Funding Subcommittee
Meeting Minutes / July 9, 2012
- Allen Metheny convened the Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group (DHSTPWG) Funding Subcommittee meeting at 12:00 a.m. in the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) Training Room. The following documents were provided to meeting participants:
- Meeting Notice & Agenda
- DHSTPWG Funding Subcommittee Meeting Minutes from April 2, 2012
- DHSTPWG Funding Subcommittee Meeting Minutes from April 9, 2012
- Homeland Security Grant Program Monthly Report from July, 2012
- Homeland Security Grant Program Purchasing Report from July 2012
- Homeland Security Grant Program Subgrant Report from July 2012
- Homeland Security Grant Program Cost Savings and Funding Request Summary July9, 2012
- April 2, 2012 and April 9, 2012 minutes were reviewed and approved. (With no objections or changes the Chair noted the minutes as approved).
- New Business
- Cost Saving and Funding Request Summary: There is roughly three million left to spend in FY2008 and FY2009. The two grants expire on September 30, 2012. The group examined a list of cost savings and recommendations. A motion was made to allow the Chairman and Staff to reallocate funding to shovel ready projects that build core capabilities if spending plans were not received. (Motion: Robert Newnam; Second: Ellen Malenfant -Passed Unanimously)The motion was amended to include a due date of August 1, 2012 for receiving spending plans. (Motion: Tim Sexton; Second:Dave Mick -Passed Unanimously)
- Reallocations
- FY09, SHSP, Investment 8, SEMS :
SEMS requested reallocation of $24,000.00 for two emergency generators. SEMS maintains a fleet of 32 emergency response vehicles at a full service vehicle repair shop that includes vehicle lift, transmission & coolant flush machines, bulk oil & supplies and a tire machine/balancer. During any power outage delivery ofemergency medical services could be interrupted. For example a hurricane or tornado event,the most common vehicle problem is punctured tires. The second generator supports the Sussex County Maintenance facility. The county facility maintains the only emergency fuel station for both gasoline and diesel fuelfor the EMS fleet and 115 of the Sussex County Council vehicles. (Motion: Mayor Carey; Second: Dave Mick -Passed Unanimously)
- New Request for Funding, GA:
Mayor Carey presented a request for the amount of $74,672.68 to purchase 12 portable radios and 5 mobile radios to support City of Dover emergency management operations. Radios will be distributed to the Fire Marshals’ Office, to the Emergency Management Coordinator and to Damage Assessment Teams. (Motion: Major Hudson; Second: Tim Sexton, Vote Passed, Dave Roberts and Mayor Carey absented from voting)
- FY07 – FY10 SHSP
Jen Dittman expressed thanks in drawing down all FY2007 funding. The funding related to the FY2007 grant is being reconciled. There is roughly three million left to spend in FY2008 and FY2009. The two grants expire on September 30, 2012. Jen Dittman and the Chair have a spending plan ready for the balance of unused funding. The Subcommittee passed a motion that allows the Chair and Staff to reallocation unused funding.
- The meeting adjourned at 1:15 p.m.
Next Meeting - The next meeting is scheduled for August 13, 2012 at 12:30 p.m.
J. Allen Metheny
Chairman, Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group Funding Subcommittee
Attachments: Attendance Roster
Note: All Meeting Handouts are available upon request.
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Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working GroupFunding Subcommittee
Meeting Minutes / July 9, 2012
Name / Agency
Voting Members
Allen Metheny / Chairman, FS Lead
Monroe Hudson / Delaware State Police, LE Lead
Brain Malloy / Delaware National Guard
Carleton Carey / Delaware League of Local Governments, GA Lead
Absent / SC Emergency Management
Dwayne Day / City of Dover, PW Lead
Suzanne Raab-Long / DE Healthcare Association, HC Lead
Timothy Sexton / DHSS, Division of Public Health, PH Lead
Ellen Malenfant / DNREC, HZ Lead
Dave Roberts / Public Safety Communications, PSC Lead
David Mick / Emergency Medical Services, EMS Lead
Sandra Ennis-Alexander / Department of Technology & Information, CS Lead
Absent / Department of Agriculture, AG Lead
Absent / Citizen Corps, CCP Lead
Robert Newnam / Delaware Fire School
Absent / Division of Motor Vehicles, DMV Lead
Funding Subcommittee Guests
Joe Wessels / Delaware League of Local Governments
Delaware Emergency Management Agency Staff
Jennifer Dittman / Terrorism Preparedness Supervisor
Beth Moran / Planner
Will Hayes / Planner
LaRissa Guess / Technical Assistance Coordinator
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