St. Tammany Parish School Board
Covington, LA
Title I
Parent/Family EngagementPlan
2017-2018 School Year
Bayou Lacombe Middle March 23, 2017
School Date
All Title I funds are to be used to support school goals and objectives as addressed in its School Improvement Plan. Title I activities must have an instructional component FOR PARENTS/FAMILIES.Incentive activities (i.e. Honor Roll Breakfast) are not to be considered as one of the six (6) required activities and cannot be paid for with Title I funds.
SIP Page(s)listing the activities below: page 8
Parent/Family Engagement Activity Planned Date of Event
Title ___Literacy Night ______October 11, 2017
What will you teach parents so they can help to improve their student’s academic performance?
Students and parents will practice reading skills with short stories of high interest through cooperative grouping activities which parents can continue with at home to assist with increasing student comprehension.
Title __Family Math Night ______January 19, 2018
What will you teach parents so they can help to improve their student’s academic performance?
Students and parents will participatemath activities such as math facts, graphing, money use, place value, division, fractions, and measurement. Parents will leave with the ability to re-create these activities at home.
Title _Meet and Greet ______August 8, 2017
What will you teach parents so they can help to improve their student’s academic performance?
Parents will meet and greet their child’s teacher and receive back to school tips to boost student morale or success, learn the expectations, and receive a lay-out of the school.
Title _Third Grade Student/Parent Orientation______May 9, 2018
What will you teach parents so they can help to improve their student’s academic performance?
Parents and students of in-coming fourth graders are invited to an orientation and tour of the school to learn the expectations and the lay-out of the school.
Title __Grandparent Day Breakfast ______September 13, 2017
What will you teach parents so they can help to improve their student’s academic performance?
Grandparents will be invited to attend a “Grandparent’s Luncheon” where they will have the opportunity to eat with their grandchild get educational “tips” on literacy and helping your grandchild succeed in school.
Title ___Computers with your Kids______February 7, 2018
What will you teach parents so they can help to improve their student’s academic performance?
Parents are invited to attend guided computer instruction where they visit age appropriate educational sites and learn how to use the site to benefit their child.
Keep announcements, agendas, and sign-in sheets for meetings in the Parent/Family Engagement foldersin the Title I File Box with this record. (Folders 11-16)