Job Description and Person Specification (HR5)
Post Number: /
Job Description
School/Department: / Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI)
Post Title: / Research Fellow in Statistics
Please enter Level under appropriate Career Pathway / ERE / TAE / MSA / CAO / R.Nurse / Clinical
Level 4
ERE Category / Academic Posts / Non-Academic Posts
(mixed) / Research
Only / Teaching
only / Enterprise / Education Development
Posts Responsible to (and Level): / Director of S3RI (Level 7), Principal Investigator (Level 6)
Posts Responsible for (and Level): / No direct supervisory responsibility
Job Purpose:
Undertake internationally leading research on the project “Efficient and effective experimental strategies to develop process understanding and control” in collaboration with, and funded by, GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Limited (GSK), including methodological research, statistical computing, preparation of dissemination materials and internal reports. Contribute to the development of funding bids. Undertake administrative duties to support the project.
The project is in collaboration with co-investigator Professor Susan Lewis.
Key Accountabilities/Primary Responsibilities (6-10 bullet points maximum)
  • Undertake internationally leading methodological research on the design and analysis of cost-effective, multi-factor and sequential experiments including for nonparametric and nonlinear mixed effects models; evaluation of new designs against alternatives in terms of efficiency and costs; preparation of statistical code with full documentation
  • Provide, in close collaboration with GSK Lead expert users in Chemistry and Statistics, applications of the new methods to GSK experimentsfor evaluation and improvement and transfer into GSK practice, as appropriate
  • Prepare reports providing a record of each application, evaluation of the method and full analysis of the results
  • Prepare papers for submission to high quality international statistics and pharmaceutical science journals; contribute to funding bids
  • Prepare and give presentations at international conferences and collaboration meetings
  • Carry out administrative duties directly relevant to the research project
/ % Time
Internal & External Relationships: (nature & purpose of relationships)
  • The post holder will be an active member of the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI)
  • With principal and co-investigators, to develop the research
  • With other members of S3RI, for research discussions.

Special Requirements: Willingness to travel within the UK for collaborative meetings and activities, and to attend and present at conferences internationally. Make extended visits to GlaxoSmithKline of up to a total of one month in each year.
Person Specification
Criteria / Essential / Desirable / How to be assessed
Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience:
PhD (or close to completing a PhD) in Statistics or equivalent research experience
Knowledge and experience of statistical modelling
Background/ publications in Bayesian methods, design and analysis of experiments, or nonparametric modelling
Knowledge of one or more of R, C++ or Matlab
Experience of statistical programming and simulation / 

 / 
 / Application and references
Application and references
Application and references
Application, references and interview
Application, references and interview
Planning and Organising:
Able to organise and plan own work to meet deadlines
Able to contribute to the planning and organisation of a research team
Able to work independently / 
 /  / Application, interview and references
Problem Solving and Initiative:
High level ability to solve some research problems and to seek advice from the grant investigators and collaborators where necessary
Able to develop understanding of complex problems and apply in-depth knowledge to address them / 
 / Application, interview, and references
Management and Teamwork:
Able to work as part of a team and contribute effectively to team goals /  / Application, interview and references
Communicating and Influencing:
Able to present research results at group meetings and conferences
Communicate new and complex information effectively, both verbally and in writing, engaging the interest and enthusiasm of the target audience
Able to write up research results for publication in leading peer-viewed journals / 
 /  / Application, interview and references
Other Skills and Behaviours:
Positive attitude to colleagues and external collaborators /  / Application, interview and references
Special Requirements:

Job Hazard Analysis Form - Appendix to Job and Person Specification

Please tick one of the following statements:

This post is an office-based job with routine office hazards e.g. use of VDU (if ticked, no further information needs to be supplied) / X
This post has some hazards other than routine office e.g. more than use of VDU

Please tick all those that apply, and put N/A if not applicable

Environmental Exposures / O* / F / C
Outside work
Extremes of temperature (eg fridge/ furnace)
Potential for exposure to body fluids ##
Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa) ##
Exposure to hazardous substances (eg solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify …………………………………………………………. ##
Frequent hand washing
Ionising radiation.
Equipment/Tools/Machines used
Food Handling ##
Driving university vehicles(e.g. car/van/LGV/PCV) ##
Use of latex gloves (note: prohibited unless specific clinical necessity) ##
Vibrating tools ( e.g. strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers) ##
Physical Abilities
Load manual handling.
Repetitive Crouching/Kneeling/Stooping
Repetitive Pulling/Pushing
Repetitive Lifting
Standing for prolonged periods
Repetitive Climbing i.e. steps, stools, ladders
Fine motor grips (e.g. pipetting)
Gross motor grips
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height
Psychosocial Issues
Face to face contact with public
Lone working
Shift work/night work/on call duties ##

O – Occasionally (up to 1/3 of time); F – Frequently (up to 2/3 of time); C – Constantly (more than 2/3 of time) ## denotes to HR the need for a full PEHQ to be sent to all applicants for this position.

FOR SCHOOL/SERVICE USE ONLY / ResourceLink Post Number
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Research Fellow in Statistics

Applications are invited for a two-year Research Fellow position at the University of Southampton in the Southampton Statistical Sciences Research Institute (S3RI;

The Research Fellow will be a member of the Design of Experiments Group within Mathematics ( which is one of the largest and most active groups in its field.

The following information is provided for applicants:

  • A proactive and experienced researcher is sought to advance methods for gathering and modelling data from experiments to explain and predict the science underpinning the development and manufacture of new medicines. The post is part of a GlaxoSmithKline Technology Development and Fundamental Science Collaboration with the University of Southampton.
  • The role of the Research Fellow will be to undertake high-level Statistics research into cost-effective, multi-factor and sequential experiments under the direction of Dr David Woods (principal investigator), to work in close collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline scientists and statisticians on the evaluation and improvement of the methods through their application, and to enable GSK to include the methods in their statistical toolbox.
  • The successful candidate will have, or be about to obtain, a PhD in Statistics, and will have evidence of ability to interact effectively with research collaborators, and excellent communication skills. A background in Bayesian methods, the design and analysis of experiments, or nonparametric modelling is desirable.
  • The successful candidate will be expected to take up the post on Monday 3 September 2012, or as soon as possible thereafter.