Feria Internacionalde Turismode las Américas

International Tourism Fair of the Americas

September 20 - 23 – Mexico City



1.1 International Tourism Fair of the Americas, (Fita)

1.2 The organization is performed byRCM GLOBAL TRADE S.A. de C.V., hereinafter THE ORGANIZER.

1.3 Exhibitors are all those individuals or corporations that hire spaces and services in Fita to present products, services and touristic attractions.

1.4Fitashall be governed by the General Regulations, which include the standards to build stands, the standards for the application and utilization of additional services; drawings and fees of Fita. These instruments are accepted by the contracting party upon the signing of the Participation Application. These Regulations are available for the participants and shall be widely distributed.

1.5The ENTIRE PERFORMANCE ofFitashall be carried out by the ORGANIZER and the sponsors and collaborators included in the specific documentation of Fita.


2.1 TheOrganizing Committee,hereinafterO.C.,is the Fair’s authority and thus its decisions shall be final and unappealable.

2.2 TheO.C.is the entityempowered to construct and enforce these present General Regulations for all those cases not foreseen therein.

2.3 TheO.C.may delegate its powers to any entity or body within the organization of Fita.


3.1 Fitashall be held at the Expo Bancomer Santa Fe venue in Mexico City on September 20 – 23, 2012.


4.1 All government entities, representations, official or private institutions as well as national, international and foreign institutions, professionals, business operators and service providers from all fields of the Tourism Sectors may participate in the Fair.

4.2 The exhibitor companies may only display the products recorded in the Participation Application. In case they need to include new products, they shall request and obtain from the O.C. the relevant authorization.

4.3 The O.C. reserves the right of admission and stay at the Fair.


5.1 To participate in the Fita, the interested parties shall submit the Participation Application (Area reservation) filling in all the data requested therein.

5.2 The Participation Application (Area reservation) shall be submitted in the Fita official forms.

5.3 Regarding the area assigned, the ORGANIZER will give priority to the largest area requested and to the exhibitors of the former edition. In case the assignment of the requested area is not possible, the best available alternative will be offered. The Participation Application shall be considered as accepted once the ORGANIZER issues the corresponding invoice and the exhibitor carries out the payment thereof.

5.4 The O.C. in exceptional cases and as considered convenient for the better performance of Fita, may not enforce the standards set forth in these present General Regulations and make decisions or established guidelines to be mandatory for all Fita participants.


6.1 The areas are those indicated in the Fair drawings with the corresponding number and dimensions.

6.2 The prices per square meter (m2) of each area are those shown in the price list previously set by Fita, with the options of Free Area (without assembly) or Basic Assembly.

6.3 The area renting prices at Fitado not include the Value Added Tax (VAT), thus 16% shall be added for this concept.

6.4 The VAT will be invoiced according to the reservation forms submitted by each exhibitor during the Participation Application process. This invoicing will be subjected to review by the O.C. with the documentation verification made by the Administration and Finance Department.

6.5 The fee corresponding to the Free Area spaces (without assembly) includes:

a) Rent of the space during the preparation, exhibition and disassembly time. No partition panels are provided for any of the boundaries.

b) 110Vpower supply (1000 W/h for each 25m2)(see 21.4).

c) Carpeted aisles.

d) Common areas surveillance(see 7.1.1).

e) General cleaning of common areas(see 7.2.1).

f) General lighting.

g) General assistance and management(see 7.4).

h) Badges and invitations corresponding to the rented space(see 13.1/6).

i) Publication in the Fair’s Official Directory.

6.6 The areas marketed with Basic Assemblywill also be provided with:

a) Grey carpeted flooring.

b) Partition panels, aluminum framework and 2.50 m high white melamine panels.

c) Front ledges, 0.34 m high panels.

d) Normalized graphs on each front ledge.

e) Table and three chairs set with the following characteristics:

Up to 17 m²: 1 set (1 desk and 3 chairs)

From 18to 36 m²: 2sets (2 desks and 6 chairs)

f) Slim-lite lamps lighting.

6.7 The exhibitors shall not assign, donate, sell, rent, transfer or share the contracted space or part thereof.

6.8 The space price shall be paid as follows:

a) Cash.

b) 30% (thirty percent) upon the invoicing of the Participation Application and 70% (seventy percent) in installments, being the last term 60 days prior to the inauguration date of the Fair, the cancellation shall be made 65 business days before Fita’s commencement date at the latest.

6.9 Each late payment shall yield a delinquency interest from the maturity date thereof to its payment according to the rates of Mexico National Bank used for instrument discount operations.

6.10 In case of non fulfillment of any of the payments mentioned above:

a) The reservation or sale of the space shall be cancelled

b) The total amount paid so far will be lost.

c) The space will be assigned to third parties.

d) The delinquency will be automatic according to the law and due only by elapsing of time, without the need of any judicial or extrajudicial resource.

6.11 In the event that on the Fita inauguration date there were amounts to be paid for additional services and/or any other concept, the authorities may rule the closing of the stand without any indemnification or reimbursement whatsoever until said amounts have been paid.

6.12 In the event that, due to any reason, and once the total or partial payment is made, the exhibitor would cancel its participation or were not able to participate in Fita, it will lose all reimbursement rights of any amounts already paid.

6.13 TheO.C.is entitled to cancel and assign to third parties the spaces paid and not occupied 24 hours before the term set for the stands construction completion, thus the exhibitor will lose all reimbursement rights of any amounts already paid.

6.14 Any fee not canceled on the dates set in the Participation Application shall be paid at Fita sales value upon the cancellation.



7.1.1 The O.C.shall provide general security personnel in charge of order and unforeseen event, but it will not be liable for thefts and stealing acts. During the exhibition times and closing times no other personnel than the security staff mentioned and those authorized by the O.C. may be at the Fairgrounds.

7.1.2 No private security personnel from the exhibitor may be at the pavilions (stands) except as otherwise authorized by the O.C.

7.1.3 The EXHIBITORS and its staff must allow to have checked the packages and/or vehicles entering and/or leaving Expo Bancomer Santa Fe.

7.1.4 TheEXHIBITORSand Staffof the stand that have laptops, notebooks or portable computers may request the corresponding security lock at the Exhibitors Service Desk without this meaning that the O.C. is responsible for the security of the gadget, the cost shall be paid by the O.C. and will be free for the exhibitor.

7.1.5 The use of personal computers, infocus, screens and cellular phones shall be responsibility of the exhibitor and the O.C and the CENTER shall NOT be responsible for this kind of apparatuses.


7.2.1 The O.C.shall provide cleaning personnel for all common areas. The cleaning activities shall be performed while the Fair is closed and will be kept during the attendance of the public and exhibitors. The stands cleaning shall be performed exclusively by the exhibitor.


7.3.1 The O.C. will provide the power supply for the stand and the Exhibitor shall fill in the corresponding application and submit it before the O.C. within the set terms; the power consumption of the stands is as follows:(see 21.4)

Up to 17 m²: 1 Outlet 1000w 110 Volts

From 18to 50 m²: 2 Outlets 1000w 110 Volts

From51 to175 m²: 1 Switch 3X30 10kw 220 Volts


7.4.1 The Fita’s O.C.will be available for the exhibitor for all that regarding its participation, regulatory aspects, etc.

7.4.2 The Fita’s O.C. and its Technical Departmentoffer the exhibitors all specific consulting services they may require as well as data and accurate information on spaces and their dimensions, presence of columns, hydrants, location of the closest power outlet (mains), etc.



8.1.1 The exhibitorwill be the solely responsible for damages caused to its personnel, Fita visitors within its stand and/or goods or items of any nature due to theft, fire, lightning, storm, explosion, hail, water leak, humidity, flood, accident, civil unrest, sabotage or any other regardless of its origin. It shall also be responsible for damages and/or losses caused inside and outside its stand to its personnel and/or the items used or under custody thereof.

8.1.2 TheO.C.will charge the EXHIBITORS,the amounts caused due to damages for the construction of the stands, trucks and/or freights of their companies, caused by themselves or by the stands constructors to fixed and/or provisional facilities of Expo Bancomer Santa Fe.

8.1.3 The EXHIBITORS are bound to hire all the personnel needed to develop their activities during the entire period of assembly, performance and disassembly of Fita, pursuant the labor ordinances including the payment of social security, union, social works and labor risk fees currently in force.

8.1.4 THE ORGANIZERS are not responsible for the damages that may be caused by deficiencies in the power supply and lighting, sewage system, air conditioning, internet, food services, etc. Moreover, they are not responsible for the interruption of said services at Expo Bancomer Santa Fe due to any foreign fact and/or event.

8.1.5 The exhibitor is responsible for the security of its stand during the public visits hours as well as during the times set in items 8.3.2 and 23. In general, its responsibility is extended to all the term and times the space is under its possession, except for the stay limitations when the Fair is closed to visitors.


8.2.1 The exhibitors are fully responsible for the payment of rates, taxes and fees accruing the activities performed in their stands.

8.2.2 The exhibitors are also responsible before the corresponding authorities regarding copyrights, trademarks or any reproduction of images for the fees or duties imposed on the broadcasting of music and/or images of television or audiovisual media, in their corresponding stands. To do this they shall prove before the O.C. the payment of the corresponding fees or duties.


8.3.1 The exhibitors shall observe the assembly periods so the completion of their stands follows the Time Schedule (see 25.7). Otherwise, they shall pay a penalty of $2,000 (two thousand dollars), amount to be withheld by the O.C. (we suggest the exhibitors to charge this penalty in the agreements with your corresponding builders).

8.3.2 The exhibitors shall man its stand all days 30 minutes before the opening time and 15 minutes after the closing and to keep its personnel at their stand during the entire time.

8.3.3 The exhibitors shall be in charge of cleaning their stand, and shall keep it in tidy conditions during the stay of visitors at Fita. For this purpose, they have time prior to the opening (see 8.3.2.) and they should put the trash in the corresponding bins and never on the aisles.

8.3.4 The exhibitors shall dismantle the building elements of the stand and to return the space and that provided by O.C.in perfect conditions, as set forth in the Time Schedule(see item 25).

8.3.5 The damages proved shall be invoiced to the holder of the space and these shall be paid immediately. This person will not be allowed to remove their material until said payment is done. The exhibitors are not allowed to perform any repair works of any kind whatsoever.

8.3.6 Failing to meet the date to leave the area allows the O.C. to do it at the risk and expense of the exhibitor and the materials and/or elements will be withheld until the expenses made are fully paid. Fita shall not accept any claims whatsoever from the compulsive performance of such dismantling.

8.3.7 The security of all elements of the stands is at the risk and exclusive expense of the exhibitor during the days and times set for the assembly and disassembly.


9.1 All provisions of these General Regulations, circular letters, technical releases, Time Schedule, drawings, surfaces and prices are mandatory. The legal standards in force, especially those regarding safety, health, moral, labor, public order and administration are to be observed mandatorily. The O.C. may decide to close totally and definitively the stand of exhibitors that fail to comply with these present standards, thus terminating the contractual relationship without the need of any claim or indemnification or reimbursement of any kind.

9.2 If necessary, the O.C. will issue complementary communications to those provisions ruling the Fita, which will be timely send to be fulfilled.

9.3 In exceptional cases, the authorities of Fita may amend these present Regulations as considered convenient for the success of Fita and they shall be mandatory for all exhibitors.

9.4 Fita authorities will perform inspections during the development of assembly of stands, the event and the disassembly to check the compliance of the standards and provisions ruling the Fita.

In the even the remarks made by Fita authorities are not immediately corrected. Fita may perform them and charge them to the Exhibitor.

9.6 Any other kind of claim the exhibitors may wish to issue regarding the obligations of the ORGANIZER shall be submitted in written form and duly grounded before the O.C. prior to the completion of the disassembly period of the Fair. Otherwise this cannot be made in any other time.

The non fulfillment of these obligations will void the right to enforce it in the future.

9.5 In case of dispute regarding the construction or application of these present Regulations, a friendly agreement shall be made between Fita authorities and the EXHIBITOR; should this not be possible, they shall be voluntarily subjected to the jurisdiction of the Common Courts of Mexico City, herein expressly waiving to the federal courts and any other they may be entitled to.


10.1 In unforeseeable cases or force majeure, Fitaauthorities reserve the right to amend the dates, times or terms foreseen. In case of forced nullification, the amounts paid by the exhibitors shall be reimbursed after deducting the prorate of expenses made, without any indemnification whatsoever.


11.1 The attendance to the Fita Official Inauguration shall be limited to the special invitations the O.C. provides to federal, state and municipal authorities, the diplomatic community and representatives of the industry, trade, banking and journalism.

11.2 Fitawill be opened to professional visitors and guests on September 20th, 21st, 22nd and 23rd from 10:00 to 18:00 hours. It will be opened for the General Public on September 22nd and 23rd from 10:00 to 18:00 hours.

11.3 The O.C.reserves the right to alter the times if considered convenient for a greaterFita success.


12.1 This shall be exclusively with Accreditations, Invitations, the corresponding payment or written authorization of theO.C.


12.2.1 The access time for vehicles during the periods established for said purpose shall be those included in the Time Schedule(see 25).

12.2.2 The access of materials and vehicles to the loading and unloading area (operating yard) shall be made on Av. Santa Fe almost at the corner with Calle 3.

12.2.3 For the materials loading and unloading operations from vehicles parked at the Operating Yard of Expo Bancomer Santa Fe, there is a 30 minute free parking time. After this time, Expo Bancomer Santa Fe will charge the corresponding fee or may have the vehicle towed away without any liability for Expo Bancomer.


12.3.1 The accesses to the Fair for exhibitors and their staff are those allowed by their accreditation 45 minutes before the opening time of the Fair(see art. 11.2 and 25 of theTime Schedule).

12.3.2 The exhibitorthat due to special reasons needs to access 60 minutes in advance shall request it in written to the Fair Management 24 hours in advance and under the conditions described in 12.1.2 and 12.1.3.

12.3.3 Providers may enter one hour before the Fair opening time provided they have the written authorization of the O.C. under the conditions described in 12.1.3.

12.3.4 Besides the times and modes mentioned in 12.1.1/2/3, no person will be allowed within Expo Bancomer Santa Feexcept for those belonging to Fita organization.


All accreditations shall be provided with name, last name and barcode. All badges are personal and non transferable(No blank badges will be provided).

The unduly use of them will entitle the O.C.to remove and prohibit the access to the Fai to those people involved in said irregularities.

13.1 Fitawill provide the exhibitors with one Exhibitorbadgefor each 4 m² occupied. These badges are intended for the directives and executives of the exhibiting company.

13.2To make the Stand Staff and Stand Builder badges it is mandatory to send a list including the Registration to the Accident Insurance no action against Expo Bancomer Santa Fe and/or the ORGANIZER.

13.3Additional badges requested will have an additional cost of $200 USD (two hundred dollars)and this amount shall be paid upon their request.

13.4The additional badges will be delivered to the exhibitor once all payments are done.

13.5The only badges valid to enter the Fita are those issued by the Fair authorities, as well as the private security staff and Expo Bancomer staff duly uniformed and accredited.