Welcome to…

The Boys & Girls Clubs of DE

North Star Elementary School

The Boys & Girls Clubs of DE is excited about the opportunity to offer before care and after care in the North Star Elementary School. The Boys & Girls Clubs of DE School Site Child Care Program is licensed by the State of Delaware and will feature instructional strategies that enhance Red Clay Consolidated School Districts’ programs. This program will feature books for shared reading and guided reading technology with age-appropriate software, writing experiences, music, cultural and arts enrichment, field trips to extend learning and indoor/outdoor recreation.

The Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware School Site Child Care program’s before school care will begin at 6:30am. After school child care will follow the conclusion of the school day until 6:00pm. You may enroll your child for before school care, after school care, a combination of the two programs to meet your childcare needs. This program is open during early release, full-days off and holiday breaks. Children enrolled in after school child care will need to be picked up by their parent/guardian at North Star Elementary by 6:00pm.

We will consistently offer the following:

· Nutritious snacks/drinks EVERYDAY.

· Maintaining a 1:12/15 staff to student ratio.

· A full-time professional Director and Education Director on site with additional qualified staff.

· Staff certified in First Aid, CPR and in the administration of medication.

· Care that will be provided on half days at school and on full days off at the school or at FRAIM BGC/North Star.

Our fees for our featured programs are as follows:

· One time yearly membership fee to the Fraim BGC $15/year/child

· Before OR After school care: $70

· Before AND After School Care: $90

· Casual Care is available to families who choose to use our program on an occasional basis. Children must become Boys & Girls Club members and return all completed paperwork 48 HOURS prior to the day care will be provided

Casual Care Fees:

$20.00 per visit for Before Care

$25.00 per visit for After Care

$30.00 per ½ days (Before and After Care on one day)

$35.00 per visit for full-day off

*** We ONLY accept CASH, MONEY ORDERS, or ELECTRONIC DEBITING from a checking account as acceptable forms of payment!***

*** Unfortunately, we do NOT offer a discount on the second child. Discounted rates will ONLY be given when there are three (3) or more children in the family attending.***

Summer Fun Club is an added benefit of the North Star Boys & Girls Club School Site program. Children can enjoy their summer with school friends and the guidance of trained professional staff at North Star Elementary School. During the summer program the children are involved in thematic units, field trips, outdoor activities, crafts and many more exciting adventures.

All children must become a member of the Clarence Fraim Boys & Girls Club. The annual membership is $15.00 and is due at the time of registration.




Type of care needed:____ Before ____After____ Casual Care ____Summer

Child’s Name:_____________________ Date of Admission:____________

Child’s Age:_________ Date of Birth:____________________________

Grade, Teacher, & Room #_________________________________

With whom does the child reside? ____Mother ____Father ____Other

Mother’s Name:_____________________ Employer:________________

Business Phone:________________ Business Address:________________

Hours of Employment:______________ Email:______________________

Mother’s Home Telephone #:_______________ Cell/Pager:____________

Mother’s Home Address:_______________________________________

Father’s Name:_____________________ Employer:________________

Business Phone:________________ Business Address:________________

Hours of Employment:______________ Email:______________________

Father’s Home Telephone #:_______________ Cell/Pager:____________

Father’s Home Address:_______________________________________

Alternative Emergency Contact:____________ Phone #_______________


Alternative Emergency Contact:____________ Phone #_______________


Name of Person(s) authorized to pick-up child other than parents:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

(Child will not be released if person’s name is NOT listed)

Does your child have any allergies? Y/N (circle one) Please describe: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Does your child have any special needs? Y/N (circle one) Please describe: ________________________________________________________

Name of Family doctor:_______________ Phone:___________________

Name of Family dentist:_______________ Phone:___________________

Insurance Provider:_____________ Policy Number:__________________

Hospital Preference:__________________________________________

Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware

School Site Child Care Program (SSCCP)

669 South Union Street

Wilmington, DE 19805

North Star Elementary School Program Director: Alison Dwyer

1340 Little Baltimore Road Site Cell Phone Number: 302-463-6188

Hockessin, DE 19707


The Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware is part of a nationwide movement whose mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens.


The Boys & Girls of Delaware is a positive place to build better citizens, one youth at a time.


We accomplish this by providing:

-A safe place to learn, grow, and have fun.

-On-going relationships with caring adult professionals.

-Life-enhancing programs, educational programs, character and

value development experiences.

-Opportunities for family and community involvement.


The Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware SSCCP enhances the lives of children we serve by developing their values, skills, and self-esteem. In looking at our program the following aspects can and should be identified:


-Provide opportunities for democratic decision making. -PHYSICAL: sports; health awareness

-Reinforce honesty and truthfulness. -CREATIVE: art;music; dance; imagination.

-Encourage respect for people and property. -SOCIAL: conflict resolution;

-Facilitate kindness/tolerance. communication;teamwork;leadership.

-Provide a multi-cultural experience. -PERSONAL:self assessment;decision- making; goal setting; safety; values clarification.

-EDUCATIONAL:reading;math;critical thinking


-Emphasize positive attitudes.

-Provide equal opportunities for success and participation.

-Recognize cultural differences.

-Encourage self-expression.

-Allow children to voice and resolve grievances.

-Enforce consistent rules and regulations.

-Address individual needs.

-Encourage positive views of the future.

-Help children set and achieve goals.


ALL children must be a Boys & Girls Club MEMBER. The membership fee is $15 per year per child.

Health Forms: Upon admission into the SSCCP a current health appraisal by a certified physician or nurse practitioner is mandatory, and shall be updated yearly or in accordance with the recommended schedule for routine health supervision by the American Academy of Pediatrics. If a child has not received adequate immunizations as required by the child’s age, the SSCCP will require a written plan for updating the immunizations within a reasonable time frame. Any child born after March 1995 will need a Lead Level test given by physician. CHILDREN WILL NOT BE ADMITTED INTO THE SSCCP WITHOUT A CURRENT HEALTH APPRAISAL IN THEIR FILES.

TUITION: Timely tuition payments will enable us to better serve your child. Payment is due the Friday before care OR every Monday, for care that week. We are not able to accept personal checks. Tuition payments are processed through the ACH Electronic Funds Transfer System. Cash, cashier checks, or money orders are also acceptable methods of payment for tuition. Our fees are: Before OR After School ONLY is $70.00/week/child, Both Before AND After School is $90.00/week/child. Unfortunately, we do NOT pro-rate our weeks! A full week of care is considered to be three or more days.

Weekly Care- for parents who need childcare Monday-Friday. Before and After school care as well as Before or After school care is available. There is an additional fee for full and half days off from school for those children enrolled in our program. Please note: if you register your child on a day off and choose not to attend the fee will still apply. A full week of care is considered to be three days a week or more. We do NOT pro-rate our weeks when there is a four day school week. FEES FOR THANKSGIVING BREAK, WINTER BREAK AND SPRING BREAK WILL BE ANNOUNCED.

Casual Care- for parents who want to use the program occasionally. Current enrollment information must be on file to use the SSCCP on a drop-in basis. There is no guarantee that the drop-in space is available. You must first contact the Site Director to see if there is space. Please call the Site Director at least 24 hours before the date you wish to use the program. Fees are: Full day/$35, half-day/$30 (both before care and after care on a normal school day), before school only/$20, and after school only/$25.

*There will be additional charges for any field trips. ALL FIELD TRIP FEES ARE TO BE PAID IN CASH!


Payment is expected every week except for pre-planned vacations or other time off, with a two week written notice prior to the vacation.

Year-End Tuition Statement-Tuition payments processed through the ACH Electronic Funds Transfer System will be provided with a year-end tuition statement upon your request. If you make Cashier check or money order payments, you will need to retain your weekly receipts for tax purposes. A year-end statement will not be available.

Purchase of Care (POC)-Purchase of care will be honored; however, more than 5 absences without prior notice will forfeit POC assistance. Families using before AND after school care will be charged a full day rate for POC. Families using care on full days off from school and/or participating in summer camp will be charged a 1½ day rate for POC. Families participating in POC must be pre-approved for the care needed. Families who do not obtain pre-approval for their child(ren’s) care will be responsible for payment variation between the POC payment and the actual program tuition. FIELD TRIP FEES ARE ADDITIONAL FOR POC CHILDREN. Families using POC who decide to remove their child from the program must give the site director a two week written notice.

Late Pick-up-All children are required to be picked up by 6:00 p.m. The late fee will then begin at 6:05pm and the charge will be $6.00 at that time. There will be a $1 charge per each minute, per child for pick-ups after that time. Late charges are due at the time of pick-up and must be paid in CASH. Children will not be admitted back into the SSCCP until payment has been made for the late pick-up.

Field Trips-Field trip fees are not included in the tuition. Field trips are usually planned on half and full days off from school. When the SSCCP schedules field trips, it is our policy that ALL children who are enrolled in the SSCCP on that day take part in the field trip; no staff will remain behind. Parents/Guardians are responsible for alternative childcare arrangements if they choose not to have their child participate in a field trip. There are no refunds if parents/guardians choose not to send their child.

Absences-When a child will not be attending the school site childcare program due to a pre-scheduled appointment or alternative childcare arrangements please notify the site director one (1) day prior to the absence. There is no tuition reimbursement for absence.

Special Needs Child Care-specialized care admission procedures shall include:

1. A written referral relevant to the placement in child care from a licensed physician, psychologist or specialist certified in the field of the child’s special needs.

2. A written plan of communicating with family and professionals serving the child’s special needs for the duration of the child’s enrollment.

3. A trial attendance period for each child not to exceed six (6) weeks to evaluate the appropriateness of the program, adequacy of the physical site, and compatibility of the child with the program.

There are 10/11 days the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware observe as holidays. In observance of these holidays, the SSCCP will be closed and no childcare will be provided. However, payment is required for a full week of care. The site director of the SSCCP will give a list of these holidays to parents/guardians. Additionally, the site director will post notification of “no-care” one and a half to two weeks prior to Boys & Girls Club of Delaware holidays.


All enrollment information must be completed and initial tuition paid at least 3 days before starting the program later in the year.

Children are enrolled for the school year or the remaining part of the year if the child enters after September.

Upon notification of admission into the School Site Child Care program, the following documents must be completed and given to the Site Director:

1. Registration Information Page

2. Child Information Card

3. Health form-age appropriate health appraisal and immunization record.

4. Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware membership form.

5. Emergency Authorization Form

6. Field Trip Permission Slip

7. Signed Parent Handbook form.

8. EFT Authorization Form, if applicable

9. Purchase of Care form, if applicable.

10. Christina School District Transportation Form

11. Sunscreen Authorization Form (only applicable during summer fun program)

12. State of Delaware Right to Know Form

13. Movie Release Form

Please include per child the tuition for the first week of care and the $15.00 Boys & Girls Club membership fee. (Paid via electronic debiting, cash, or money order, or cashier’s check only.)

A child(ren) will not be able to begin the School Site Child Care program until the Site

Director receives all documentation & fees.


1. All children must become members of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware

2. The school site childcare begins at 6:30am and ends at 6:00pm.

3. Parents/Guardians MUST COME INTO THE FACILITY to sign-in their children upon arrival each morning, and sign out their children at the end of the day.

4. Children will not be permitted to wait in the front of the building for their rides.

5. Children will not be permitted to leave the facility grounds for any reason.

6. Release of Children: Anyone approved to pick up your child should be listed on your Emergency Information Form You need to have someone other than the parents listed as an emergency contact. This is a state requirement. We will not accept any child without someone other than the parents listed for an emergency). The site director needs to be notified when someone else will be picking up your child. Even if it is an emergency, the site director needs your permission to release your child to someone other than you. Written documentation naming the person(s) authorized by the parent/guardian for the release of the child(ren) is required for dismissals. Identification must be presented and verified before any child is released from the program. The SSCCP has to assume that both parents have the right to pick up your child, unless you give the site director a copy of a court order stating otherwise. There will need to be a plan of action for handling the non-custodial parent who arrives to pick up your child. Without a court order, the Site Director cannot refuse a parent. If the site director has a court order and a non-custodial parent tries to pick up the child, the site director will call the custodial parent. If the non-custodial parent leaves with the child, the site director will immediately call the police and report the situation. The Site Director will not place the other children at risk in a confrontation with the non-custodial parent.