Module Description


Title / Implementing Practice for Children and Young People(Child Branch Module Four)
Code / NJ269
Level / 5
Credit Rating / 20
Pre-Requisites / Complete of common foundation programme/conditional progression subject to exam board.
Type of Module / Intensive
Aims / This module aims to integrate learning from previous Proficiency and theoretical modules
To enable students to achieve competence to manage and support the care needs of children and young people
Contributes to NMC Proficiencies / 1.1a, 1.3a, 1.3b, 1.3c, 1.3d, 2.1a, 2.1b, 2.3a, 2.3b, 2.3c, 2.4a, 2.4c, 2.4b, 2.4c, 2.5a, 2.5b, 2.5c, 2.5d, 2.5f, 2.6, 2.7a, 2.7b, 2.8a, 2.8b, 2.8c, 2.8d, 3.4b, 3.4d
Learning Outcomes/Objectives / On completion of the module students will be able to:
Analyse clinical care needs and achieve Proficiency skills necessary to denitrify, assess, plan, meet and evaluate the care to support children and young people in the following areas:-
Communication and development
Hydration and perfusion
Personal hygiene
Altered consciousness
Accurately keep record keeping in accordance with guidelines, current legislation and local policy.
Work collaboratively with other health service providers and social care.
Role of play in communicating with children and young people.
Providing children and young people the opportunity, facilities and the medium to effectively communicate their views and needs.
Content / Role of hospital play and the Play Specialist.
Identify and meet the specific needs in the preparation of children and young people for clinical procedures and in reducing the effects of the hospital experience.
Identify and meet the specific and cultural nutritional needs of infants, children and young people.
Identify and meet the care needs of children who require support with nutritional needs:
Enteral and parenteral feeding
Naso-gastric/jejunal tubes
Gastrostomy tubes
Identify and meet the provision of care for the infant, child and young person who requires specific interventions to meet their hydration and perfusion needs:
Management of intravenous therapy.
Drug dose and volume calculations.
Monitoring indirect and direct blood pressure.
Management of hypotension and hypertension.
Management of blood transfusion and blood products.
Identify and meet the specific and cultural elimination needs of infants, children and young people.
Meeting the needs of children who require support with elimination needs:
Catheterization and management of indwelling catheter and intermittent:
Management of incontinence.
Use of suppositories and enemas.
Identify specific and cultural hygiene needs of infants, children and young people.
Interventions to meet specific eye, oral, skin, hair and hygiene needs.
Identify and meet the care needs for the infant, child and young person who requires respiratory support:
Airway maintenance and use of suction.
Care of intubated child.
Management of oxygen therapy including toxicity in the neonate.
Physiotherapy to optimise respiration
monitoring equipment.
Identify and meet the care for the infant, child and young person who requires specific interventions to meet their thermoregulatory needs:
Temperature regulation and monitoring.
Choice of temperature measuring devise and site.
Management of hypothermia and hyperthermia including equipment used to maintain body temperature.
Identify and meet the care of the infant, child and young person with altered consciousness who requires specific interventions to meet their needs:
Communication and development.
Hydration and perfusion.
Personal hygiene.
Thermoregulatory Neurological.
Accurate record keeping in accordance withguidelines, current legislation and local policy.

Teaching and Learning Strategies

/ Proficiency based learning use of skills lab supported by theoretical input , discussion, group work, case scenarios/problem-based learning.

Learning Support

/ Mentors in clinical placements and tutorial staff
Indicative Reading
Benner, P. 1984. From Novice to ExpertNew York: Addison Wesley
Innerarity, S. (Ed.) 2002. Fluids and Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy Springhouse;
Innerarity, S. (Ed.) 2004. Nursing Pharmacology Made Incredibly Easy Springhouse;
Lindon, L. 2001. Understanding Children's Play Cheltenham:Nelson Thornes;

Lissauer, T. and Clayden, G. 2001. Illustrated Textbook of Paediatrics Elshevier Mosby;

RoyalCollege of Midwives 1999. Successful Breast Feeding Elsevier Churchill Livingstone;

Smith et al. 2001. Family Centred Care Palgrave Macmillan;

Stroobant, J. 2001. Handbook of Paediatric Investigations Elsevier Churchill Livingstone;

Tassoni, P. and Hucker, K. 1999. Planning Play and the Early Years Heinemann Educational Books.
UKCC. 1998. Guidelines for Records and Record Keeping London: UKCC
United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing and Midwifery and Health Visiting 1999. Fitness for Practice: The UKCC Commission for Nursing and Midwifery Education London: UKCC.
Assessment Tasks / Demonstrate competence in each of the 8 areas of supportive practice. The occasions chosen for each section should collectively represent children of a variety of ages and in variety of contexts. Each skill recorded will have been observed by aRN with appropriate expertise
Brief Description of Module Content and/or Aims (Maximum 80 Words) / This module intends to provide students with the nursing skills to manage and support children and young people with acute and complex health needs requiring support to optimise function and promote development.
Area Examination Board to Which Module Relates / Pre-Registration Diploma in Nursing
Module Team/Authors/Co-ordinator / Susanne Simmons (Module Leader), Trudy Ward, Jill Durrant, Celia Marshall
Semester Offered Where Appropriate / Year 2, |Semester 3
Site where delivered / Brighton
Date of First Approval / March 2005
Date of Last Revision / March 2000
Date of Approval of This Version / March 2005
Version Number / I
Replacement for Previous Module / NJ221
Field for Which Module is Acceptable and Status in That Field / Nursing
Course(s) for Which Module is Acceptable and Status in Course / Pre-Registration Diploma in Nursing
School Home / Institute of Nursing and Midwifery
External Examiner / Lynda Smith