Process Safety Management Training Update
A BUILT-RITE committee has been working since October 2000, in developing a Process Safety Management Recertification Training program.
Having completing this task the committee is now working to revise the old certification-training manual last updated in 1998.
This memorandum is intended provide a summary of the new and existing requirements and in the use of the Process Safety Management Recertification Training modules required to meet the Philadelphia Area Refiners and OSHA standard for contract worker preparedness in refineries.
Some of the suggested changes were presented at the April 26, 2001 meeting of the Refinery/Contractor/Union task force and given a go-ahead for development and approval.
Under the present model for Process Safety Management Training the Building Trades Unions provide instructors and training schools for the delivery of the training curriculum. The building trade members provide their time off the clock to receive the training at their local union training centers. The union and contractor instructors are trained by OSHA professionals from the OSHA training institute under the sponsorship of BUILT-RITE or by other OSHA approved sources. OSHA 500 trainers employed by the contractors also provide training to union and non-union management, office and vendor personnel who require PSM certification.
All confidential certification data submitted by the OSHA 500 instructor is transferred to the Built Rite Passport computer server for subscribers to access via the Telephone Response Confirmation System for worker training status. Information provided to subscribers is limited to the workers PSM readiness status only.
At the present time, approximately 24,000 workers have been through the training curriculum required for first-time certification and are entered into the Passport database. In order to maintain a current certification, workers must receive Process Safety Management Recertification Training every two years and successfully complete a written test administered by the OSHA 500 trainers with 85% as a passing grade. Approximately 3,200 workers receive the full and refresher training each year. The building trades unions do about 99% of the training.
The new PSM Recertification Training Program provides the trainer the option of changing from the traditional training methods to the use of the new textbook and videotape training that has the flexibility of the traditional classroom presentation or unsupervised student presentation in the classroom, at home or the worksite. Each student will have the opportunity to take the Recertification course on his or her own schedule and pace before testing, thus encouraging a more through review and understanding of the material. The OSHA 500 trainers will provide the required link for student’s questions prior to testing. Testing will still be done using the current traditional methods.
In broad terms, the model for the delivery of training remains the same as previously outlined and PALM would continue to oversee the program management, provide training materials and track the status of the certified workers in the Passport data base for daily work readiness confirmation.
The Delaware Valley Petroleum Refiners currently do not accept the National Building Trades OSHA approved 10 hour training program (Smart Mark) as PSM certification. This safety-training course was developed using the OSHA Construction Standards as a model. This program is currently lacking on subjects including General Refinery Safety Rules, Process Safety Management, Drug and Alcohol Policy, Work Permits, Lock Out Tag Out and Permit Required Confined Space Entry, which are covered in more detail in the OSHA General Industry Standards.
There are many building trades union training programs across the country that currently provides their safety training using the Smart Mark program. BUILT-RITE approved training organizations providing additional training using the new PSM Recertification Text and Video in addition to successful completion of the Smart Mark program will provide the necessary additional safety training to attain a PSM ready status, providing many new workers for the local Delaware Valley Petroleum Refinery workforce at minimal cost.