities and/or job market
- General personal interests:
- General family interests (or staff, as appropriate):
- Activities participant engages in without being expected to do so:
- General areas of current community activities and/or work interest:
- Specific areas of past community activities and/or work experience:
- Contributions
- Strongest positive personality characteristics:
- Most reliable strengths regarding performance:
- Best current and potential skills to offer thecommunity and/or potentialemployers:
- Credential training, certifications, and recognized skills:
- Possible sources for recommendations:
- Resources/financial assets:
- Challenges
- Areas potentially needing matching and/or negotiation for increased inclusion and/or with employers:
- Physical/health restrictions:
- Habits, routines, idiosyncrasies:
- Challenges associated with Participant’s needs, accommodationsand/or disclosure:
- Financial issues:
- Transportation issues:
- Promising solutions (current, past or potential):
- Potential Community Venue and/or Businesses to explore: (create a list)
This tool is provided courtesy of Marc Gold & Associates.
This tool is provided courtesy of Marc Gold & Associates.
Part 4
Discovery Meeting
This is a collaborative meeting meant to include the IDT members as well as family, friends, key staff and the Participant, facilitated by the Agency Discovery Facilitator. Information collected in Part 3 should be presented, discussed, and seriously considered at this meeting.
Participant: Date:
CONDITIONS: NN= non-negotiable
- Personality Traits
- Skills
- Recommendations/References
- Past Volunteer/Work Experiences
TASKS that Participant may want to do for pay:
Name of Venue / Contact Person / Potential Tasks / Person Responsible1.
Name of Employer / Contact Person / Potential Tasks / Person Responsible1.
Sensitive Information (addendum)
This section gathers information that is relevant to developing/negotiating a job, community experience, or other outcome for the participant and is information not covered in the profile. Additional information that could possibly be perceived as a barrier is described below to assist the developer in framing the issue to seek a workable perspective for the job developer. It may not be necessary to share this information with all readers of the profile.
1. Describe any areas of concern relating to potential barriers to successfully negotiating acommunity activities/employment outcome.
2. Identify people within the participant’s circle of professionals and friends who are aware of the areas of concern and specify their involvement.
3. Identify how the area(s) of concern impacts both developing and maintaining community activity/employment.
4. Describe current or past strategies implemented to minimize areas of concern regarding how community activities/ employment might be impacted.
5. Describe possible future strategies to minimize areas of concern or impact.
6. Describe any legal restrictions that may impede community activity participation and/or employment in certain types of business.
This tool is provided courtesy of Marc Gold & Associates.