Standards Based Language Unit

Allons à EuroDisney

Nancy P. Wilson

French Immersion Institute

University of Pittsburgh

Center for West European Studies

June 25-29, 2001

Project completed: July 16, 2001

Standards Based Language Learning Unit:

Brochure: The MagicKingdom

(may be obtained for free at City Hall in the MagicKingdom)

Nancy P. Wilson

Stage d’immersion en français

le 15 juillet 2001

Standards addressed: Communication: Interpretive



Connections: Art


Language Arts

Community: Simulated Service Project

Objectives: Interpretive

to read/interpret a brochure about Disney World’s MagicKingdom

to identify the main idea and supporting details

to infer meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary using context clues


to discuss with 1/2 friends what to do/where to eat/where to meet


to create a brochure for a local amusement park in French

to write an e-mail home describing what you did, where, and with whom using adverbs of time (i.e. First, then, next, finally), and the past tense.

Targeted Learners: Level 2/3 High School

Novice High/Intermediate Mid Oral Proficiency

I prefer to use units similar to this one at the end of a chapter. It incorporates all three modes of the communication standard as well as two of the other standards. It also incorporates all four abilities; reading, writing, listening, and speaking. It also addresses the needs of all kinds of learners. This particular unit would fit very appropriately after HRW’S Chapitre 6, Allez, Viens! 2.

Prior Knowledge: Adverbs of time (First, Next.); Weather; Food; Personal Opinions, Accept/Reject; Time; Amusement Park Rides; Directions; Suggestions; Verbs in Past Tense


Day 1

Pre-Reading activity:

1. Students collaborate to make a list on the board/overhead of the kinds of information they would expect to find in a brochure of this nature.

While-Reading activity:

1. Students complete a worksheet inferring meaning of unfamiliar vocabulary, and identifying the main idea, supporting details from the brochure. (May be completed as an individual activity, pair activity, or think/pair/share activity)


Day 2


1. Mapping activity. Students brainstorm vocabulary for use in today’s interpersonal activity and tomorrow’s presentational activity.

2. Role play: Students role-play a situation at the park with 1-2 classmates. Students are presented with the situation (A Band trip to EuroDisney) and are given time to decide who will say what to whom. Before the end of the period they present the role-play to the teacher at the teacher’s desk without notes. Students may simply receive credit for completing the task or be graded on their presentation.


Day 3/4


1. Create a brochure for a local amusement park in French. (homework)

2. Write an e-mail home to your parents describing your day in the Magic Kingdom using adverbs of time (i.e. first, next, then, finally) and the past tense.

a. Pre-writing (see Mapping activity from yesterday)

b. Rough draft

c. Peer editing

d. Final copy (All parts stapled together, final copy on top)

Vocabulaire Important

Unit: Allons à Eurodisney

Je m’appelle______

la date:______

la classe:______

Unit: Allons à Eurodisney

1. List 10 cognates from this brochure that you have not encountered in previous reading assignments.

a. ______f. ______

b. ______g. ______

c. ______h. ______

d. ______i. ______

e. ______j. ______

2. Using your best-educated guessing skills locate the French word, which you believe means the same thing as the following English words:

1. Kennel______

2. First Aid______

3. Wheel chair______

4. Lockers______

5. Mail Box______

6. Disney characters______

7. Lost and Found______

8. Fireworks______

9. Free______

10. Smoking Area______

Unit: Allons à EuroDisney

page 2

True/False: Based on information in the section “Tips and Information” are the following statements true or false? If the statement is false, correct it.

_____1. Special guidebooks for the park are available for the handicapped.

_____2. You can see a parade any afternoon at 5 PM.

_____3. Menus are available in French.

_____4. French traveler’s checks are accepted throughout the park.

_____5. On hot days it is acceptable for men to walk around without a shirt.

Short Answer: Based on information in the brochure, respond briefly to the following questions.

1. When is the best time to eat?

2. Where are the best places to dine with Disney characters?

3. Where is the best place to meet Mickey and/or Minnie Mouse?

4. Where can you find someone who speaks French to help you?

5. Explain briefly what a FASTPASS is and how to use it.

Unit: Allons à EuroDisney

Jeu de Role (2/3 people)

I. If you have not already done so, complete the Vocabulary Mapping Activity Sheet

II.The school band has earned a trip to Disney World in Florida and will be

participating in the parade this afternoon. This morning, however, you and your friends

are free to explore the different parks. You have decided to start your day by exploring

The MagicKingdom. Suggest various activities to your partners until you all agree on

one or two. (Remember the lines are long for the most popular attractions.) Then decide

where and what you will eat for lunch. Since you can’t agree on where to eat, decide

where and when you will meet after lunch to prepare for the parade. Be sure you know if

your meeting place is behind, in front of, or next to some other attraction.

Oral Rubric

Adapted from HRW Allez! Viens!

Alternative Assessment Guide


Targeted Functions______

Targeted vocabulary______

Targeted grammar______


5 Speaker consistently uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary

4 Speaker usually uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary

3 Speaker sometimes uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary

2 Speaker rarely uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary


5 Speaker can always be understood/Listener can understand everything

4 Speaker can be understood most of the time/Listener can understand most everything

3 Speaker can be understood sometimes/Listener can understand sometimes

2 Speaker can be understood rarely/Listener can understand rarely


5 Speaker uses language correctly, and speaks clearly without hesitation.

Pronunciation and intonation sound almost natural

4 Speaker usually uses language correctly, has few problems with pronunciation

3 Speaker has some problems with language usage, hesitation, pronunciation

2 Speaker makes many errors in language usage, hesitates frequently, and struggles with pronunciation


5 The student has included more than the required elements in this assignment.

4 The student has included all the required elements in this assignment. 3 The student has included most of the required elements in this assignment.

2 The student has included few of the required elements in this assignment.

Unit: Allons à Eurodisney

Project: Create a Brochure

As a community service project your French class has been chosen to create a

brochure in French for the local amusement park. Be sure to include the following items:

a map of the park, including rides, shows, restaurants, restrooms, a map legend, and

useful tips and information.

Your project will be evaluated in the following areas.

Completion of project.....50%

Visual appeal...... 20%

Use of Vocabulary...... 20%

Accuracy...... 10%

Project Rubric

Completion of Project

5 The project is completed on time

4 The project is one day late

3 The project is two days late

2 The project is three or more days late

Visual Appeal

5 The project is very creative

4 The project is neat and attractive

3 The project is neat.

2 The project has no visual appeal

Use of Vocabulary

5 Extensive use of appropriate vocabulary

4 Appropriate vocabulary

3 Some inappropriate vocabulary

2 Little or no effort to use vocabulary


5 Few or no errors

4 Some errors but they do not interfere with comprehension

3 Many errors

2 Errors that you should not be making at your level

Completion of project _____ 10 = _____

Visual Appeal _____ 4 = _____

Use of Vocabulary _____ 4 = _____

Accuracy_____ 2 = _____

TOTAL _____

Unit: Allons à Eurodisney

Guided Composition

Pre-Writing: You may use the Vocabulary Mapping Sheet, which you completed previously during this unit.


Your day in the MagicKingdom is finally over. You were there for the park

opening as well as the park closing. You have had a ______day! One of your

roommates has brought his notebook PC with him. Since you know your mother will

have problems sleeping until she hears from you, you have decided to send an e-mail

home to your parents describing your ______day! Begin by stating the kind of day

you have had. Then proceed to tell what happened using adverbs of time (i.e. First, then,

next, finally) and the past tense. Close your e-mail by expressing an opinion about the

day you have had.

Peer Editing

Have a classmate read over what you have written. He/She should check your

writing to be sure you have included everything you were required to include. He/She

should also check your writing for correct verb forms, articles, and spelling. If you

would like me to check over your writing, I will highlight your errors but I will not tell

you what they are.

Final Copy

When you have made all the necessary changes to your assignment, rewrite it as

neatly as possible on a clean, full sheet of paper. Be sure to include your full name, date,

and class period. Staple all of your work together with the final copy on top.

Written Rubric

Adapted from HRW Allez, Viens!

Alternative Assessment Guide


Targeted Functions______

Targeted vocabulary______

Targeted grammar______


5 Writer uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic

4 Writer usually uses the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic

3 Writer uses few of the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic

2 Writer uses none of the appropriate functions and vocabulary for the topic


5 Reader can understand all of what the writer is trying to communicate

4 Reader can understand most of what the writer is trying to communicate

3 Reader can understand less than half of what the writer is trying to communicate

2 Reader can understand very little of what the writer is trying to communicate


5 Writer uses grammar, spelling, word order, and punctuation correctly

4 Writer usually uses grammar, spelling, word order, and punctuation correctly

3 Writer has some problems with language usage

2 Writer makes a significant number of errors in language usage


5 Presentation is logical and effective

4 Presentation is generally logical and effective with a few minor problems

3 Presentation is somewhat illogical and confusing in places

2 Presentation lacks logical order and organization


5 Writer exceeds the requirements of the assignment and has put care and effort into the process

4 Writer fulfills all of the requirements of the assignment

3 Writer fulfills some of the requirements of the assignment

2 Writer fulfills few of the requirements of the assignment