WYS Baseball Minutes
Monday, August 3,2015
6:30pm –7:55pm, Rose Room, Wilsonville Library
Additional participants (list names):Nels Ericson, Brian Keswick, Deb Arthur, Steve Schramm, Jeff Hall, Mark Kochanowski, Sarah Soderlund, Kate Gillett, Jackson Gillett, Cameron Ebby, Bart Forsberg, Gary Rowen, Jason Seibel, Shaun Fee, Dave Saccente, Bou Wu, Phil Gendhar, Robert Gendhar, Janis Sanford
Thank you to John Santiago for all of his work over 7 years
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Seal)(5 min)
- Review minutes, address open items
Minutes read
- Vote to approve minutes
Minutes approved
- Discuss next meeting date/time (Carter)(5 min)
- Wednesday, September 9th6:00 pm at Wilsonville Library, Rose Room
- Recommend to meet 2-3 times by end of September-mandatory
- August 31st and September 14th also possible meeting dates
- Participation of board members needs to be addressed at next meeting
- Review 12 month discovery of Program and New direction.(30 min)
- Carter/Larson discuss overall discovery and growth Plan
- Agenda-time slotted for people that RSVP
- After 2014 season there were issues, concerns and frustrations
- Success at rookie tourneys, stumbling blocks at Junior and Senior
- Concerns about coaching-handbook by Larson and Turco developed with help from Bryn. Goals to develop skills for HS comp and others. Greater good for all 280 kids in programs and increase the size of program
- More clinics offered for coaches and players
- Goal: understand community, how can we grow and improve all?
- Facilities subpar-Mentor graphics Park and Reser Grant on table
- Integrate with HS
- More transparency between board and community-alignment
- Losing kids to other sports
- Rules and Bylaws change year to year
- More communication ie Facebook for info and congrats
- Fundraising
- Lack of volunteerism
- Develop young men, foundation thru sport
- Process-12 months project-coaches, community, other head coaches, invited CR and LL, invited people to help with process
- Hurdles with email and website but working on it
- Survey monkey to get feedback suggested
- Will work on 1, 3 and 5 year plan
- Bryn Card High School Review and Direction(Card)(10 min)
- History-only 6 Federal level kids in the program, graduated 15 seniors and only 1 Fed and 1 American player
- Not getting Fed kids-don’t want to play anymore
- Everyone needs to see great pitching-get all kids to a baseline not just a few
- Direction/Goals:
- Pitch count is important-need to learn to pitch 7 innings with 90 pitches
- Older kids transition thru a Futures League, join HS kids sooner
- Clinics: 3 coaching and 2 for players- get people involved to run them
- Review Pro's and Con's of Three Baseball options.
- JBO:
- Pros: kids with like abilities play together
- Cons: Track pitches by inning not pitches
Difficult to place kids in Matrix (all star team at the beginning of the season) Reliant on JBO to get back to us
Ever changing rules
- Cal Ripken:
- Pros: boundary set w/rep, willing to work with us
Lots of opportunity to play in all-star tourneys
Easier to win
Help from league to put schedule together
House Rules
Cost less money
Training for umps provided by CR
- Cons: Track pitches by inning not pitches
Very few teams in Oregon-lots of travel (WA and ID)
Flexible rules
Early success may not lead to success later and growth
- Little League:
- Pros: Incorporate West Linn
Multiple Divisions (12 yr olds can play w/13)
Coaches involved in eval process
Kids can play up or down-match up talent
12 kids on a team (LL help to place kids if more or less than 12)
Play 24+ games a year
Can play tourneys
All-stars and honor opportunities-more kids participating
Donations, fundraising, improve facilities
- Cons: range of talent on the same team
Starting from ground up-short time frame
No LL tourneys
Safety net from WYS not totally there
Pitching from a longer distance comes later
All-star teams have three weeks of practice together
- Review JBO meeting updates
- Allow for Discusion of New Direction(20 min)
- Registered speakers % minutes per requested
- 4 People have requested time.
- Kate Gillett: It is about how much they play, season is too short
Need a focus-vision for the program
Brian Matthews-always be a kid because of parents, wishes the communication between Don and JBo had been better
- Jackson Gillett: Spring season and summer season for those that want it
What are they learning going 1st to 3rd on a steal
Best teams come from LL
- Bart Forsberg: Baseball program needs a change, every year there is a JBO crisis and kids drop out
Not all kids and parents are committed-timing of the season-start late and then hard to field a team once summer
Community involvement not at same level as say football
- Michele Seal: Big four problems reoccur every year and LL can solve it:
Coaches at evals, # of games, talent is compressed so differences not as big as people think, the shifting rules
- Update on the Connex (Mark K)(10 min)
- What goes in it?
Everything-get it painted and then move stuff from MP
- Help with organizing connex include painting
Need to paint it green before school
- Fall Ball discussion (SEAL) (10 min)
- Next steps
- Three options: Sherwood, WL and N. Clack. Seal recommends Sherwood. Board approves unanimously
- Dave Saccente asks about team formation: there will be a process
- Have Kim Rusher do registration
- Review Baseball Calendar (Carter)(10 min)
- August work to be done?
- Need volunteers for Connex
- Clinics and Camps for the Fall and Winter?
- Open Business (Carter)(10 min)
- Midget American team to be celebrated at Volcanoes game August 10th
- Date for next meeting is coming up
- Reser Grant got thru 1st level, asking 65K, Epping Foundation to match, there will be a go fund me site
- Turco needs gear back
- CCJBA-Phil: pros and cons, good to see that Wilsonville is looking hard, winning does help, try to address games/season with a shorter National season
- Jason Seibel: Similar program in Sherwood, fundraising is important, will share and help
- Motion by Kevin Larson to move to LL: vote 7 yes and 1 no
- Meeting Adjourn 7:50pm
- Meeting Adjourned at 8pm