Macbeth Seminar Topics 11/30-12/1DOUBLE QUIZ GRADE
- Type your answers to the following questions. Be prepared to share your answers with the class on block day. You must supply textual evidence as part of your responses; be sure to include the page number for use as reference during the discussion.
- You will not be allowed to use your book while in the circle.
- You will be graded on your typed responses AND on your participation in the discussion.
- If you cannot type your responses, write them neatly, using the front side of your paper only. You must show your written responses to me before class begins, or you will not receive credit.
- When answering the questions, keep in mind the thematic concepts, symbols, and other literary elements we have discussed.
#1Trace Macbeth’s descent into evil. Notice his characteristics at the beginning of the play. What is Macbeth’s “true” character? How does he react to temptation? Discuss how Macbeth’s character changes throughout your reading. Analyze his behavior offering specific evidence for his transformation. Why and how does he change?
#2Trace Lady Macbeth’s descent into evil. What is Lady Macbeth’s “true” character? What are her true characteristics at the beginning of the play? Trace Lady Macbeth’s character changes from the beginning of the play throughout your reading. Lastly, compare/contrast Lady Macbeth and Macbeth. Explain your answer giving evidence from the play.
#3Is Macbeth’s downfall the result of outside influences or a result of his own decisions? In other words, who is ultimately to blame for Macbeth’s downfall? The witches? Lady Macbeth? Why? Explain your answer giving evidence from the play.
#4What is man’s proper relation to fate, destiny, and free choice? Discuss the tension that exists between trusting a higher power and taking responsibility for one’s own actions. Explain your answer giving evidence from the play.
#5Macbeth is considered one of Shakespeare’s finest plays. One reason for the acclaim is because the story emphasizes moral and ethical responsibility. Discuss the theme of responsibility and consequences as revealed in the play. What lessons does this play offer to modern audiences? Explain.
#6Does Shakespeare believe that humanity is punished for the evil it does? Are the good rewarded? Explain.