Patient Education Information Sheet
North Florida/South Georgia
Veterans Health System (NF/SGVHS)
Home Care Programs
Home Care Programs
Of the North/Florida South Georgia Veterans Health System
There’s No Place Like Home!
The goal of the VA home care program is to help chronically or terminally ill or very disabled Veterans stay at home and avoid hospital admissions. To do this, we provide support services based on the Veteran’s needs and your VA provider’s order. These services are free to most Veterans. Only Priority 7 or 8 Veterans may be billed co-pay for Home Based Primary Care visits. Intermittent Skilled Home Care, Home Health Aide or Home Hospice services may be paid for by the VA, your Medicare, or insurance, but you will not be billed. Our VA home care office sets up home health agency care. You may pick your home health agency by letting your VA provider or our office know what agency you want.
Home Based Primary Care (HBPC) (352)374-6005:
This program helps Veterans who are homebound and too disabled to come to the clinics. VA HBPC staff teaches Veterans and their caregivers how to care for themselves.
- A nurse practitioner can visit you in your home to give you all of your primary care.
- Other team members such as a social worker, occupational therapist, dietician, psychologist, and registered nurse (RN) can also visit if needed.
- We make sure Veterans have medication, supplies, equipment, and advice to make the care as easy as we can.
Skilled Home Care (352)374-6021:
This care is short-term home care by RNs, rehabilitation therapists, and social workers. The team focuses on a new problem such as wound care after a surgery or rehab after a stroke. The care is given by a home health agency in your area.
Home Health Aide Program (386) 487-1832:
This is a program for Veterans who need personal care such as help with bathing.
- In-home respite for caregiver relief can also be provided 2 days per month up to 6 hours per day for those veterans who cannot be left alone.
- The care is given by a home health agency in your area.
Gap Home Assessment Program (386) 487-1832:
This program evaluates Veterans in their homes who are:
- Awaiting home health assistance or those receiving VA home health aide services who are asking for more services.
Home Transitional Care (352) 264-7390:
This program serves Veterans discharged from hospitals or nursing homes who are at high risk for readmission.
Medical Foster Home Program (904) 396-8770:
Medical Foster Homes are private homes in which a trained caregiver provides services to Veterans. A Medical Foster Home (MFH) can serve as an alternative to a nursing home. It may be suitable for Veterans eligible for medical care who require nursing home care but prefer a home-likefamily setting with fewer residents
Home Hospice (352) 374-6021:
This is an in-home health care program. The program is for Veterans who are likely to be in their last 6 months of life. Care is provided by a hospice agency in your area.
How Long Do Home Care Services Last?
How long home care lasts depends on such things as how homebound you are and how much you improve. Decisions to stop home care are made by the home care staff and VA providers, and with your input.
Visit your NF/SGVHS Internet site at: