SouthavenHigh School Cheerleading

Rules, Regulations and Contract


Amy Cobb ~cell phone ~ (901) 237-1397 Email ~

Becky Lantrip ~cell phone ~ (901) 568-9435Email ~

Mary Heather Gibbs ~ cell ~ (662) 404-2234 Email ~

Please only contact us by email or text message unless it is an emergency. We will not always answer phone calls from cheerleaders or parents, so please leave a message, and we will return your call when we can. This will allow us to keep our family time strictly for our families, and concentrate on cheerleading during cheerleading time. You may text message us, but please always make sure you get a response. Please do not assume that because you sent it, we received it. If there is no response from us, we did not get your message, and your absence will be counted as unexcused no matter what the reason. We communicate with the parents and the kids almost 100% through electronic communication because we do not have time to call every parent. This will include email, text messages, and a Facebook group created to communicate with the cheerleaders and the parents, as well as any new sites or electronic communication that we may find helpful in communication. No cheerleader will be permitted to be friends with a coach or sponsor on any social networking site as this is a violation of DCS policy, but because most students do not have email and some communication is too long for text, we have found the Facebook group to be a very effective way to make sure all of the cheerleaders receive important information. No electronic communication is meant to be a social form of communication with the cheerleaders at any time. It is meant to be an effective form of communication with the students and any parents that choose to participate about cheerleading information. You and/or your child MAY opt out of the Facebook group at any time, but please understand that this may hinder communication. Any student or parent that abuses this form of communication will not only immediately be removed from the group, but will also be removed from the team. Any cheerleader who is removed from or voluntarily leaves the team at any time for any reason will be immediately removed from the group, and so will any adult associated with that cheerleader. This group will be used for cheerleading communication only, and anyone that is not associated with the SHS Cheer program will not be permitted to be part of that group.

Parent: ______Date: ______/______/______

Student: ______Date: ______/______/______


You will be expected to have a 70/C average in all classes (this is state mandated by MHSAA). Grades will be checked when progress reports are issued and at the end of each nine weeks. It is your responsibility to make up any work or assignments missed due to cheerleading and to inform your teachers IN ADVANCE of cheer related absences. Academics should and will be placed before athletics. Coaches reserve the right to administer consequences if these priorities are not met. Skipping school at any time without a valid reason will NOT be tolerated, and will be punished severely! Coaches should be made aware of school absences as well as absences from practice. Please understand, we expect your child to be at school unless there is a valid reason for missing. Skipping school includes with the parents’ knowledge, but not having a valid excuse (as approved in the school handbook).

Parent: ______Date: ______/______/______

Student: ______Date: ______/______/______

Conduct and Commitment

  • COMMITMENT is the #1 goal in Southaven High School Cheerleading. All cheerleaders should be 100% committed to their squad and their coaches at all times. Leaving the squad for any reason before the cheerleader’s commitment is fulfilled will result in full loss of credit and the cheerleader not being allowed to return to the squad that cheerleading season or the next. This includes the ballgame and competitive cheer teams, as well as the Middle School dance and cheer teams.
  • SHS Cheerleaders are expected to be positive role models that represent the school well on and off the field/court/mat.
  • SHS Cheerleaders will not participate in ANY illegal activity, including but not limited to: tobacco use, alcohol, drugs, theft, vandalism, etc. Any participation in any of these activities can and will result in a consequence, and can include the cheerleader’s immediate dismissal from the squad. Cheerleaders are subject to random drug testing at the coaches’ discretion at the PARENT’S expense.
  • Absolutely no profanity is allowed while in uniform or representing SouthavenHigh School in any way. This includes all internet sites, and any other place that you post pictures and/or discuss being a member of the Southaven High School Cheerleaders. Pictures in these places must also be appropriate for representing the squad well. If you are unsure of whether something is deemed appropriate, you should ask your sponsor BEFORE you post it. Once it is posted, you are responsible for it.
  • You will show respect to ALL SMS and SHS teams, coaches, teachers, administrators, other students, and members and coaches of other teams at all times.
  • You will treat all other cheerleaders and coaches with respect both during and outside of cheerleading activities. You will not put down, bad mouth, or demean the SHS Cheer team or any of its members or coaches in any way. We work as a team at ALL times and need the support of the other team members at all times.
  • Effort must be made to work as a team both in and out of cheerleading activities.
  • Maximum effort is expected at all times. It takes EVERY cheerleader giving 100% at EVERY practice, game and/or competition, or it isn’t worth the time. This includes conditioning practices, tumbling practice and regular cheerleading practice. This is not optional. If you are not giving 100%, you WILL be replaced with an alternate, and you will have to earn your spot back.
  • Any cheerleader that is unable to perform his/her duties at practice during the week will NOT be allowed to perform in any rotuine or on the sidelines of a ballgame during that week. This includes conditioning, stunting, tumbling, jumps, etc. All cheerleaders are expected to participate in ALL areas of practice in order to have the privelege of performing.
  • Cheerleaders will keep a positive attitude at all times, and will not be rude to any of the sponsors/coaches at any time. This includes back talking, rolling eyes, refusal to follow the requests of their sponsors/coaches, deliberately disobeying rules, or any other form of disrespect. This will result in an immediate consequence and can result in that cheerleader sitting out for a specified amount of time and/or being replaced by an alternate.

Parent: ______Date: ______/______/______

Student: ______Date: ______/______/______


  • No jewelry may be worn during practice, ballgames, or competitions. ALL jewelry must be removed. Random checks will be done, and consequences will be administered if it is found. This is for the safety of all cheerleaders. Any jewelry that can not be removed will result in the cheerleader being removed from all practices and performances until their jewelry can be removed. (Piercings may not be covered with tape, bandages, etc., and retainers are not permitted.) They will be replaced by an alternate when applicable and it may result in them having to sit until they are needed again.
  • Hair will be worn in a ponytail during all practices, games, and competitions. All hair will be out of the cheerleaders face, and off of her shoulders. Any cheerleader that is unable to put their hair up in a pony tail off of their shoulders will be removed from all practices and performances until their hair can be properly put up. NO HAIR should fall out of the pony tail at any time. Cheerleaders MAY use bobby pins and hairspray to help keep shorter hair up properly, but if it should fall, the cheerleader will be removed from practice and performance until it is fixed.
  • No visible tattoos at any time. Any cheerleader with a visible tatoo will not be allowed to practice or perform.
  • Fingernails must be cut where they can not be seen when looking at the palm of the hand at ALL TIMES. This is for the safety of all of the cheerleaders. Consequences will be administered for fingernails longer than the length mentioned above. This includes real and fake nails.
  • Nail polish and barrettes may not be worn during a competition. Bobby pins with a plastic coating on the end are acceptable.
  • Cheerleaders should dress appropriately at school and other times when they are in public and not in uniform. Cheerleaders are representatives of the school at ALL times….on and off of the field/court. Cheerleaders should be appropriately covered during practice times, and shorts and shirts should be worn at a length that will not reveal any undergarments or midriff. Cheerleaders WILL follow school dress code during school hours and will receive a consequence if they are not in proper dress code.
  • Cheerleaders will wear bloomers and/or spandex under their shorts at all practices and with their uniforms. Cheerleaders that are not wearing bloomers will NOT be allowed to practice or perform.

Parent: ______Date: ______/______/______

Student: ______Date: ______/______/______


  • ALL ABSENCES AFFECT THE ENTIRE TEAM AND KEEP THE TEAM FROM BEING ABLE TO PERFORM AT THEIR BEST. ABSENCES SHOULD BE RESERVED FOR EMERGENCIES ONLY. EXCESSIVE ABSENCES (3-4) FROM PRACTICES WILL RESULT IN THE CHEERLEADER BEING REMOVED FROM ALL UPCOMING PERFORMANCES TO PREVENT THE REST OF THE TEAM FROM BEING AFFECTED. Cheerleaders may earn back the right to perform with their team when the can consistently attend practices (3-4 weeks of not missing a practice or performance and not being tardy to any practice or performance) and show the coaches and the team they are dependable and will not hinder the performance of the team. If an alternate has stepped into their place, they will not be given this spot back. They will have to earn it.
  • Attendance at all practices is mandatory and for competitive cheerleaders, this includes tumbling practices. This includes being present and on time during 4th block. Any absence or tardy from any of these must be cleared in advance with a coach by the cheerleader, or they are considered unexcused. More than 30 minutes late to a practice, game, or camp means the tardy becomes an absence.
  • Absences from school do NOT automatically excuse an absence or tardy from practice. The cheerleader must still clear their absence in advance with a coach, and must bring a note to excuse the absence. Absence from school means the cheerleader can not participate in after school activities. Students must be present more than ½ the day at school in order to be allowed to participate. They must still be present to watch.
  • Injuries and prolonged illnesses (more than 1 practice) will only be excused with a doctor’s note.
  • Death in the family and vomiting/fever are the only excuses for missing a practice or a game. All other illnesses require that the cheerleader be present to watch, learn, and cheer on their teammates. This is NOT optional and is NOT at the parent’s discretion. This is the decision of the coach based on the illness/injury.
  • Cheerleaders must be on time and completely dressed for all cheer related functions. This includes having hair up, jewelry off, shoes on, and in their place by their designated time.
  • It is the CHEERLEADER’S responsibility to notify the coach prior to an absence. This should be done as far in advance as possible and should not be done less than 2 hours before a practice or a game unless there is an emergency. If the coach is not notified by the CHEERLEADER, the absence becomes unexcused and a consequence will be administered. Understand that just because you call doesn’t make an absence excused. Cheerleaders should call no matter what to keep the coach aware of the reason for their absence/tardy. If you get no response from the coaches, assume we did NOT get your message, and keep trying to contact us. If we do not respond to you, your absence is unexcused no matter the reason.
  • Practice times are scheduled in advance for your convenience. PLEASE be respectful of our time. Make arrangements to have your child picked up ON TIME from every event. Any cheerleader that is late being dropped off or picked up from practice or ANY cheer related event will be removed from practice or performance until they can consistently (3-4 weeks) be dropped off and picked up on time.
  • Attendance requirements and practices are subject to change based on upcoming competitions/performances with little or no advanced warning. They are still mandatory.

Parents: ______Date: ______/______/______

Students: ______Date: ______/______/______

Practice, Ballgames, and Competitions

  • Practice time is to be serious and well structured. Practices are closed to everyone to cut down on distractions. Playing and goofing off will not be tolerated as it can result in unnecessary injury.
  • Every cheerleader will participate in all activities that take place during practice time unless a doctor has excused them due to injury or illness. At such time, different conditioning will take place that will not further the cheerleader’s injury or illness. NO cheerleader will be excused from conditioning, practices or performances for a chronic illness or injury. Any chronic illness or injury that prevents a cheerleader from performing his/her duties to their team will result in that cheerleader being removed from practices and performances to prevent problems for the team. These students will be changed to a “manager” position or will be removed from the team.
  • The use of cell phones is strictly prohibited during practice, games, and competitions. Cheerleaders may use their phones to and from events (with a coach’s permission), and at the last break of practice, during half time of the last game, and/or after closing ceremonies for competition. If you have an emergency and need your child, please call or text one of the coaches. Any cheerleader caught using their phone when they are not supposed to will result in the phone being taken away from the cheerleader, and they will have to attend a 15-20 minute coach’s detention to get their phone back. Any phone that rings during practice, games, or competitions will result in the same punishment.
  • Cheerleaders will not leave any cheer related event until dismissed by the coaches for any reason. Leaving an event without being dismissed will be considered an unexcused absence.
  • Whining and complaining will not be tolerated. Please address all issues as they arise in private with other team members or the coaches if it becomes necessary. Problems could include anything from an injury to a disagreement. It is important for team members to be positive in their interactions with each other and their coaches. Arguing among team members is not tolerated as it causes tension among the squad.
  • Cheerleaders will ride to and from all cheer activities on the bus. Under NO circumstances will any cheerleader be allowed to leave with anyone other than THEIR parent and they will only be dismissed to a parent in rare cases with previous approval. Cheerleaders may not drive their own cars to functions away from SHS and no other student may ride the bus with the cheerleaders. These are MHSAA rules and we will NOT make exceptions. Any cheerleader that has a chronic medical reason that prevents them from riding the bus to and from all events away from SHS will not be able to fulfill their duties and will be removed from the team.
  • Cheerleaders should observe proper bus behavior in order to insure the safety of all passengers. All cheerleaders will remain seated while the bus is in motion, and will refrain from activities that could distract the driver such as yelling, singing, changing seats, talking loudly, using a camera with a flash after dark, etc.
  • All cheerleaders must be present and checked in either in their seat on the bus or in the designated location at home ballgames at the specified time or they will not participate during that game or performance. This can include competitions. If they miss the game completely, it will be treated as an unexcused absence.
  • Bathroom breaks need to be taken before the games or during half time. Refreshments are allowed only at half time or in between games and cheerleaders are expected to be ready to go at the start of the next game/quarter.
  • Competitions are a privilege, not a right. Competitions can be taken away by the coaches as a consequence for lack of effort, poor classroom performance, behavior problems throughout the year, etc. This can mean just one or two cheerleaders are removed from the competition, or the entire team if needed.
  • The #1 priority of all of our cheerleading teams is to support the school’s athletic teams. Competitions are secondary. Obligations for team support will be taken care of first, and we will participate in competitions if all previous obligations are met.
  • Separate rules and contracts can be required for participation in competitions.
  • SHS Cheerleaders are ONE TEAM with two functions. The “Ballgame Team” will have the primary function of cheering all football and basketball games, planning pep rallies, and making signs/treats for the ball teams. The “Competition Team” will have the primary function of cheering designated football games, helping with treats/signs when possible and representing SouthavenHigh School at competitions. ALL cheerleaders on BOTH “teams” will be expected to perform well, and should represent SouthavenHigh School to the BEST of their ability.
  • Cheerleaders will be chosen for one team or another based on their experience, abilities, and interest. Once chosen for a team, the cheerleader may not for any reason switch teams. All cheerleaders can and will from time to time be asked to assist or fill in as an alternate for the other team, but they must remain on the team they were chosen for and they must return to those duties when their assistance is no longer needed on the other team.
  • Competition cheerleaders are chosen based on their experience and abilities as a cheerleader to maintain the rigorous schedule of competition. This is a very demanding position, and needs to be understood upfront that at many times we will practice 5 days a week and you can not miss for ANY reason, even when you are sick or injured.
  • Competition cheerleaders should also understand that everyone will not compete at every competition. We will do our best to allow everyone to compete at some point throughout the season, but we will pull alternates for every competition. Alternates may change from competition to competition, and will be chosen based on ability and what is needed for that particular competition. These cheerleaders are still required to be at every cheer related event and should know every part in case they are needed at any time to step in.
  • The competition part of the squad participates in MANDATORY tumbling classes. These are included in your monthly fees and all cheerleaders are REQUIRED to go. This is a necessary part of the team increasing their skills. Consequences will be administered if cheerleaders do not attend, and cheerleaders can and will lose their spot or be dismissed for consistent and/or blatant refusal to attend tumbling.
  • Cheerleaders will be pulled out and replaced with an alternate for grades, behavior, attitude, injury, illness, lack of effort at practice, excessive absences or tardies, or any other reason the coaches see fit. These cheerleaders will still go to all competitions including Nationals, they will still practice, and they will still be in attendance at every practice and competition, or they will be dismissed from the squad.
  • Alternates will be chosen as soon as we are able to do so before each competition, and we will let them know as soon as we do. Alternates may also be put back into the competition if they improve on the skills that they were lacking on when they were chosen as an alternate.
  • Please understand that we make decisions based on the best interest of the squad, and never anything personal. Please do not take these decisions personally, and understand that we give everyone an equal opportunity to perform to the best of their ability. Alternates are necessary and keep the squad from getting completely pulled out of a competition in cases of injury, illness, or other emergencies that arise. Alternates are an extremely important part of the squad and are treated as such.
  • Camp attendance and practices are mandatory. Camp dates are June 14-16, 2012. Dates will be given out as soon as they are known, and all vacations and trips must be planned accordingly. Cheerleaders will be given 2 “excused absences” AFTER camp for family vacation, but these must be cleared IN ADVANCE in order to be considered excused. Please observe practice dates and plan your trips around them.

*****Sitting out at a practice or game for any reason means the cheerleader is in uniform sitting with the coach; NOT with friends or family. Cell phone use is prohibited, and they will not be allowed to leave the area unless the rest of the team also has permission to leave. This is a punishment and will be treated as such.