January 12, 2015

Mayor Carney / Absent:
Councilman Weekes
Councilman Kramer / Councilwoman Hawver
Councilman Hawver
Mayor Pro Tem Williams
Others in Attendance: Clerk/Treasurer Elvira Birrueta, Admin. Ranger and attorney Sara Watkins.
Staff Report
Railroad Street Extension
Drinking Water Revolving Loan (DWSRF) / Admin. Ranger provided the staff report.
Railroad Street Extension: Labor documents need to be submitted from the contractor to follow close out process.
Water Valve Improvement and Reservoir Improvements: the loans were split for the projects. Reservoir in the process of being complete and staff is working on the telemetry purchase equipment from Controlfreeks to follow reimbursement and close out process. A voucher is in the open period as expenses occurred during 2014 and the check will be held at Town Hall until the equipment has been received.
Naches Valley School District K-4th Grade
Public Works
Review Voucher’s & Treasurer report
Rick Carney, Mayor / Naches Valley School District: Bonlow Drive (Phase I) curb and base rock is completed, and illumination has been completed. Pave will be done during Phase II of the process. Staff and Town engineers are working on a proposed entrance for student drop off.
a)  Public Works Labor Negotiations for 2015 through 2018. The contract was included in the packet for review.
b)  Phase III SEPA and Shoreline Application: Admin. Ranger discussed the process.
c)  Yakima Emergency Management annual fee went up over $300 for 2015.
d)  Yakima County Wide Planning Update 2015-2040: Admin. Ranger discussed.
e)  Staff is still working on records retention
f)  Urban Growth application to Yakima County: Spinner Wood Products would like to expand and use the Town’s Water/Sewer Services.
g)  Depot Advisory Committee: A meeting was held on January 6 with prospective committee participants.
General maintenance is being done, including refurbishing Mono belt filter press, and water system telemetry. Admin. Ranger is working on a project list for 2015.
Staff provided the Voucher report to Council and reviewed the list. The vouchers included are December second payment, open period and 2015 expenditures. Clerk Birrueta did not provide the Treasurer report as books are to remain open until January 20, 2015 by law.
With no further business to discuss at the Council Study Session, the meeting was adjourned at 6:38 p.m.
Elvira Birrueta, Clerk