U.S. History II

Grading system: Students are graded on a cumulative point system. At the end of each marking period, all student-earned points are added up and divided by the total number of points possible. This number will be the students final grade.

Homework: points are awarded for completion or accuracy.

Quizzes: 10-20 points

Tests: 20-30 points

Writing Assignments and Projects: 25-50 points

Participation: 2 points per period for F.O.C.U.S.

Students who have not done their homework can earn partial credit for writing it down when the class reviews homework in class. Late homework and assignments (not gone over in class) will be lowered by a letter grade.

Course Proficiencies:

Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to:

The Civil War and Reconstruction

  • Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the northern and southern military
  • Identify the major battles and explain their significance
  • Explain why the Emancipation Proclamation helped the North win the war
  • Identify key figures of the Civil War
  • Describe the condition of the South after the Civil War
  • List the terms of reconstruction and explain Southern reaction
  • Explain the gains and reverses in fortune for the African-American during Reconstruction

Immigrants and Inventors

  • Explain why immigrants left their countries
  • Explain why immigrants came to America
  • Locate on a map the countries of Southern and Eastern Europe
  • Describe the immigrant experience during the great wave of immigration
  • Describe the registration process at Ellis Island
  • Identify the major inventions of the period and describe why they were important
  • Explain the relationship between invention and growth of industry
  • Idenitfy the problems created by rapid growth of cities and industry

Imperialism and WWI

  • Identify and compare the empires of Europe
  • Use a map to identify and locate the territories acquired by U.S. during period of imperialism.
  • List and explain the causes of World War I
  • Describe America’s role in WWI
  • Explain the purpose of propaganda
  • Describe the conditions and problems of trench warfare
  • Connect text-to-self: How would you respond to sinking of Lusitania and Zimmerman telegram
  • Summarize the conditions of the treaty of Versailles

Boom and Bust: The Roaring 20’s and the Great Depression

  • Describe the boom and bust economic cycle
  • List the effects of the Stock Market Crash of 1929 on the economy
  • Find on a map the states effected by the Dust Bowl
  • List the sequence of events brought on by the Stock Market Crash on a timeline
  • View and analyze pictures of the Great Dust Bowl to observe the damage created by the dust storms
  • Describe the impact of the Great Depression on American citizens

World War II

  • Compare the similarities and differences of WWI to WWII
  • Explain the rise of dictators
  • Analyze anti-Semetic propaganda
  • Identify the Allied and Axis Powers
  • Create a timeline of the actions of the Allies to drive Germans out of Europe
  • Describe the strategy of D-day in terms of the cost of wa4
  • Map the progress of the war in the Pacific
  • Explore the decision to drop the bomb

The Cold War

  • Practice mapping skills to:visualize see how U.S.S.R. expanded its control of Eastern Europe after the war; compare the size of the communist republics of China and the U.S.S.R; locate the wars in Asia (Korea and Vietnam)
  • Define and differentiate between capitalism and communism
  • Explain the term “Cold War”
  • Identify the causes of the Cold War
  • Compare the similarities and differences between the wars in Korea and Vietnam
  • Explain the “Domino Theory”

The Civil Rights Movement

  • Identify the various groups (African Americans, Native Americans, Migrant workers, Women) who fought for equality and identify the rights they wanted
  • Describe the methods groups used to protest for change
  • Distinguish between non-violent resistance and violent resistance
  • Explain the major laws enacted as a result of the civil rights movement
  • Make connections between outcome of WWII and movement for equality